NO way i would do CDC now

Pay no attention to the "Original Gonk" behind the curtain.

It is merely a droll....oh, pardon me, I mean Troll feeling inferior in my majestic presence. Don't let my size fool you. Trolls are forever trying to imitate us. Jealous things they are. And, they have horrible breath.
I dont think whistlefish-face is coming back :D
Some of you refer to knowing who I shed some light. I have been searching for those answers ever since a young lad threw me to the back of his closet, as if I was nothing but a useless dust bunny. It did make me question my purpose in life. And I understand I frightened some of you when you were youngsters. I say. Me. A little furry thing?? With rattly eyes? How could I be fearsome? I am as cute and harmless as the lint pulled from your belly buttons!
Oh! Someone has sent me a big hug. My - you make me blush!:eek: But thanks ever so much!

I'd hug you back.

But I don't have any arms. :sigh:
By the way.... My name is Thelonias. Thelonias Gonk.

Now where have you all gone. It's suddenly very quiet.

Oh dear. I've not been chucked back into another closet have i?
Now this one sided conversation reminds me of another minimin member.....
Awww - don't feel rejected Gonk ... I'm sure there's a CDC somewhere that you can do.