Night cream

Filly- Nearly! I am a make up artist, but skin care is quite a large part of my job and I'm constantly being asked for advice and coming accross unusual problems, so I like to immerse myself in all available information!

As I said earlier, I believe it's technique and regular application that will improve your skin- as well as diet and hydration and (probably shouldn't say this!) a little bit of sun. I've tried creams that have cost £200+ and foundations that i've paid nearly £100 for. Did they make me look like Angelina Jolie? No.

Valerie- I've heard wonderful things about Vitamin E but I've never tried it myself.

I'm mad about make-up, used to use my facebook for demonstrations, hints/tips but haven't done anything in ages. I wish I did do more and looked into it seriously for a while, like studying at a make-up school in London (very expensive I found). When I lived in Brussels, oh how amazing it was to live across from Mac :D How did you get into it? xx
I sort of fell into it really...after finishing my degree (completely non related: English Language and Linguistics) I faffed about in call centres and shops for a bit wondering what to do with my life. My OH was offered a placement in Munich for his year in industry so we decided to go. I applied for a job with a big German cosmetic company called Art Deco and found that I really enjoyed what I was doing, so I went on all the training courses they offered and when I returned home did a full time seven week course in Manchester, as well as a few evening classes in various sides such as waxing, facials etc. I've done it ever since.

I've been lucky; getting work in photography studios, assisting some really awesome North West based artists and temping on big brand booths in the run up to Christmas, but most of my work is freelance. Everyone has pushed me to aim a bit higher but I'm happy how I work and I'm happy with my hours and I know that if I'm ever desperate for cash I can go back to working in Debenhams for a few months to tide me over.

It's an awesome job, but on my days off the last thing I want to do is put makeup on :cry:

Why don't you do a course in your local college or uni and see how you feel about it?
Thanks for the info, really good to hear about how you got into it. I found my love of make-up thanks to my gran who worked on beauty counters, she is 72 and still looks so glam :) so from then onwards I have always had such a passion for it, making over my friends and family. Unfortunately, well I don't mean I'm unfortunate as I have a good life, but my husband works all over the world and I gave up my job as a PA to join him, so the last 2 years have been travelling with him and I guess I had to make sacrifices to do so. So while he is doing what he enjoys, I'm a bit stuck. In saying that it might be a good idea if I look into a short-term course or even night classes. Freelance is most definitely the direction I'd like to go in x
A dermatologist was on the radio not long ago, and more or less said, it doesn't matter what you use as long as you do it twice a day. Moisturise your skin that is :p