Not gonna be FAT & 40!!! Exante

All the ones I've had are nice. Had double choc tonight. Few have said they r too sweet but I like that feels like a really treat. Maybe it's not the bars then?? My tummy is bubbling away - nice lol.

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her
Maybe ill give them a go, i worry that id start thinkkng about proper chocolate so acoided them.

I thought it might have been from the lack of certain drinks as i drink diet coke everyday so just it was the fizz escaping haha
I use to have coke everyday too! Maybe. ???
This has to be life changing forever though I thought so I want a treat every now and again and control it.
I also think if it feels like a treat I won't feel as deprived. They ain't that amazing eat the lot as they really fill u up!

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her
Thats agood point actually, need to be able to control the foods eaten as there will be apoint where i will be face to face with it again so need to learn the a couple of malteasers rather than a bag is enough. That was a bad phase i went theough, chocolate buttons and a cuppa, especially on moserable evenings like this when its cold!
Oh I'm with u there! Wen me fella works away like tonight I'd go co op n buy treats cause I was fed up he wasn't home!
Wen I finished LL I did well for a few weeks then Easter came n I found myself scoffing one of my daughters Easter eggs
I hadn't had any food for 14 weeks and It was like once I started I couldn't stop. That's y this time I'm eating little bits of chicken and having bars so I can eat after this n realise I don't need huge servings or a huge bar of chocolate. ;) well that's the plan lol

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her
U will definately do it, ure very determined ! Its like u say keep thinking of that end point and use it to keep u going, corr had a go with the kettlebell and man alive are my sides aching!
Thats the aim!! Going to the gym saturday, still doing my fit steps but as its mainly cardio i want to crack on and do weights to help tone at the same time, may do a little cardio while im there -if i have any energy lol- just cant get the vision of saggy skin out my mind! Will start moisturising too as a lot of people are saying about that
U go girl!!! I didn't go saggy wen I lost n I'm 10 years older than u.
Use a dry body brush before u bath or shower and I used a clarins oil on wet skin after. It's fab tightens and softens skin n stops stretch marks.
Yes moisturise too. U will b fine :)

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her
Ok yeah good shout ill look it up. Its bad really i always do a face mask -every week!- but just ignored from the neck down haha

You ever worked out with your fella? I got a tip from someone about toning my sides up, they said to stand with your legs hip width apart, put your arms in the air and then bend from left to right, tell u what it definately works, parts ache that i didnt know there was muscle, all be it very hidden under flab but still lol
Oh I'll have a go at that! We have a punch bag and cross trainer at home so no excuse to b fat lol. We do that together but he does weight n I have to watch what I do with my back.
U are being so good bet u will have great loss this week :)

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her
Im really hopeful, sometimes it stuns the body and it fights it some im praying that doesnt happen, right well im completely pooped so im gona have a shower and hit the sack, enjoy the rest of your evening!! Your 1st weigh day soon!! :)
Ok chic. Sleep well have a good day tomorrow. I'm sure u will have a great loss. I don't feel like I've dropped a lb yet but we will see.
Sweet dreams

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her
It has NO taste lol. I mix it in my food packs tho so once u mix it in it bulks the packs up and feel like yr eating :)
Just had 1st pack of sticky choc pudding, was nice and gooey in the middle mmmmmmm

Skinny women inside me somewhere!!! Oh maybe I ate her