Official weekly weigh in.

Well done Manda... and Lucy's Mum too...

Excellent Bren. As you know, I've been your stalker (hihi) for a while now on another thread, and there is a pattern to your yoyoing as you probably recognise yourself. It's when you go out that you have a problem. I have no idea as to what sort of foods you can find in restaurants in Australia but one tip I'd have for you is to check out menus of places you might eat before going. Tell your other half, or whoever, what you're having when you arrive, and let them order for you. Easy peasy! The Dukan diet needn't be an end to one's social life but, each deviation will impact on not on the speed of your weight loss, but if it brings you out of ketosis, it'll be a pain to get back in. Soooo... make this diet your last (like me, ho hum!), and try to think ahead... us serial dieters have to get smarter as we get older...
Well done, m-mouse, Lucysmom and Bren!

Bren, I see you started the Dukan a day after me. I hope my weigh-in on Sunday morning goes as well as yours! Brilliant news about the dress - is that the black and white strapless one in your signature goals?

I know what you mean about hoping to lose a couple of pounds each week - that would be fantastic!
Fabulous Vickki x
Well done, Vickki! I think you're brave weighing yourself every day. I'm only going to do it weekly as the ups and downs would put me off, I think.

dukandebut, I know what you mean and boy does it change day by day but it just makes me realise if I need to drink more , eat more or maybe move my butt more :) Keeps me motivated I think which is what I need........... xxxxxxxxxxxxx
dukandebut, I know what you mean and boy does it change day by day but it just makes me realise if I need to drink more , eat more or maybe move my butt more :) Keeps me motivated I think which is what I need........... xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I never thought of it that way. That's a pretty good idea, actually. When I get to a difficult stage, I might well do the same as it sounds as though it could really help.
Just under 3lbs off last week (I lose weight "metrically"). Delighted!
Well done ladies! Some great losses there.

I've lost 700 gr which takes me to 63.5 kilos (200 gr higher than target). So that's me on conso as of demain. Yippee!
morning all loser's well im 1lb down so im happy that makes me 10 st 3lb and 08 ounces

well done to vikki ,jo and laura nice 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!
1lb off for me making me 1lb away from first goal, was hoping to do it by the time I go on holiday next tuesday but am well happy with the fact that I have got this close.
Well done to all other losers and sts'ers, no gain is great x
thanks jet, hopefully now i have some antibiotics and the weather is getting warmer i can kick this cold which seems to have hung around all winter and do some excercise!!!!!!!!!! which btw i havent done any of to lose the 17kg hehe
Well done everyone who has lost this week, and to those that sts next week will be better.

A healthy 2.6 gone for me this week. Given the Rose last weekend and totm casting it's shadow much of the week I'm very pleased. If I can get .3 off overnight I'll be within a pound of holiday goal and that will do.
Well done all the losers and sts kay you still have the weekend to lose that 1lb hun xxx

I as expected sts but totm im not suprised had better lose next week or wont be impressed as being good lol
Ooh huge well done everyone.
I lost another lb this week so am very happyas I know its not a huge weight loss but I have lost another /2 inch off my waist, so big smiles from me xxx
Ahh well done ladies. I too have loss 1lb this week. Nothing short of a miracle!
