Nicki's New Year - 1st weigh in - whoop


Minimin Addict
I wasn't going to start another diary, I have several abandoned diaries littering all over minis and I do hav but I do like a place where I can witter to myself when I'm bored or hungry.

I realised around christmas that I have been on one diet or another since I was 12, I should mention I wasn't a fat child I was a normal sized child that thought she was fat who grew into an adult who is very fat. I am now 27 years old and I started ww last friday at exactly 24stone, to be a healthy BMI I need to lose almost 14 stone but to be honest I'm just aiming for a size 16. I am going on a plane for the first time in April to see my parents who live abroad and I'm so frightened I won't be able to fit in the seat, to be honest I don't want to go but they are so excited about it I don't want to let them down.

Today has been ok, I need to remember that no matter what I eat If i'm within my points I haven't failed/cheated. I had a macdonalds for tea but I pointed it, I went over my dailies so I used some weeklies.
I was just snooping around the boards when I noticed this.

Im enjoying my time off work. dont want to go back next week!
How are things with you? xx
Yeah not to bad, I went back today and It was hard trying to get back into the routine but the day went pretty quick thankfully. I'm thinking about either joining the gym or getting a push bike, I like the push bike idea because I could practice at night so no one would see me and when I can cycle enough without keeling over I could cycle to work in the summer.

Today has been another good day I've been totally on plan even with the addition of some chocolate biscuits at work and had a lovely tea of lamb steaks, mash, sweetcorn and gravy. Weigh day friday, eek
Wow - fabulous loss, you must be beaming!

Hope you have another brilliant week
Well done niki that is brill! Keep up the good work

Thanks hun x

Hey hun, how is your weeend going? xx

Hmmm pretty pants to be honest, hubby is at work so i've been on my own, Puppy won't stop whining which isn't usually a major problem but yesterday I managed to whack my head on the door frame and daze myself so I still have a cracking headache. Diets going ok though and I bought my bike this morning but I'm starting to regret that now, just don't no if i'm going to be able to manage it. Hows yours going?
Thanks hun x

Hmmm pretty pants to be honest, hubby is at work so i've been on my own, Puppy won't stop whining which isn't usually a major problem but yesterday I managed to whack my head on the door frame and daze myself so I still have a cracking headache. Diets going ok though and I bought my bike this morning but I'm starting to regret that now, just don't no if i'm going to be able to manage it. Hows yours going?

Ouch! Sounds painful Hun. I have a bug so been in bed all day today Quite enjoyed it tbh,well, except for the being ill part lol

Ooo what bike did u get? I used to love cycling. Always wanted to get back to it but end up walking the dog. You'll love it xx
well done on the first weigh in, ive been back lurking around minis for a couple of days but im yet to start any diet or decide what i want to do! Glad to see you're doing so well though, keep it up x
It'll probably be slimming world but just doing it at home as we still have all the books from last time. But need to wait till hubbys payday before we can have a proper food shop lol!
Amy you're back! I keep meaning to say that I get broody everytime you post a picture on facebook and shes always in the most adorable outfits. How is mummyhood?
Are you feeling better pr?