

shake shake shake it
Hi all, pleased to meet you!

I'm about to order 2 weeks worth of S&S - I've been spending a while researching VLCD and their pros and cons, and this one seems like the best (in taste and value!).

I used to scoff at VLCD's, as I was a massive fan of WW - I lost nearly 6 stone on it two years ago but a set of life circumstances conspired against me (and of course my own lack of willpower) and I've never really felt as in love with it as I was before.

To be honest I think part of my problem with WW was the slow results - I was ending up starving myself to try and get slimmer, thus depriving myself of nutrients etc. Which was the beginning of the end really ;)

I would like to at least give this a shot - it may work, it may not - the only reason I sound defeatist is that I've started so many diets before (granted, all with WW or calorie counting, which the latter lacks structure) and I end up putting far too much pressure on myself!

A little about me; I'm 27 and live in Bury St Edmunds - any localites let me know, I'd love to get to know everyone but especially those who are local(ish). I live with my boyfriend and my two guinea pigs - hence the username ;)

Is there anything I should know or be aware of before embarking on this? I have to admit I'm little confused with the whole veg/white meat or fish thing - I understand the 200g of veg can be supplemented on top of the meals, but where does the protein come in?

Thanks in advance xxx
Hello and welcome :)

You will get a set of instructions with your pack. The veg allowance is there is you want it daily along with 150ml skimmed milk... The plan is either 3 packs along with 100g protein and the veg allowance. Or you can do 4 packs with veg in there somewhere. You can alternate 3 or 4 packs daily as you wish.

Everything will be in the instructions, with the protein you can eat. If there is anything else you arn't sure off there's loads info on here. As well as people to help. If you look at the stickies above there is a few on the diet etc..

Hi PiggieMummy

I have done both WW and SW before and lost 5 stone on each of them.. but each time ended up putting it back on. Now, there's no guarantee SnS won't have the same thing happen, but I figure at least it won't take me as long to lose the 5 stone this time!!!

The protein thing works like this:

You either do 3 packs per day + 100g protein (which you can have on its own as another "meal" or you can add it to one of your 3 packs to bulk them out, eg: by adding 100g chicken to a curry pack). If you do this option you must take a multivitamin each day


You do 4 packs a day and not have any extra protein

With EITHER option you can add 200g approved veg, 150ml skimmed milk and up to 500ml Coke Zero a day.. but these extras are all OPTIONAL on either of the plans above.

You can decide each day which option you want to follow eg: you can alternate 4 packs per day on one day and then do 3 packs + protein the next.

Hope that helps x
Thanks so much :) It could be because I'd had a long day but nothing was making much sense when I was reading it ;)

I will probably do the 3 packs and 100g/200g thing initially.

Do you find that you spend less doing this than you would if you were buying food based on a WW/SW diet? We are having to penny pinch at the moment and I don't want to make it harder on my other half, although I'm sure he'll appreciate me not buying wine or cheese :p

Welcome hun :)

I find I save so much money on plan. We eat a lot of fresh stuff and normally I go pret or Starbucks so save money there too!!

Start a diary when you get started Xx
Hi Piggiemummy, just wanted to say hi and to wish you luck! It's my first day back after quite a few months of messing about with Cambridge and S&S. Got 4 weeks until my holiday and then I'll be back 100% S&S until I reach my goal just before Xmas! I think doing the 3 packs and then a protein and veg meal is easiest especially if you have a boyfriend as you can still have dinner together so it doesn't feel such like your missing anything! I'm sure you are going to enjoy it, as when it's done properly the losses are amazing compared to WW or SW! Good luck x
Thank you for the well wishes! I can't wait for it to come now...because of bank holiday etc it's not going to be here until Wednesday :(

I figured we'd save a bit - we tend to eat out a bit and I spend probably too much on wine etc. A is quite happy with cheap stuff for dinner where as I'm always pitching at the expensive sort so I'm guessing it'll be a lot financially easier on us if I have everything planned out!

I think majority are saving on this plan,unless you grow your own food you'll be saving alot lol... Also I'm eating ''normal'' sized portions instead of 3 portions per meal or somthing greedy lol.
Hi Piggiemummy! I'm based in Essex so not too far, also have 2 piggies!! I'm on day 2 now and have decided to go for the 4 packs a day as I'd find temptation to much to have dinner with the husband. Good luck for when it arrives, keep us updated.
Hello and welcome
Hi and Welcome, I too am a Newbie, starting 4 packs of S&S a day. I do expect that I will spend less each month when I add up all the little bits, coffees, takeaways, treats etc but the monthly outlay does seem a lot in one go :cry: I have over 6 stone to lose and look forward to sharing the weight loss journey with you.

Hi Piggiemummy! I'm based in Essex so not too far, also have 2 piggies!! I'm on day 2 now and have decided to go for the 4 packs a day as I'd find temptation to much to have dinner with the husband. Good luck for when it arrives, keep us updated.

Aww where abouts in Essex are you? We're not far from the border :) What are your piggies names? We got two last weekend and they are still settling in.

So ordered it last night, been doing a lot of research and joining of groups on Facebook and stuff to get the gist of everything!

Welcome!! :)

I have to say apart from the odd hard day where I want to eat my entire body weight in crap I actually do enjoy this diet. I have been on for 4 weeks now and have lost 15lbs. But it feels like so much more. I have been this weight before but never this size, my stomach is disappearing at a rapid rate and my top half looks so much smaller already which defo helps give you the motivation to keep going!

Sure you'll do fab!! :)

Aww where abouts in Essex are you? We're not far from the border :) What are your piggies names? We got two last weekend and they are still settling in.

So ordered it last night, been doing a lot of research and joining of groups on Facebook and stuff to get the gist of everything!

We have 2 little girl piggies, Bailey and Nadine, they are nearly 4 now. Have you had piggies before? We are near Stansted:).
We have 2 little girl piggies, Bailey and Nadine, they are nearly 4 now. Have you had piggies before? We are near Stansted:).

You're not too far from me then! Well, about 45 minutes away. Lovely names, ours are called Gilles and Banana - weird names I know :eek:

Thanks for all the well wishes, I'm really looking forward to getting started - is there anything I should do as a preparatory measure? I'm thinking that I may try and low carb it for a couple of days, just to get myself into the swing of things. :)

I cut down on carbs and increased how much water I drink, seems to have helped, day three now and i've not had any headaches for tiredness, may be worth a try. x