Nicola's Cuba Countdown

Evening ladies!

I'm feeling much better now after a lunchtime (well, 2pm) finish from work and an afternoon spent getting my food shopping and tidying up done, so I could spend this evening on one of my great loves, cooking! :D I've made a huge chilli con carne which is absolutely loaded with superfree veg, syn-free bbq sauce (how have I not discovered this before?! simply amazing!!), and subsequently bbq chicken drumsticks, followed by making my overnight oats for tomorrow :) Cooking always relaxes me, and the horrible week at work now feels like a distant memory, phew! :D

Breakfast: All Bran Berry Crunch (HEB), Tea (0.5)
Lunch: Macaroni Cheese Pasta n Sauce (1.5), Ribena Light (1)
Snacks: Raw Carrots, Sugarfree Cordial
Dinner: BBQ Chicken Drumstick, Chilli Con Carne, Rice, Yogurt & 40g Reduced Fat Cheese (HEA)

Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 3 Syns

Here's looking forward to a healthy and chilled weekend! :D x
aaahhh you've just inspired me to do the big food shop online, dont need it to arrive until next weekend, but I fancy a big plan session tonight!!! :D enjoy your weekend!
Syn-free BBQ sauce?! Please tell me more!

v miffed with sts this week when I'd been good all week and exercised lots :-s and I'd given blood just before WI!
Syn free BBQ sauce?! Please share! xx

Here's the recipe ladies! It's from the Little Book of Sauces, which I really need to use more if this is the standard of the sauces :)

1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped
1 tsp mild chilli powder
227ml/8fl oz passata
3 tbsp artifical sweetner
4 tbsp balsamaic vinegar
1 tbsp worchestershire sauce
1/2 tsp mustard powder
salt and freshly ground black pepper.

spray a pan with fry light and saute the onion and chilli powder over a low heat for 5 minutes until softened.

stir in the remaining ingrredients, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes untill thickened.

I then blended mine to get a smooth rather than chunky sauce and it is soooo good! :D

aaahhh you've just inspired me to do the big food shop online, dont need it to arrive until next weekend, but I fancy a big plan session tonight!!! :D enjoy your weekend!

Haha I'm properly on it at the moment, I was debating sitting down with my recipe books and planning out some new and different things for next week too! Have started making and freezing complete meals, so put rice in the takeaway tubs with the chilli con carne as well - then it's literally a case of defrost and eat, so no excuses at all! :D

Syn-free BBQ sauce?! Please tell me more!

v miffed with sts this week when I'd been good all week and exercised lots :-s and I'd given blood just before WI!

Aww just think of the positive... you've not put anything back on, and therefore everything you've already lost is still a fab achievement :) x

Sophia decided to wake me and my housemate far too early this morning considering it's the weekend, so think am going to try to go back to bed now as can't stop yawning! But am happy after a sneaky weigh-in, back down to 10st 12.75lbs already after my few days of being 100% :D xx
Right here's today's food plan...

Breakfast: Overnight Oats (HEB)
Lunch: 3 x BBQ Chicken Drumsticks, Baked Potato, Chilli Con Carne, Cheese (HEA), Yogurt & Salad
Snacks: 3 Amaretti (3)
Dinner: Beef Teriyaki (3) with Rice & Green Veg
Snacks: Berries, Apple, Freddo (5)
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Overnight oats are just the best aren't they? So filling xx

They're fab, but I'm having a bottomless pit day so could probably have still eaten another full meal straight after haha! :D
Haha! Maybe fill up on some water? Not very exciting but syn free ;)

That's the plan now, on my second pint of sugarfree cordial! :D

Going to write up my food now so I'm not tempted to eat anything else tonight, have eaten quite a lot really today with all those chicken drumsticks as snacks!! All SW-friendly at least, but I really don't need to eat any more :)

Breakfast: Overnight Oats (HEB)
Snacks: 3 x BBQ Chicken Drumsticks
Lunch: Baked Potato, Chilli Con Carne, Cheese (HEA), Yogurt & Salad
Snacks: 3 Amaretti (3), Chicken Drumstick
Dinner: Beef Teriyaki (3) with Rice, Sugarsnap Peas & Broccoli
Snacks: Freddo (5), Galaxy Bubbles Hot Chocolate (2) with 10 Sugarfree Marshmallows (4 Syns)

Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 15 Syns

Got a bit of a sore throat so off to curl up on the sofa... housemate's out for the night so I have 100% control of the telly :D

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I just ordered oats to come with the asda shopping next week. I need to start eating breakfasts again!! plus never tried this overnight oaty thing, sounds too yum. I used to do layers of oats and crunchy nut, sugar and milk in a big mug.....GOSH it was yummy! So this oat thing sounds like it's close to this old naughty treat ^.^
Wow that is one breakfast mixture I have never heard of, must have been super sweet!! :eek: Just to manage expectations, overnight oats is never going to taste as good as Crunchy Nut (which is up there in my top 3 naughty cereal favourites), but it is really nice in its own right - I make it with natural yogurt the whole way rather than putting the muller in too, so mine's probably less on the sweet side. Can't believe you haven't tried it yet! :p Am going to make mine again tonight for tomorrow morning's breakfast, set myself up well for the day :)

Happy bunny this morning, the last few days of being 100% are paying off and the scales are saying 10st 11.5lbs :D I'd love to get back down to my post-Ibiza weight again by this week's weigh-in (10st 9.5lbs) as then there's only another couple of lbs to shift in the last few weeks before Vegas... please body, let me have this one!

Today's plan is as follows (I think, trying to remember what I have on my planner downstairs)...

Brunch: SW Grill-Up - Bacon, Sausages (1), Egg, Beans, Tomatoes, Potato Cakes, Mushrooms, Toast (HEB) & Low Fat Butter (2.5)
Dinner: Sunday Roast - Chicken, Roast Potatoes, Roast Carrots, Broccoli, Sweetcorn, Yorkshire Pudding (2.5) & Gravy (2)

Plus am going to do the next lot of batch cooking - Spaghetti Bolognese today :)
Can I come round to yours for breakfast/lunch today they both sound delicious :D

I wish I could do batch cooking but I never know what I want until the day which is kinda annoying!
I've never had oats in my pocession so I've always been too lazy to I get them when I remember I want to try it! I'm very excited :D haha

Ooooh I want a cooked breakfast!!! =(
100% days make such a difference! So does batch cooking/cooking in advance that is my mission this morning! Happy cooking :) xx

Same to you! Am also going to make my spicy chorizo sauce and save that in single serving portions :)

Can I come round to yours for breakfast/lunch today they both sound delicious :D

I wish I could do batch cooking but I never know what I want until the day which is kinda annoying!

Haha that's the joy of batch cooking, one of everything's in the freezer already for when you fancy it! :) I'm actually debating making lasagne instead of the bolognese seeing as it takes so much longer to make and I think I've got everything in except the mince, which I was planning to go out and get today anyway :)

I've never had oats in my pocession so I've always been too lazy to I get them when I remember I want to try it! I'm very excited :D haha

Ooooh I want a cooked breakfast!!! =(

Cooked breakfast was YUM! :D Stuffed now though, my belly looks like it might pop haha!
I really hope plums are a speed food, as I've got millions of them!! My tree has suddenly ripened and it's time to do battle with the wasps to get my share! :D Have just scoffed 6 in a row (they are diddy though lol). This was a couple of mins worth of pickings...

End of day update...

Brunch: SW Grill-Up - Bacon, Sausages (1), Eggs, Beans, Tomatoes, Potato Cakes, Mushrooms, Toast (HEB) & Low Fat Butter (2.5)
Snacks: Plums!
Dinner: Sunday Roast - Chicken, Roast Potatoes, Broccoli, Sugarsnap Peas, 2 Yorkshire Puddings (5) & Gravy (2)
Snacks: Chicken Drumsticks with BBQ Sauce, Fruit Salad, Cherries, Tabasco Cheese (HEA)

Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 10.5 Syns

What a yummy day of food!

Bolognese sauce is just finishing up on the hob, and am about to start the spicy chorizo one - am slightly running out of room in the fridge and freezer now!! :eek:

Hope you've all had good Sundays? xx

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Yum! Do love a good curry! :D

Have just made my overnight oats for tomorrow's breakfast... that's today's cooking all done and dusted and my fridge and freezer very full! :D
