Oh no!


I was preparing my kids some fruit for after dinner and I absent mindedly put a big piece of pear in my big gob! So disappointed - I've been so good. I know it probably won't matter that much but still annoyed! I'll have to be extra careful when preparing their meals. :(
I had about 10 cherries last week if it makes you feel any better about it. It didn't make a difference. They were so tasty I just couldn't stop lol. It's awful that we should feel bad about healthy fruit, :-( only short term though I guess. I love fruit and can't wait to have it on conso yum!
Im changing over from attack to cruise tomorrow and ive made some soup for lunch... I tasted it without even thinking!!!
It's probably one of the main reasons I got to this weight in the first place - putting food in my mouth and not thinking about it!
So easy to do!!!
The other day I accidentally bought yogurt 2,8% fat.
It tasted so different than the 0% I was used to.
I only had a few table spoons....
I did not like the taste really but I was hungry.
Oh yeah - did that when cutting the crusts off sandwiches for a kids tea party. Hand to mouth before brain engaged!