

New Member
Hello all - I have today received my first box of Exante - and am so sick of food that I am looking forward to shifting some weight. I have tried every diet under the sun - in 2005 I weighed 9 stone and am now 4 stone heavier. It is quite tough as I am now at home all day and do not have the joy of a working week so I have too much time to myself - and you all know what I have found myself doing!! I swear that the food knows my name..... Anyway, enough is enough and I am so focused - I know it will be tough but here we go!! It would be great to find a fat-fighting buddy in the Kent area - but just to have some support on line would be lovely!! xxx
Hiya Frylight! Welcome to Exante. Ive only been here two days but loving it so far. Havent got many tips yet just keep drinking water. Good luck x
Hi there, welcome and good luck. There is plenty support on line should you need it, just keep posting on here and there is always someone offering good advice and a helping hand.
Hi frylight! Am only on day 2 so just started as well :) you sound motivated and I think that's half the battle! Lots of water, black coffee and coke zero seem to be getting me through... Best of luck for tomorrow!
good luck frylight, im in week 5 and still enjoying it, the only tips I can give you is stick to it 100% and you will be fine. I have 3 packs lots of black coffee and water everyday. I found the bars abit bleurgh to begin with but i swear the choc orange bar now taste like a well branded sweet treat yum yum.
hey I am on day 2 today, also from kent.
good luck xxxx