Not wanting food ...


Full Member
I'm off my food at the moment got one of them horrible virus's going round, sore throat no voice headache etc, will I sts or gain weight if I don't eat, I know that sounds Irish but I'm sure you understand what I mean :-/
Im not sure how that will work - its probably different for everyone. I know its easier said than done but just try concentrate on getting better and relaxing and try not to worry too much about WI this week. As long as you don't eat lots of "naughty" things I can't see it doing too much damage.

Hope you're feeling better soon :)
hannata said:
that sounds irish.... what does that mean...?

If you are sick you are sick, don't force yourself to eat when you can't... if your body doesn't want it you'll just end up being sick.. Concentrate on getting better.

I believe "sounds Irish" is a phrase meaning it sounds a bit backwards haha. No offense intended I'm sure :)
I was sick my first week and couldn't get anything down. I worried that in week 2 I'd eat a carrot and put a stone on because of water rentention! But I didn't, I stuck to plan week 2 and lost 5lb. Just don't have a binge when you get back to normal!