nutter nikki's - the push for Xmas

Eye pics


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OMG. That is amazing! How fab!
Fab news, all worthwhile!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
She posted on Facebook that she is already driving! And her vision is 20/6?
Love it. The scary laser bit has been all worthwhile!

They're still settling down now. They need to learn to refocus close up. Putting in my drops. The antibiotic drops go down my eyes into my mouth and taste bad. The anti inflammatory ones are a milky consistency and leave me blurry for several mins. I'm using the artificial blink tear drops practically every hour. Woke up last night and I could tell they were very dry so popped some in. Woke in the morning and my lashes were stuck together due to the drops! All fun and games.
I'm glad your healing well.
MinnieMel said:
She posted on Facebook that she is already driving! And her vision is 20/6?

20/16 :). Or 6/4.8 (6/6 being average eyesight of most people)
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great things said:
20/16 :). Or 6/4.8 (6/6 being average eyesight of most people)

Thanks for clarifying that.

Will your eyes adjust or will you always need drops?
MinnieMel said:
Thanks for clarifying that.

Will your eyes adjust or will you always need drops?

Might need drops for upto a year.
Wow, I had no idea. But I supposed it'll be worth it.

How is your dad, OH, Ems and Lil' Dude?
Dads off the intravenous antibiotics but still on oral ones. Just entered his 2nd week of it. They're giving him intergestion.

Little dude is ok. His speach is still poor for his age. He's wanting to watch batman 24/7 and has a cape from his outfit that he loves so much that it's falling apart now.

Emily has just returned from her grandparents at the lakes. She went Wednesday so that I had no kids when I got my eyes zapped. Dude was in nursery 2 days in a row. They took ems all over and did loads of crafty things with her too. She even learnt to rid her bike with no stabilisers.

I didn't go down to collect her as it was going to be an overnighter and I'm still getting into the swing of my eye drops and the whole routine. Will be better when I've finished the two main lots of drops Friday. Then I'll just have the tear drops.

Hubby is ok. Working long hours. Off to Denmark soon.

Trying to gain some control over my diet. Why is it so hard to find granary bread these days? Can find wholemeal, oat bread, multigrain and white but granary..... impossible!
Good news that your dad is off the iv antibiotics, even if the oral ones aren't agreeing with him, it's still better than getting jabbed everyday.

How're you finding driving with your new eyes? I'm having a huge big think about it. Do I get my eyes lasered or do I get a dental implant?? I know right now I'm leaning towards the implant, but my friends think I'm crazy because you can't actually see the gap in my teeth. But I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens with this other tooth on Friday.

As for diet, a good tooth infection is great for dieting!! I'm still a bit loathe to eat anything and this other tooth is nowhere near as bad! Thank god for cd!!!
"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Love my new eyes. I've a gap where I had a tooth out. Lower left. Not bothered about an implant. It's the one next to my pointy tooth do towards the back. He he lovely pic lol. Remember it's reversed! Oooo don't my eyes look great! Still got a blooming great red mark on my right but it's bruising.


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Hi Nikki,

Your eyes are looking good.
Well I'm back for my 1 week check up today. Quite exciting. I'll be getting more drops (artificial tear ones). I've actually gone through almost 2 bottles this week. 1 this am was just giving out its final drips and the one downstairs doesn't feel as if it's got much left to give.

Taught my first Zumba last night since my op. my ladies were excited to look at my eyes and hear the story. Quite a few people are now interested in having it done.

Diet wise - poo! Can't seem to gel with this plan at all. It's the knowledge I can have carbs. It's a bad thing right now when my will power is so very poor. I know I need to be doing it for my eyes but I'm wondering for how long. I would live to drop 1 1/2st for hols minimum. Would love to get 2 off. But... 6 weeks on the. 1200 plan!!!! Worried. Starting running Sunday and I must go out 4 times a week, no excuses!
You'll do it. Or get very close. The losses should still be good, especially with the fitness. I need to get DH to seriously consider this operation. Glad you're healing so well.
MinnieMel said:
You'll do it. Or get very close. The losses should still be good, especially with the fitness. I need to get DH to seriously consider this operation. Glad you're healing so well.

Eyes are doing well. Better still vision. Can take 3 weeks more to settle.
Argh! Wish there was a return code for 'shapeless' when clothes returning! Ordered 2 dresses. 1 is beautiful (a précis dress) £29 in the sale down From £99! The other hangs from my boobs down and does me no justice at all. that was £32 down from £67!
I've written in stuff! ;)
First Sunday run for a while. Killed me but I did it and didn't stop. Just need to add more on it. Going to try to go out most days. Need to get as close to 13.1 miles in 8 weeks as I possibly can. Eyes did well.