NHS Direct on Ketosis

I have read a lot of replies and what i would like to say is 1.I have heard of two cases in my town of "Lipotrimers" been admitted into hospital due to liver and kidney problems . 2.My Doctor is totally against Lipotrim. .3 The chemists are making a mint in selling LT. But that hasn't stopped me from using it cos it worked before for me and I really need to lose weight.
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My 1st thought was I'd rather be thin! However, I did at the back of my mind have a worry about ketosis as it doesn't seem natural, but as others have said, being hugely overweight has got to be worse for us and the nhs!!
Interesting though- will not be showing to friends though who A)do not agree with LT and B) do not know how it feels to battle with weight to the degree that I have/am!
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NICE the national institute for clinical excellence reccomend that no one follows a VLCD for more than 12 weeks as prologned ketosis does carry a risk of damage to both liver and kidneys (the reason my GP hauled me off LT at 12 weeks), Lipotrim will never be 100% available on prescription as NICE wouldnt pass it as a necessary drug i mean look at all the cancer drugs they never pass for widespread use

Forgot to add as i wasnt awake
my Gp has also said i can go back on LT after a break so he isnt totally against ketosis or VLCD just against them for prolonged periods he like many other doctors knows the pro's and cons of ketogenic diets .. if i stay fat i could get diabetes, heart disease etc if I follow a VLCD for 12 weeks i lose some of that weight but run the risk of problems with my health

I suppose its up to the individual, i went on LT knowing that as a kid i had suffered problems with my Kidneys but i still went on it and would do again. I think the easiest thing to do is if you feel rough or not normal in anyway after a few weeks on LT get checked out if your told to stop you stop if your told your fine carry on if you let fear of things that may never happen affect your decision regarding LT then you will never go on it and youll stay unhappy and fat

Gen x
Nursey point of view...its simple.
Ketones can be badk for liver / kidneys
The amount of water we drink EASILY flushes the bad percentage out of our systems.
Hence why LT is safe