O/T who's watching BB tonight?

I agree - Siavash is brill :D I didn't particularly like him for the first week but he's grown on me since then. I think he's got even nicer since cairon went too :)
As you may have noticed I am useless at spelling some of the housemates names, sorry for that, but you know who I mean, LOL....
LOL i hadn't noticed til you mentioned it! :D
Did you see Noirin's smug and spiteful face when Sree's name was called out as being up for nomination on Friday.........and he is so upset, he really didn't think he would be nominated.

I also thought Kris was so rude and nasty with Halfwit again, there was no need for it.

If I was Halfwit and I am evicted on Friday night I would punch Kris in the nose before I went out of the door.

Loved Karly's singing in the 3 Tenor's she was great.

Sree will never become a ice cream salesman he got nearly all of those orders wrong, LOL...

Loved Siravash in his fashion outfits......I LOL when he fell over in the diary room wearing that barrel and couldn't get up again, priceless.
Get Sree out!
Yay so glad sree has gone!
The boo's were really bad weren't they!
Gosh I don't think I have ever heard anyone boo'ed so badly, what a shame.

Oh well Kris and Lisa are going to be upset because Halfwit survived again, well done Halfwit.
has sree gone,thank god if he has i stopped wtaching cause hos leching over the girls was annoying me he is such a minger (sorry sree fans)
So Sree has gone.....

Who would you like to go next? - my choice is Lisa, I'm not liking her at all.

Somehow I think poor old Halfwit will be up for eviction again, bless him.

My two faves at the moment are Siravash & Karly, who's yours?
I would like to see lisa gone followed by either kris or karly,can't stand them.Not keen on charlie or rodrigo sp?

Not sure about dogface....

Lovin halfwit,siavash,marcus and noirin.

Anyone else missing the live feed,i'm a bb addict:)
I really like Siavesh and halfwit.
They both make me laugh.
I also like Marcus, and even more so since he stood up to BB like he did, and said a lot of truth there about Shee (thank goodness he left with 85% of the vote!)
The others I can take or leave but Lisa is really getting on my nerves now.
Yes its official.... it doesnt matter what the hell he does with Noirin now, that man is officially Captain Cool (as he called himself lol).
He was dead right saying what he did to BB. Remember how aggressive Ciaron was.? And he was NEVER called in about that, not once. Now I am not a racist in anyway shape or form, in fact, racists disgust me, but I am a firm believer in fair play from everyone.... it doesnt matter what colour your face is, if you need ticking off then you should get it. Marcus is right when he said that it was ok for Sree to be overly aggressive to him but not the other way around.
But did you all notice that BB brought him back in and said "this is not about what you said when doing the shopping but what you said outside"..... thats because Marcus was right again, BB have let people take the piss out of halfwits accent and the way he talks for weeks and have done nothing about that....
Wonder if Marcus has a fan club, cos I wanna join. lol. But I bet he gets a lot of nominations this week cos they will all think he is racist now.... even though we all know he isnt.
I would love to see either Noirin, Lisa or Kris go. When they start arguing with halfwit they argue like my 9 year old daughter.... all that "lalalalalalala" fingers in the ears business etc. How grown up. NOT.
I am also liking Siavash more and more too. He seems mature and sensible...
LOL....don't we all who post on this thread Debby, but I do get involved in BB, I just can't help myself. X
i defo miss the live feed. I don't feel like i've got a full understanding or know the people in the house as well as every other year.
Booooo BB bad call.

I can't decide who I want to go but defo wouldn't lose any sleep if Lisa was evicted.
My goodness there are 5 up for eviction this week....

Dog Face

Who do you think will go?......

I think maybe Halfwit's luck may run out this Friday, we shall see.