Nikkinakk85 diary.

Also thinking of doing working solution n see how I go...
Yikes 2 months off and you know what I caqn't even remember why I stopped. Guess I must of had a bad day followed by another and then another and so on!!

So here I am starting again, from basics and rather ironic that my starting weight is 16st 12lb the same as it was back in March. I see that as very lucky as I have eaten LOTS in the past few weeks!
Good luck with the diet this time. I really hope you suceed. I'm on my 5th week but am having to restart after 3 days of over indulgence.
Welcome back
Sooooo.... I didn't make it back until now it seems. Bad health etc hindered me. Still, I have my products left over from last time and some new packs coming (spag bol, shepherds pie etc) to try and mousse mix + water flavourings. Hopefully they will be here tomorrow or Wednesday and I can get cracking!! Quite like the idea of not doing the school run for 6 weeks, losing some weight and ppl going ooooh have you lost weight hehe! xx
Good luck with your new start!
Thank you. Back on it today going ok so far. Finally got round to buy the water flavourings. Will have to experiment with the blackcurrant one. I made it up with sparkling water and I think it's too weak as it reminds me of those rehydration sachets you have after you've been ill ooooops! lol xx
I'm sure you do well. I haven't tried the flavourings as I'm quite happy drinking water.
I wish I could be ok with just water lol, wouldn't be so hard then. Still, this heat atm is helping so hopefully one day I won't be scouring the "what can you drink?" thread to see what I can get away with :sigh:

On another note, well done on your weight loss so far, bet it feels amazing being 2 and a bit stone down :) xx
I might not still be so far down when I get back from holiday! Am having 2 weeks off then back on 100% TS on 3rd August.