Newbie to LL

Yeh 110% all the way ! Just want it all to be off now its such a burden and i cant let my grandmother down :)
Hi River - COngrats on your start and your engagement!!!

Those friends of your can eat their words at your should have NO problem being down 2 dress sizes - probably even more! You can count on about a stone a month, and by Devember you will be well on your way!

COngrats!! :D
Ah thank you Blonde logic, Ive been reading your blog and your such an inspiration, i only hope i can be as strong and successful at Lighterlife as you have been! Your words have given me some food for thought :) x
Thank you Blonde Logic and everyone else for all your kind words, i only wish id come upon LL sooner and this forum too! I live away from my family (theyre in wales) and today it dawned on me, when i see them at christmas ill be a new woman hehe :D.
awww River thats will be a different person when they see you next honey x
Hi River and welcome! Christmas is SUCH a long way off, in LL terms. You'll have completed your first 14 weeks by then and so you can expect to have lost at least 3 stone, probably more, as long as you've stuck to it - which isn't hard to do after the first few days! Just picture the look on your family's faces when they see you at Christmas. Go on - picture it! Bet it made you smile! Hold that thought in your head and return to it if ever you feel yourself weakening! You can do it!
so true karen!
Made me smile hehe you got me in tears here but tears of happiness of course. Thank you karen :)