No more excuses

Yay well done on your weight loss!

I'm bloody amazed - managed to shift 6lbs!! It's first week so I know that's not the norm but a very nice kick start. On week 2 of couch to 5k and meeting a friend tonight to shake my tail feather at zumba whilst I have the motivation :)

Woo hoo! Well done you, that's a fab loss, even for a first week! :)

Have fun at zumba! :)
Thought I was going to die a Zumba! Oh my!! Haven't been for 3 years or so and it was so fast paced, how I didn't manage to fall over my feet i've no idea - very glad i took a towel to mop my forehead with, very unladylike but I don't think i've ever sweated so much in my life (it was a very hot room as well). Definitely going again next week :)
Haha I love zumba but there have definitely been weeks where I've felt like I'm going to die! I like to think I'm ok at it, until I catch sight of myself in the mirror and realise it doesn't look a thing like the instructors moves! Lol.
I've never been to zumba and posts like these make me realise why :p I'm way too uncoordinated! And also unfit! I think I actually would die....

It's no fun if you're coordinated! :p Seriously though, I'd recommend it. As soon as you go you realise that most people aren't very coordinated so nobody really notices what you're doing!