Nicola's Cuba Countdown

I know, I know... I am very naughty with my white bread!! That's why I have to restrict myself to once or twice a week - I just cannot bring myself to eat wholemeal, it's horrible stuff :rolleyes:

The potato cakes are super-simple (my favourite kind of food) - 30g of smash mixed with just over 100ml boiling water so it makes really thick mash. Then chop in a handful of chives, season with salt & pepper. Put the mixture into a hot frying pan with frylight as two splodges and then flatten them down into potato cake shapes while they start cooking. Flip once they feel solid enough to handle it, keep flipping until brown on both sides. Ta-da! :) x
I know, I know... I am very naughty with my white bread!! That's why I have to restrict myself to once or twice a week - I just cannot bring myself to eat wholemeal, it's horrible stuff :rolleyes:

The potato cakes are super-simple (my favourite kind of food) - 30g of smash mixed with just over 100ml boiling water so it makes really thick mash. Then chop in a handful of chives, season with salt & pepper. Put the mixture into a hot frying pan with frylight as two splodges and then flatten them down into potato cake shapes while they start cooking. Flip once they feel solid enough to handle it, keep flipping until brown on both sides. Ta-da! :) x

Is smash free on EE? Will maybe give them a try sometime then!

Have you tried the high fibre white one which is a proper HEB? Or the WW white petit pains? Honestly with all the other fab effort you are making, don't sabotage it with nasty white bread, there is no goodness in it at all (except crusty white bread, which I also can't control myself around!) - just refined crap! ;)

I really like wholemeal bread though (hovis or warburtons ones are nice, as are the aldi rolls) so I don't mind...I just cut it back in general though!
Is smash free on EE? Will maybe give them a try sometime then!

Have you tried the high fibre white one which is a proper HEB? Or the WW white petit pains? Honestly with all the other fab effort you are making, don't sabotage it with nasty white bread, there is no goodness in it at all (except crusty white bread, which I also can't control myself around!) - just refined crap! ;)

I really like wholemeal bread though (hovis or warburtons ones are nice, as are the aldi rolls) so I don't mind...I just cut it back in general though!

Yep Smash is free - which is why you see people making pizzas with it and all sorts :)

I've bought some of those WW petit pain rolls to try so we'll see how I get on with those - not so good for toast though! Which hi fibre white is a HEB?

I wish I liked wholemeal, maybe that'll have to be my next project. Have spent the last few years forcing myself to get to like peppers and finally I can eat both cooked and raw, except the green ones! :D
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Me and the scales are not friends today, 11st 9lbs!! :eek: Surely 1 portion of bread cannot have caused a 2.25lb gain?! Going to drink lots of water today to flush out any bloating as I'm really hoping that's all it is... unless I'm just eating too much in general?! I should be losing weight with all this hard work!!

Today's plan...
Breakfast: Mullerlight Yogurt, Banana, Apple (S)
Lunch: BBQ Turkey Pieces* with Salad (S) & Syn-free dressing, Melon (S), Pineapple (S), Raspberries (S), Peach (S)
Exercise: Zumba
Dinner: Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes, Butternut Squash (S), Parsnips, Carrots (S), Broccoli (S), Stuffing (3) & Gravy (2)

*These are new from Bernard Matthews - the tikka ones are free, need to check that these BBQ ones definitely are too
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I magically gained 2 1/2this morning too haha! I don't believe its true from a little light mayonnaise, I do hate how the scales are so all over the place. When I got back on again it went down by half a pound. So decided its not my friend anymore for sure! Humphhh! I guess no guesswork today!

I deprived myself yday of frozen yoghurt, not happy that the suffering so far isn't worth it?!
Grr at all scales in general this morning, maybe they've all got together and decided to scare us to put us off serial weighing?!?
I'm sure we will both get a very different result tomorrow! I don't trust my first morning weight anymore, when I weigh two hours later I'm always a lot less! Makes no sense whatsoever.
Just checking in Miss Nix, in case you wondered! :)
I'm sure we will both get a very different result tomorrow! I don't trust my first morning weight anymore, when I weigh two hours later I'm always a lot less! Makes no sense whatsoever.

mine are the opposite, lighter first thing (well after a wee, haha!) then through the day can go up by a lot! It is truly bizarre!

I know serial weighing isn't recommended but it's too hard not to!!! And my OH needs the scales at home too so I can't chuck them out or anything. I am amazed at people who only weigh once a week at the class!! :D
I'm sure we will both get a very different result tomorrow! I don't trust my first morning weight anymore, when I weigh two hours later I'm always a lot less! Makes no sense whatsoever.

I really hope so!! I'm like Laura, my weight is usually at its lowest when I first wake up, and then increases during the day, so I'm screwed if that weight is correct!!

Zumba time to try and shake off a few of those pesky pounds...
mine are the opposite, lighter first thing (well after a wee, haha!) then through the day can go up by a lot! It is truly bizarre!

I know serial weighing isn't recommended but it's too hard not to!!! And my OH needs the scales at home too so I can't chuck them out or anything. I am amazed at people who only weigh once a week at the class!! :D

My housemate uses mine too, but I think I'm just going to have to lock them away next week and she'll have to deal with it!! I think I'd be happier not knowing when my weight's doing what it is at the moment! :( I certainly can't see me getting a nice 2-3lb loss for this week at this rate which was the whole point of trying 777!
I'm disappointed too cos when I did 777 last, it was the Sunday when I saw a 3 1/2lb loss, and then again Tuesday morning before weigh in, then ended up being 4lb loss. I'm about to hop on again after my run and see if I'm in luck haha. Weighers Anonymous
Ok so I apparently have a 1/2lb loss versus last week. Perhaps that's a 2lb loss by tomorrow cos I have drank a lot of water today so that should be my highest weight =D fingies crossed! Hop on again Nicola! Hahaha
Haha being a true serial weigher I hopped on again post Zumba and am still 11st 8.5lbs.... so very slightly less than this morning but still nowhere near the 11st 5lbs I really wanted to get to this week...
Right here's today's summary...

Breakfast: Mullerlight Yogurt, Banana, Apple (S), Tea (0.5)
Snack: Peach (S)
Lunch: BBQ Turkey Pieces (Free - yay!) with Lettuce (S), Tomato (S), Cucumber (S), Carrot (S), Sweetcorn & Syn-free dressing, Melon (S), Pineapple (S), Sugarfree Jelly (0.5)
Exercise: Zumba
Snack: Ice lolly made with 7up Free - yummy!
Dinner: Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes, Butternut Squash (S), Parsnips, Carrots (S), Broccoli (S), Stuffing (3) & Gravy (2)
Snack: Hifi (HEB)

Summary: 0 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 6 Syns, 11 Speed Foods, 50 mins Exercise


And in positive news to offset my evil scales... my consultant has just confirmed that I was slimmer of the month for May! Yay! :D
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Next week is going to be the week I bin my scales, honest ;)

Scales are being slightly less evil this morning at 11st 7.5lbs, which would put me on track for a maintain tomorrow at weigh-in, which I would be absolutely gutted with after all this hard work :( 0.5lbs in 2 weeks is just not good enough, I have a target weight to reach for Ibiza of 10st 7lbs, and 1st off in 6 weeks is looking rather too ambitious now!!

Today's plan...

Exercise: 30 mins at gym (can't face 30 day shred again yet, my thighs are still sore!)
Breakfast: Mullerlight, Banana, Apple (S)
Lunch: Jacket Potato with Tuna (S) and 1tbsp Extra Light Mayo (0.5) + Salad (S), Apricots (S), Raspberries (S), Melon (S), Pineapple (S)
Dinner: Grilled Fresh Fish (going to pick up from Waitrose on way home - any white fish) with New Potatoes, Asparagus (S) and Sugarsnap Peas (S)

Surely that lovely lot has to help me shift a bit more?! :)
Awww that really sucks, I hope your scales are just going through a rough patch and you have a loss coming your way tomorrow!
Boo to scales - it does suck! I have 5 weeks today until my holiday and 7lbs is my realistic target...but would prefer a bit more cos seeing a '10' at the start of that weight would be AWESOME! Then when I am back will be about a stone to go to my eventual target of 10 stone, and I will see how I feel once I get there...I might lower it a bit but I NEVER thought I would get there when I started so not making myself any promises yet!

I hope the scales are kind to you anyway - even if not this week it WILL show on those scales though so don't be disheartened. xx