Total Solution No more yo yo-ing!

Yoyo you are doing so well. You are have your head in the right place to eat wisely and include exercise. It really is inspiring :)
Well done :D

I hope your mum is feeling better x
Yoyo you are doing so well. You are have your head in the right place to eat wisely and include exercise. It really is inspiring :) Well done :D I hope your mum is feeling better x

Thanks marge - that really means a lot. Feels like I'm cheating at the moment coz I'm not really thinking about it :)
So a great if busy day. Walk up white nancy, shredded wheat with strawberries for breakfast, peas and rice for lunch (home grown) and a burger and chips for tea! Oops! Went to Chester races this afternoon and drank prosecco, wine, beer and a jack and coke. The damage on the scales will be inevitable - eek!

Ah well, run day tomorrow

Night xx
STS this morning - bonus! :)

Didn't get up early enough to go up white nancy but we plan to go out for a run later and we still need to walk Barney at some point.

Busy day ahead - taking Oscar to vets to discuss his asthma, then I have an acupuncture appointment then we have to pop to the shops then to a family party! Then run then get ready for a girlie night out with one of my best friends who has just split up with her boyfriend. Phew! I'm tired just reading that all!

Have a great day everyone :) x
Enjoy your busy day :)
Hope you have a lovely day. You've certainly got plenty on!
Only problem with drinking the night before is that you find yourself craving this...

I don't need to drink a lot the night before to get the craving!
Great results Yoyo. You are a busy bee today, have fun x
I always want carby food after drinking :(
And I always want to eat rubbish whilst I drink :doh:
Its a challenge to break the habits ;)
10 stone 8.8 this morning! How on earth did that happen? Must be a freak weight! Lol

Did t have any dinner last night - was planning to, but ate crisps and drank prosecco and the time ran away with us so we just went straight to a club rather than for dinner! We danced the night away!

I've had roughly 3 hours sleep as we are going up white nancy for breakfast shortly, I'm sure I'll be going back to bed when we get home after!
That's amazing, going up white Nancy after a night out and only a few hours sleep! I'm not surprised at your weight! Well done!
High 5!!!!! That's a great loss :) well done chick! Glad you had a good night :) have a great day. Enjoy ur snooze x

Thanks hon - I'm pretty pleased but don't think I'll be that on the scales tomorrow. Reckon I just lost a lot of water from boozing and then sweating.

Well ladies, I am pretty pleased with myself. I have always wanted a pair of leather trousers and I ordered a faux stretch pair with a side zip in a 12 from h&m. I wore them last night and felt fabulous! I got lots of male attention and my friend who I haven't seen since Easter was gob smacked. She asked if I had lost weight and how I did it :)

I felt really attractive and slim last night - love that feeling :)

Oh and not sure if you have heard of the dance move called a 'slut drop' ? It's where you bend your knees and drop your ass to the floor and then come back up again. A massive squat I guess. Well usually I try and do one in a drunken state and struggle to get back up again! Lol!

Last night I was slut droppin with the best of them :) must have stronger legs with all the climbing and running I'm doing :)

I'm back in bed now. Going to get a bit more sleep and then head to our allotment. Going to try making pea pod wine later

Have a great day everyone :) x
Thanks hon - I'm pretty pleased but don't think I'll be that on the scales tomorrow. Reckon I just lost a lot of water from boozing and then sweating. Well ladies, I am pretty pleased with myself. I have always wanted a pair of leather trousers and I ordered a faux stretch pair with a side zip in a 12 from h&m. I wore them last night and felt fabulous! I got lots of male attention and my friend who I haven't seen since Easter was gob smacked. She asked if I had lost weight and how I did it :) I felt really attractive and slim last night - love that feeling :) Oh and not sure if you have heard of the dance move called a 'slut drop' ? It's where you bend your knees and drop your ass to the floor and then come back up again. A massive squat I guess. Well usually I try and do one in a drunken state and struggle to get back up again! Lol! Last night I was slut droppin with the best of them :) must have stronger legs with all the climbing and running I'm doing :) I'm back in bed now. Going to get a bit more sleep and then head to our allotment. Going to try making pea pod wine later Have a great day everyone :) x

So, so pleased for you. The feeling us so worth it, isnt it?! Well done chick :) bet those trousers looked amazing! X
Thanks hon - I'm pretty pleased but don't think I'll be that on the scales tomorrow. Reckon I just lost a lot of water from boozing and then sweating.

Well ladies, I am pretty pleased with myself. I have always wanted a pair of leather trousers and I ordered a faux stretch pair with a side zip in a 12 from h&m. I wore them last night and felt fabulous! I got lots of male attention and my friend who I haven't seen since Easter was gob smacked. She asked if I had lost weight and how I did it :)

I felt really attractive and slim last night - love that feeling :)

Oh and not sure if you have heard of the dance move called a 'slut drop' ? It's where you bend your knees and drop your ass to the floor and then come back up again. A massive squat I guess. Well usually I try and do one in a drunken state and struggle to get back up again! Lol!

Last night I was slut droppin with the best of them :) must have stronger legs with all the climbing and running I'm doing :)

I'm back in bed now. Going to get a bit more sleep and then head to our allotment. Going to try making pea pod wine later

Have a great day everyone :) x

Sounds like you had a brilliant time and I bet you looked amazing!
Amazing, well done Yoyo. All that hard work paying off for you. Think I'll give that dance move a miss though. I'd probably end up putting my back out along with a few other joints lol x
Me too Susie!
Hi, I've just finished reading all your entries - it's really great to hear how well you're succeeding at balancing extane, food and exercise. I'm not there yet, but it's good to know it's do-able. I often worry about what happens if I open the flood gates with a meal!

Glad you had a great holiday (even if it was a rubbish end) - Italy is one of my favourite places, so beautiful!