nibbling my way thru the queasy!

helo dis.just ead you diary & thoroughly enjoyed it.
you have a light touch with words ( probably like a spongr for you) giving glimpses of how things are with the baby.
you are doing really well onthe diet.

Ps know exactly what you meant about when yuo sat with your legs crossed & not having to hold it up at the knee. I still hav to look down & check sometimes as I casn't always believe I can do it now & do it without realising.

I wonder what little thing will ahppen next to help to spur you on?
Hi Dis,

Your doing exceptionally well! 25lbs. off is very impressive in under four weeks.

Love Mini xxx
Dis, You are doing phenomenally well. 25lb in 25 days is a whole 1lb per day so far. it has to slow down sometime, Im sure I will only have a little loss next week after my great loss this week.

But I do know exactly what you mean though about down days. I have had them when I start to worry about not being able to continue with the diet to goal, or putting the weight back on. Thats one of the reasons I stopped weighing myself every day. It was completely doing my head in not seeing the scales move every day.

The average is 1 stone a month Dis. Remember that. You have far exceeded that for your first month, but if you continue at a stone a month to target its only going to take you a little over 3 months and you've cracked it.

Hope you are feeling better today. If the weather is nice, put Fynn in his buggy, take a couple of litres of water and go for a nice walk. The fresh air and the exercise is a great way to boost your mood, and keep you out of the kitchen.

dis you are doing so well
your weight losses will slow down but dont worry i think you will still brezze through this diet
you are a star

kaz :D
Good Morning, Campers!
First of all, a very very huge thank you to everyone who posted their ever encouraging words, as i , once again needed them! I'm so very priveliged to have such fab CD pals.

And also, as i posted: This too shall pass...and Pass, it has done! We all get those days and i know they are to be expected. i dont know if its just waking up on the wrong side of the bed or what....just as long as we all know to expect them once in a while, right?

I didnt post at all yesterday because i took up someones advice and left the house. Needed a little bit of retail therapy...well, shopping for fynn! not me just yet. ((i dont wanna buy clothes just yet..must save for when trousers are falling off!...and im not far from that)). Little side note: how weird will it feel being able to shop somewhere else besides Evans or Bon Marche?!?!?!?

Anyways, i think yesterdays shopping for fynn was the first time i had to buy clothes for him, he's been wearing alllll the clothes given to us from when he was born plus all that was shipped over from california from friends and family! luckily, i was given all sizes.

When i got home from shopping (in the rain, no doubt...thank you, Sunny Wales!), i tidied the house and then of course started baking lovely treats. I think i've been making sweets and cakes, etc MORE since i've been on this diet. Definitley something psychological i suspect! The hubby is taking us to a BBQ in chester put together by his work pals. And since i'm always sending treats to wotk with him, i just had to make something for this. American style fudge (different from UK) plus a Caramel Chocolate Tart. The tart smell divine!

Ok, i'm going to read through everyones diaries before i have to start getting ready to leave the house. ((oh crudbuns...i just remembered...we're supposed to go to my in-law's farm for a short visit on the way to the bbq....better start getting ready earlier...))

Anne! i hope you are going to have a great weekend...even though i suspect you will be doing alot with the new house (moving, decorating, etc). it will be so worth while in the end, right? kinda like CD!!

Kaz & Sam! you both have a fab weekend as well! Keep up your magnificent CD strength.

Ciao 4 now ladies!
will catch up when i get back late this afternoon...

P.S.... the avatar i have up is me and the hub at xmas 2006. my face was more round and i think substantially more round just before i started CD. im not sure how to post pics in my gallery otherwise i'd put them side by fact, i'm gonna spare a few moments and look again on how to do that.
so check in my gallery later on.

p.s.s. As of today, i'm 1 pound away from my first goal! woot woot! ((to lose 2 stone!!!)) i think ticking off those mini goals boosts the spirit, dont you? so im looking forward to marking off my first...hopefullly tomorrow or by monday!
fingers crossed!
Hiya Dis!!!
Lovely to see your upbeat post.....
You are doign so well, and yes looking at your phot you have definitely a more sculptured defined face right now....
I can't wait to get rid of my big fat face....
You made me laugh about Evans and Bon Marche..... I actually think the clothes in Evans are often very poor quality, and so have been using Bon Marche for the past few years....

I am always embarrassed shoppig their as it seems in our store that most of the shoppers are 60+

I am very busy with the hosue just now, but that is good because I think for the first 2 weeks this diet had totally consumed me and it is nice to get a bit of my life back to do other things....

It must have been lovely shopping for Flynn, I always loved baby shopping for my tiny ones, and to be honest I still enjoy it as much now.... although of course I don't get much say so when shopping for the 12 and 11 yr old :)

You are so close to that 1st Goal Dis....... you should be there by tomorrow! I will check back!!!!!!

Take care today and have a great dieting day!!!
Good Morning Dis, have to agree with Anne about how much your face has changed.

Good luck on hitting that 2 stone mark in the next day or two. Having the mini goals is great motivation as the big picture is sometimes too much to take in, but you get a real sense of achievement every time to beat one of your targets.

I really admire your strong motivation. Baking all those yummy cakes would do me in. I would just have to scoff the lot. Im not ready to put myself through challenges like that yet.

Have a great day Dis.

Hiya Dis!!!
Lovely to see your upbeat post.....
You are doign so well, and yes looking at your phot you have definitely a more sculptured defined face right now....
I can't wait to get rid of my big fat face....
oh ya? well, i cant wait to get rid of my big fat butt! LOL ((sorry, i couldnt resist!))

You made me laugh about Evans and Bon Marche..... I actually think the clothes in Evans are often very poor quality, and so have been using Bon Marche for the past few years....

I am always embarrassed shoppig their as it seems in our store that most of the shoppers are 60+
thats funny! i went into my local BM just yesterday i think it was. And i just wanted to find a cute simple top to go with my black trousers that are finally loose enough around my thighs so that the cheese doesnt show (my lovely bumpy cellulite..ahhhh )) lol..anyways, all i could find was clothes that looked like it belonged to the 60+, but the place was filled with shoppers maybe in their 30s... needless to say, i didnt find anything so i ended up wearing my baggy trousers and a maternity tshirt to the bbq today. (( it was kinda fitting because it was a nice cotton stretchy blend.

I am very busy with the hosue just now, but that is good because I think for the first 2 weeks this diet had totally consumed me and it is nice to get a bit of my life back to do other things....

It must have been lovely shopping for Flynn, I always loved baby shopping for my tiny ones, and to be honest I still enjoy it as much now.... although of course I don't get much say so when shopping for the 12 and 11 yr old :)
yes its very hard to resist shopping for babies! and you are very right about not getting the say so as they get older (i was difficult as a preteen, or so i have been told...)) so i'm just enjoying it now while i can.
You are so close to that 1st Goal Dis....... you should be there by tomorrow! I will check back!!!!!!
OooooOOoo! i hope so! at least by monday morning weigh in!
Take care today and have a great dieting day!!!

as i've already posted in your diary, i hope tomorrow is a far easier day for you, mentally!

ciao 4 now, and good night!
Good Morning Dis, have to agree with Anne about how much your face has changed.
thank you both for noticing!
Good luck on hitting that 2 stone mark in the next day or two. Having the mini goals is great motivation as the big picture is sometimes too much to take in, but you get a real sense of achievement every time to beat one of your targets. oOOoo i'm very much looking forward to marking off the first one and possibly adding more! its making it such a great deal with something "closer to view" to aim for, as oppossed to the Main Goal!

I really admire your strong motivation. Baking all those yummy cakes would do me in. I would just have to scoff the lot. Im not ready to put myself through challenges like that yet. thank you again, but i will say that i havent a clue where all this has come from. i dont want to jinx it by talkinb about it so much, but FYI, there are moments when i have to stop myself from licking the little bit of batter or cookie dough or sauce off my fingers just to clear the food away from my hands, etc...instead, i'm going through SOOOO many more t-towels! hehhehe alotta wiping...
oh and i was thinking about why i have been baking sooo much since starting this diet. my Mum in law reckons that i'm subconciously feeding everyone else to fatten them up while i am the one who's losing the weight. i dont know if i agree with that to be honest. i just like to see the reactions on peoples faces when tey are enjoying the foods i make, sweet OR savoury!

Have a great day Dis.


Thank you sam! i hope today went ok for you as well...
ok i've spent to much time replying to sam & annes comments (scroll down!)) that i cant do a proper entry about today...soooooo, i'm going to do it first thing in the morning.

i have Franz Ferdinand playing in my ear and i think bopping my head around is either making me MORE sleepy or the only thing keeping me awake long enough to type up something.

well, i'll just say its no biggie deal..just went to a BBQ at one of hubbies co-workers smelled GORGEOUS! ahh meat...

anyways, i will type more in the morning!
lol dont be silly anne! you shouldnt be sorry about me having to reply..etc. i'd rathre have replied to everyone else rather than post my own, tbh! and the bbq isnt really saga material...i;d just say...hmm...curiousity, maybe?

remember last week when i mentioned i had an "overly emotional weekend & it involved an issue with hubby"?
ok so last friday, mmy hubby forwarded me an email that had a funny photo in it he wanted to share with me...this email was also sent to one of his pals in california. i scrolled down to the bottom to find the pic...but i found other interesting reading material instead! the ding dong hubby is an IT expert and you'd think he, of all people, would think to send the pic in a new email instead of having all his conversations back n forth with this guy in it, wouldt you?? heheh

to put it in a nutshell, the hubby said something to his friend and it kinda went like this: "you know that girl i told you about? tall & slim? ...((and it went on as boys sometimes do , about boob size))... and then it went on with: i'd never do anything because it would cost me dearly...but i wish i could sometimes..."

needless to say, when i read that: :hitthefan:!!! i knew exactly who he was speaking about, a girl from the office.

my first feeling was all about..Oh no! should i be worried? threatened? etc? ((as one would, right?)) and then my second immediate thought was: tall & slim? bigg boobied?? and here i am short and fat, and losing my boobs as i lose weight! and then my 3rd reaction was: but this is Dave we're talking about here...i hate to say this, but he's not the type to stray and play about. i have great confidence in the fact that he would tell me he'd rather be with someone else and we'd take it from there, instead of effing me about. and of course, my reaction after i calmed down and stopped shaking was: he did say to his pal that he wouldnt do anything cos it would cost him i had to take that into consideration.

but of course, me being female, i went a little crazy, agro, mad... and wanted to eat (but i didnt, as explained last weekend). so then when he got home from work that day, knowing i read this, he started to explain the issue, etc. but the Dummy dug himself in even deeper and told me that this alleged "shy and timid" woman said to him a few weeks prior: "i'm not into breaking up families but i do quite fancy you and would like to be with you, do you think there would ever be a chance?"

:eek: :sign0007:

he told me he said no of course and that he was flattered, etc. annnyways, i calmed and we discussed it, or rather he listened to my concerns. hehehe we're allll cool and great as ever, etc. When im in a rational state of mind, i know there isnt a threat. but of course i curiously wanted to see what she looked like, meet her.

and she was at the bbq! ok first of all, yes i was on my best behaviour and no one wouldve ever known that i knew about her interest i my husby. i met her. she was very nice. and quiet kinda. pretty in a plain sort of way. but pretty none the less ( i will be fair even though i dont wanna be LOL)).
and second of all, she DOES NOT have big booies, and she IS NOT tall. like he told him pal in the email... so i felt better about myself in a weird way. i cant explain it. but i did.
he says he was just winding up his pal about what this girl really looked like. Just being boys i think.

however, i tiny tiny part of me was still on patrol...and i felt like i really really needed to eat! ((all emotional of course!)). like when i knew husby was inside, she later followed and i coldnt help but be curious. i mean, really, he may have told her there's no chance ever, but that doesnt stop some women from trying. we all know what our species are like, right?? heheh

well, at the end of the day, i didnt cave to the glorious smell of the bbq with my emotions running a little on edge...and i even think the girl was nice. maybe even a little intimidated by me cos im a bit more of an extrovert and a bit bigger. :rolleyes: and there will probably be more opportunity for me to get to know her and i'll be fair again and say that i'll welcome the opp. Plus i think it was very important for her to see us as the strong family unit that we are. if you know what i mean.

ok ok ok. story time is over. i just had to vent. :psiholog:
thanks for listening. and if it was at all entertaining, even better! i find it funny myself, now...that i've chilled the :::Beep:: out. heheh

I Do hope you are all having a nice sunday! be strong when making the famiy those roast dinners! :drool: Just keep in mind that we already know what they taste like and we will get our time again (mind you with great portion control) to taste again!

ok so i just reread my post and forgive me for the typos!!! my fingers werent going as fast as my brain was...

and second, i did say "in a nutshell"...clearly i blew that nutshell right open and then some!! sorry it was sooo long!

oh and Anne! big day for us tomorrow! woot woot...
Awwww Dis, Big huge Hugs!!!!!!!!!

You are such a nice person!!!! I'm afraid I culdn't have even hoped to be as diplomatic as you were as deep down i think I am very insecure.....

I hope that things are OK between you!!!! why do men do this to us???

I am soooo glad you managed to stay strong ... I am having a nightmare this weekend with cravings etc... I just soooo 'want' to cheat..... It's my Personal sabbotarge system kicking in again! But god it's hard!

As for sunday roast? Nope not today... we don't do it every week and I am just making cheese and potato pie... that will fill them up no doubt!

Off now to celebrate my new status <although probably short lived> as mad pac champion in the arcade on here LOL

You take care and keep strong!!!!
Hey there....

Well done on your fab weight loss so far!!!

On the hubby thing.... you totally have the right attitude towards this situation... well done you!!!

Keep up the great work girl you are doing brill

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ok so i just reread my post and forgive me for the typos!!! my fingers werent going as fast as my brain was...

and second, i did say "in a nutshell"...clearly i blew that nutshell right open and then some!! sorry it was sooo long!

oh and Anne! big day for us tomorrow! woot woot...

don't apologise Dis, the post was great reading not to mentionhow well you managed the situaton re Hubby,her,& the BBQ. full marks all round.
know what you meanabout the 'in a nutshell' Some of my longest posts have begun ' to put it succinctly'

kep it up you're are doing SO well.
W/I tomorrow? I'll be back for the celebration drink
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Monday Weigh in..

Good Morning, Dieters! :wavey:

So far, im doing great this morning...mind you ive only been awake for about an hour and a half. i have the day planned out so i hope ot keep busy and burn a few calories working around the house, aerating the soil in the garden to prep for plants (granted, without the rain, fingers crossed)! and if the rain decides to spill, i'll be inside painting the middle room so we can finally move into it (giving fynn his own room to sleep awwww sad for mommy!)). :boohoo:

Righty!!! now to the big bidness of the day!!!
Weigh-In Monday! :scale: I did not quite reach my mini-goal (still just one pound away) but thats ok! I still lost 5 lbs this week! woooohoo!

im so made up! even more so because im in the 14's (stones, i mean!) wow it sure has been a while...and the thought feels good.... ahhhhh.


ANNE!!! i cant wait to hear how your weigh in goes sure your week number three has gone beautifully!