Oh dear - cheeseburger pie!

confession time

I was bad to the pie, and now the pie hates me. :cry:

Tonight I decided to make a lower fat version, mainly because I've been absolutely horsing brazil nuts into me for days. :eek: So, I added more mushrooms, halved the mayo and cream, and cut down on the cheese. It all seemed very sensible at the time.

Beeeeeeeeeeg mistake. :( That pie was nothing like the pie. I can only hope the pie forgives me. I will never never attempt to change the pie ever again.

And of course, because it wasn't nice, there's 90% of it left. And I have to eat it. Unless I can fob it off on OH or the children. :p
LMAO. I have made a low fat version before when i was on dukan, but used from frais. cant say it was as good...but wasnt bad!
LOL, LMAO :D The pie rules.
I was bad to the pie, and now the pie hates me. :cry:

Helloooo Atkiners :)
ROFLMAO - soz, just had to jump in on this one... very funny peeps - the whole thread so far. The cbp sounds intriguing, and maybes I'll just have to give it a go -now I've given up on several failed attempts to restart my VLCD and trying to maintain my weight low carbing through to Jan (when no doubt I'll have another go).
Oh come join us - the pie is king :D
Gotta say am sorely tempted :D might have a go over the weekend. Gotta get back used to buying in 'real' food and avoiding the kitchen.

I also need to spend a few months :eek: catching on the Atkins threads. I do lurke on minis from time to time, usually around the VLCD forums - though I confess, I do sneak a peek at this Atkins one (ssssshhhhh)

I think minis rocks and all the forums are fab -but I have my faves :D and this is one of them.
domino thats cos we are all a little crazy ;) its the lovely food that does it .
a little crazy? :)
Hiya Domino! Atkins is a brilliant place to go from a VLCD - fits in beautifully as you'll stay in ketosis.

And you get to eat the pie - who could ask for anything more??!!
I sometimes wonder if I should try making a vegetarian version of this - but it probably won't taste anything like the meat version, nor have that all-important texture!

Enjoy, people lol x
im sure you could girly. its too good to miss out on!
Well, how was it Ber? Pietastic? Pielicious? Eh? Eh? :D
It was , emmmmmmmmmmmmmmm FAN-TAStIC - yum yum yum drooooool , will be doing it again tomorro when me shopping arrives lol .

Thanks jim , i've a long way to go yet but i'm happy out with the loss so far , it's taken me since 1st july tho , but i've never stuck so long with an other plan so its all good :)