Total Solution No more yo yo-ing!

Hi, I've just finished reading all your entries - it's really great to hear how well you're succeeding at balancing extane, food and exercise. I'm not there yet, but it's good to know it's do-able. I often worry about what happens if I open the flood gates with a meal! Glad you had a great holiday (even if it was a rubbish end) - Italy is one of my favourite places, so beautiful!

Thanks for reading coffeemate :) yes I was scared when I was TS ing that I would just put everything back on once I re-introduced food but I haven't. Just hope I manage to maintain once I get to goal. Good luck with your journey x
Amazing, well done Yoyo. All that hard work paying off for you. Think I'll give that dance move a miss though. I'd probably end up putting my back out along with a few other joints lol x

Lol Susie and Lynne!! :)
Oh and not sure if you have heard of the dance move called a 'slut drop' ? It's where you bend your knees and drop your ass to the floor and then come back up again. A massive squat I guess. Well usually I try and do one in a drunken state and struggle to get back up again! Lol!

Last night I was slut droppin with the best of them :) must have stronger legs with all the climbing and running I'm doing :)

I'd probably wet myself if I tried that. Pelvic floor has never recovered from having a child in my 40s!!! Note to self: if ever want to try the slut drop remember the Tena Ladies in the knickers first. LMAO. :8855:Well done on the 10st 8.8lbs. Glad you had a good night and are feeling sooo good. ;)
I reckon once we've lost weight Yoyo will have to lead a 'slut drop' dance class for us!
I'd probably wet myself if I tried that. Pelvic floor has never recovered from having a child in my 40s!!! Note to self: if ever want to try the slut drop remember the Tena Ladies in the knickers first. LMAO. :8855:Well done on the 10st 8.8lbs. Glad you had a good night and are feeling sooo good. ;)

Lmao Cate!
I reckon once we've lost weight Yoyo will have to lead a 'slut drop' dance class for us!

Even better we arrange a night out somewhere central to all of us and meet up and show off our trim new bodies :) then I'll show you how to do it! Lol
So today got up at 6 up walk up white nancy, had breakfast of a bacon and sausage sandwich and when we got home I slept for most of the day! Lol

Woke up at 4ish, had a bar and a coffee and went to pick some veggies from our Lottie.

Then we went for a half hour run, finished the couch to 5k programme now - hooray! My training programme for 10k starts tomorrow :)

Not sure I'll bother having any dinner I'm not hungry.
Hope you sleep tonight!
10 stone 10.5 this morning - I knew yesterday's weight was a freak :) happy with this though

Off up white nancy, then a busy day work wise and going to hot yoga later - never done it hot before, but it's part of my running training now so we'll see...
Hot yoga? Do you mean Bikram?! I had a friend who swore by it - not only did she shape up nicely but she used to say it solved everything from emotional dramas to headaches! It's a bit hard core for me though, although I'm going to try pilates soon with a friend. Let me know how it goes!
Hot yoga? Do you mean Bikram?! I had a friend who swore by it - not only did she shape up nicely but she used to say it solved everything from emotional dramas to headaches! It's a bit hard core for me though, although I'm going to try pilates soon with a friend. Let me know how it goes!

It's where you do yoga in a heated room so similar to bikram, not sure whether it's a different style or if it's as hot. Anyway, I'm going to a different class now, just a simple hatha class as I only need to stretch out my muscles and by all accounts the hot yoga is pretty intense.
There was a programme on last night about diet myths. They talked about hot yoga and said it can be a breeding ground for bacteria with all that sweat and damp. One woman ended up contracting a serious strain of pneumonia and ended up in a coma. :eek: Not that I want to put you off or anything but maybe hatha is a safer bet!! Enjoy. :)
Oh well Cate, something else we won't be enrolling for then!
Hope the class was good Yoyo.
It was really good Lynne - and cate - maybe I won't be trying that then! Lol

Good day today, despite it being a Monday and having to work :)

Day 1 of my 8 week training plan for the 10k and it was a strength and stretch day. I walked up white nancy this morning, took the dog for another walk this evening, and did 30 mins of strengthening exercises for runners and went to a 90 min yoga class for the stretching part. Lovely and chilled out now..

Food wise, cereal with fresh strawberries and milk for Bfast, a bar for lunch. Some pre-cooked home grown new potatoes and raw mange tout (home grown) as a snack. Home grown broad beans, more potatoes and freshly laid boiled egg for dinner.

Then, before my exercise this evening, as I was knackered and lacked energy I had a white magnum (my body told me to) and a couple of squares of dark choc which seemed to do the trick.

So feeling good, going to bed in a bit.
That is an impressive amount of exercise!
That is an impressive amount of exercise!

This 8 week training plan is hardcore! I only get one rest day a week. Just looking for some eating plans for runners as I doubt I'll be dieting while I'm doing it! Lol
10 stone 8.3 this morning! Whoop whoop! I'm expecting good things for weigh in tomorrow, although it's a run day today and I usually weigh more the morning after a run for some reason..

Right, off up white nancy, then a morning training and afternoon in school.

Have a lovely day! It looks sunny :)