Total Solution No more yo yo-ing!

Great day, although I think I know where I got my bug from - 4 kids were sent home today with sickness and diarrhea - hoping I don't get it again

Food wise, ok. Normal day like yesterday but had a few naughty things - someone brought in chocs and cake so had a bit and now I'm sat here with a bag of choc orange bites and a lager ;)

Had a lovely tea - Thai beef salad - it was so yummy and easy to make.

Got my 18 yr old nephew and his 16 yr old girlfriend staying with us for the first time this weekend so we have a busy weekend planned.

Hope everyone else has a great weekend if I don't manage to get on here much x
Well done on another weight loss, getting closer all the time - I lovvvvvve Thai salads I bet it was gorgeous!

Have a lovely weekend xx
Thats an excellent loss Yoyo. Have a great weekend x
Well done on another weight loss, getting closer all the time - I lovvvvvve Thai salads I bet it was gorgeous! Have a lovely weekend xx

Thanks Katie! It was!
Went to an amazing firework competition last night - it was incredible - 4 displays set to music and each lasted 10 minutes long - never seen fireworks like it!

Ate lots of naughty food yesterday and I'm back up to 10 stone 7 today.

Just waiting for the zumbathon to start - I'm doing a 3 hour Zumba session to raise money for Millie's trust. Excited! There's a great atmosphere here.
Good luck with the zumba!
1 hour used to have me knackered nevermind 3!!
3 hours, you are very braveYoyo. How many of you are going ?

About this many! :)
Ha good timing or what x
Oh my I am so tired! Just waiting for my nephew and his gf in Trafford centre and hubby is picking us up - he had to work today.

Going out for a meal tonight with my mum and dad so it will be nice for them to see their grandson. It's been ages since they saw him (long story).

Busy weekend. Need to get home and have a bath and be at the pub for 6.30! Eek!
Well done on the Zumba - enjoy your evening xx
You deserve a night out after all that Zumbaring. x