Official weekly weigh in.

well done everyone - some brilliant results there. i went on a special mission at lunchtime for new batteries for my scales (tried them this morning and there definitely isn't enough charge left in them for a sensible reading!) so i'll be weighing in properly again tomorrow!

It'll be nice to have company on my Saturday weigh-in, Em. See you back here on this thread tomorrow! :)
I'm having to do a Saturday weigh in this week too, as I'm away on my usual day! (Sunday) Not holding out for much though, I've had a gain the last few days...
Only 1 lb down this week - but I'll take it and be happy - thats 4 weeks in a row with a loss
i've always done a saturday wi dd - hadn't you noticed? or perhaps you normally get yours in before mine :D

well done sander - you're on a roll!
Well done, Sander, that's still a good loss.

Em - I must admit that I hadn't noticed that your WI was on Saturdays. I usually do mine first thing in the morning and post it before I forget and go out gallivanting, so it's probably before yours. I don't feel so lonely now! :)

See you here tomorrow as well, RB. We can have a little weigh in party! ;-)
Lost exactly 1kg since Sunday. So pleased I had an overall loss this morning as 2 days in a row this week I showed a gain! Should give me the motivation I need to get through this gig tonight and BBQ tomorrow. Armed with plenty of diet coke!

Well done DD! :)
nice one dd, that's great news. 1.5lb off for me this week, which i'm really happy with after last weeks sts. must have been your good thoughts that did it!
Thanks, RB and Ems. Well done to both of you, too!

RB - you'll be fine. Imagine that the glass of Diet Coke is stuck to your hand with superglue and so cannot be exchanged for naughty alcohol. ;-)

Ems - I'm sending loads of losing weight vibes your way, both for your hols and also because I want to see you on Conso with me very soon!

jezzebell - Both you and your OH are doing fantastically well. Keep it up! :)
Hey hope you don't mind me joining your thread, started Dukan on mon, did 4 days or attack now on cruise and have lost 4lb!!!!!! Am chuffed to bits! Am seeing this as a long term healthy eating diet as much as a weight loss one, about 1 stone to go tho am going on hols on Monday do will be harder tho not impossible... I'm v motivated right now!
Just nice to be able to shout my successes from the rooftops without my darling mum asking if im eating enough ;-)
Well done eclaires that's great! When I weighed myself today I texted everyone I know my mam kept tellin me to get off the phone lol. It's such a great feeling :)
-3 for me
After good weigh ins all week since my return from the UK on Monday night, I was a little(?) miffed to see a 400g increase this morning... then remembered the smoked mackeral I ate last night DUH!

So +200g on last Friday
Well done everyone,l some great losses!
3lbs off for me bringing my total to 12lbs in 3 weeks, just the motivation I need to keep me going.
Doing my WI a day early this week as off to see family in Manchester this weekend - another 1/2 off for me but it's my last WI before holidays so will see what the scales say when we're back!
Am weighing in 2 days early as am going to be at my parents for the weekend (need some space!) so am down 0.5 since last weigh in, a little gutted it wasn't more as that half kilo came off in one day at the start if the week, but for 5 days still isn't bad! It'll be a challenge at my parents though, being there always makes me want to graze on anything and everything, and as I'm feeling down they'll be trying to feed me up! Must be good though, as NEEF a decent weigh in when I'm back Tuesday morning!