Nic's EE food diary. Feel free to join and share your food diaries :)

Hello sweetie, I hope you do get to see the boy tonight! Have you heard from him yet?

Nandos sounds good nom nom nom nom

Can't see the picture of the ring :(

and enjoy the gym!


Hey love, yes I briefly spoke to him this morning. . It should go to plan.. watch this space! But I tell you something. . I have a few things to get off of my chest after this week :/.

For some reason it doesn't let me put pics up from my phone.. I shall have to do it off of my ipad tonight when I get home.

Il let you know how the gym goes ;)


Pic of ring didn't work :( hope you get to see the boy and the gym goes well ;) xx

Cheers love, I shall try again from my ipad when I get home.. its very annoying that I cannot post when im on the move :/

Will let you know how my evening pans out (may need the gym AFTER seeing the boy to work off any annoyance-I can feel a rant brewing!!!)


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Have a good day today. I know how frustrating shift work can be - not my shifts, my boyfriends. Sometimes it feels like I haven't seen him for weeks at a time and I know how it feels to be a single mum!!! Best advice I can think of is to enjoy the time you do get together! Don't waste it worrying about the time apart.

Good luck at ur induction too. X
Have a good day today. I know how frustrating shift work can be - not my shifts, my boyfriends. Sometimes it feels like I haven't seen him for weeks at a time and I know how it feels to be a single mum!!! Best advice I can think of is to enjoy the time you do get together! Don't waste it worrying about the time apart.

Good luck at ur induction too. X

Hey :) thanks for that. Ita nice to know im not the only one.. sometimes I feel like all I do is moan about it :(

But we had a lovely evening last night and another night out planned tomorrow night so back on track a little now :) Xx

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Morning all :)

So am very tired today heading in for lectures, ended up having a late night but it was so worth it because we actually spent some time together!!! :D feeling much better today :)

So last night we went to nandos and I ALWAYS have the chicken wrap with cheese and chilli jam.. but I decided to have it without the wrap and had it with salad and rice-blooming lovely! Still need to look up syns for cheese and there were a few in there for the rice and chicken (for oil) but will add enough daily syns on there to cover it.

Todays diary;

Thursday 3rd of October,

B: branflakes ( heb ) with coffee and will be eating 2 apples for mid morning snack.

L: think I will have a jacket with tuna and a big salad.

D: off out to meet my bestie and have suggested cabana as a choice.. it should be quite sw friendly as long as I syn the oil and any cheeky drinks ;)

Water: 2.5 litres

Body magic : trying to muster the energy to go to the gym this afternoon. . :/

Have a good day all!!


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Morning Nic

How was the gym induction?

I'm glad that you had a nice night. It must be tough not seeing eachother all the time but when you love someone that much you get through it :). And OMG I am craving a nandos now (even at half 8 in the morning!) nomnomnom

Look at you galavanting out again :D I hope you have a great night, can't beat time with the bestie

Morning Nic

How was the gym induction?

I'm glad that you had a nice night. It must be tough not seeing eachother all the time but when you love someone that much you get through it :). And OMG I am craving a nandos now (even at half 8 in the morning!) nomnomnom

Look at you galavanting out again :D I hope you have a great night, can't beat time with the bestie


Hey Jess :)

The gym induction was good thanks! Just a quick skim over everything really as I have been to others before. . Am really trying to muster energy to go this afternoon. . But also know I have loads of reading to do and don't want it to pile up! :eek: I am off at the weekend though so have time to catch up on both :)

Nandos was beautiful!!!

Have a lovely day :) Xx

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Hopefully this worked this time :D xxx


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That is beautiful :) well done!

Right quick midday update.. am off home after lectures to make lunch-am thinking jacket, big salad (with a little feta not sure of syns just yet) tuna mayo and a sliced boiled egg. My bestie has had to go home ill from work so thats our dinner date postponed until next week :( but every cloud.. I get to do some damage limitation by eating at home, catch up with this weeks reading AND go to the gym today-can rest nicely (and guilt free!!) This evening and catch up on some tv :D


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Off to the gym!!! Partly motivated by avoiding the rest of my reading.. and also from tidying my room- is that bad?! ; p

Planning on a 5 minute warm up, then 10-20 minutes cross trainer (see how long I last for!!) Then 5 minutes on the rower, 10 minutes on weights and a 5 minute cool down. Will see how I get on with that for now, but am also planning to do my c25k on the treadmill soon as well (I shall pick which one I prefer when I've been a few times)


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Sounds good Hun, looking forward to hearing how it went :) xxxx
Hey guys just a quick question. . Is there any way that I can turn today into a red or green day? I was thinking of having a quorn burger and maybe chips... xx

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Ok.. So I think I've changed today from an EE to a red day but please correct me if I'm wrong!

had branflakes and roll - HEB

milk - HEA

oh no... As I am writing this I realise that I should have had the jacket as a HEB choice :(

i did make carrot chips though and had a tin of mushy peas! (Just read your not supposed to have these on red days either...)

So I guess I just syn a HEB choice?

Also change it to a green day? Then the mushy peas are free? But I still need to syn a heb..

Its so confusing when you try to change days!!

i royally fluffed up today :,(

on a lighter note, the gym went well :) took it easy but feel it went well :) did 5 minute treadmill warm up, 10 minutes on cross trainer, 5 minutes on the rower, 10 minutes back on the treadmill (fast walk) 10 minutes on weights and then a 5 minute cool down on the treadmill.

will beef it up as I go along but thought I'd start off slowly :)

any advice will be gratefully received!

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Sounds more like a green day. Can u HEB the tuna? X
Morning all :)

So today I shall be trying to be extra good as I am going out with my boy tonight and will definitely be enjoying a few drinks ;)

Friday 4th of October;

B: 2 x toast (HEB) and scrambled eggs. Coffee (hea) and apple (mid morning snack )

L: at uni so will probably have chicken or tuna salad if I can. I want to avoid carbs today so will be going for meat and veg for lunch and dinner.. (had a big salad with tuna mayo)

D: was going to go out but think I might suggest grabbing some steaks and having it with onions, mushrooms, tomatoes and any other veg I fancy :)

Water 2.5 litres

Syns: 15 syns on vodka ;)

Have a great friday all!!


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If you're avoiding carbs you could make it a red day and have an extra hexa and hexb :)

Subway salads are really good for red day lunches - I always get mine with ham/turkey and you could have some cheese for your 2nd hexa as long as you say just a little bit because they love to give loads! Perfect for when you're out and about.

A steak with mushrooms/onions/peppers/tomatoes is perfect for a red day meal too. Not sure how much bread you had for breakfast but if it was just 1 x hexb worth, you could even have a 227g jacket potato (as long as you leave the skin on) for your second hexb on a red day!x
Hey honey

Saving all your syns for vodka sounds like a great plan to me!

Have an awesome night and weekend!

Hey honey

Saving all your syns for vodka sounds like a great plan to me!

Have an awesome night and weekend!


It is! :D

Cheers love and enjoy your curry and wine ;)


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