On my Atkins journey

Hi there

'Eggs in a cup' is my DH's favourite food in the whole world. It was what his mum used to give them when they were ill and a real treat apparently - children were much simpler beings in those days. I'm sure this is why he loves Atkins as he can have as much as he wants.

Yes this is what I used to have as a child too, mind you that was with bread too, we called it by a name I now can't remember LOL!!

Thanks for all your support as I felt I had failed miserably today LOL!!
Looks grand silver, cream cheese 2 tbsp =.8 g carb......woo hoo!

Must look. It I'm sure I've seen a recipe for cream cheese muffins....maybe I just dreamt it though.

I've not been hungry at all today...it'll come ;) xx
Thanks Honda, I wasn't sure about the Philly and oh I do love it :) I think I will try and do something with the flaxseed today - maybe make a savoury muffin, I will also make a pastryless quiche affair and that mince cheeseburger thingy......so much to learn. :)

Oh yes and day 3 on Atkins (day 7 with no bread) and I do feel lighter and my skirt isn't as tight this morning when I zipped it up. Yahoooooo!!!
That's reminded me that I used to have a great recipe for breakfast muffins which you could put herbs and ham and cheese into - must dig it out.

That sounds yummy, do share!!

Well Day 3

2 cuppas with Splenda and soya milk

Breakfast - 2 boiled eggs, 6 thin salami slices, 1 Babybell FF cheese

Cup of coffee with splenda and cream

Lunch - 1 large cup salad with a bit of EVOO and Mayo, 1 beefburger (Tesco) grilled with cheese on top, 1/4 avocado

Very small bowl of WW SF jelly with 1 tbps cream


I have 500g of mince thawed but I don't think I am supposed to have onions on Induction and I was going to make the Cheeseburger pie, any thoughts or suggestions or thumbs up for the pie??

Cheeseburger Pie

500g minced beef
50g finely chopped onion
150g chopped mushrooms
100mls double cream
2 heaped tablespoons of mayo
150g strong cheddar grated
3 eggs
salt & pepper to taste

Fry mince, onion and mushrooms together until cooked season to taste, drain off fat, add Lee & Perrins sauce.
Place in a greased foil covered deep pie dish, flatten with spoon.
Beat eggs add mayo, cream and cheese.
Pour over the top of mince, drop olives around the dish and bake in oven Gas mark 5 for 20 to 25 mins until set and golden brown.
Leave to cool before taking out of pie dish, remove foil.
Cut in to portions and wrap in cling film
This freezes very well.
Lovely with salad, cauli mash, or stir fry (Great in lunchboxes)

Optional 1 Tablespoon Lea & Perrins 2c and 10 black olive
I did the pie last Friday!! Gorgeous stuff chicky, I had it for lunch the rest of the weekend! Mmmmmmm I didn't line the tin with foil, didn't use olives and only let it cool slightly ........loved it

Onion, 2 tbsp chopped = .5g net this is what my book says, got it before x'mas it's the new Atkins new you one.

Hope that helps chick xx
I did the pie last Friday!! Gorgeous stuff chicky, I had it for lunch the rest of the weekend! Mmmmmmm I didn't line the tin with foil, didn't use olives and only let it cool slightly ........loved it

Onion, 2 tbsp chopped = .5g net this is what my book says, got it before x'mas it's the new Atkins new you one.

Hope that helps chick xx

Ah thanks Honda I will buy some strong cheddar after work, silly me didn't read the onions amount properly cos you know I am used to putting in a whole onion or two in my normal recipes!! :eek:
You can also make burgers really quickly - mix up the mince with an egg, add spices, mustard, chilli, curry, whatever - then bake for 30 mins at 200 - yum!

Wrap in lettuce, add cheese, a slice of tomato and some mayo - and there's an Atkins burger :D
I usually substitute onions with spring onions :0) x

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Agree - swap with spring onions if you can and but anyway it should be great:)
Well I made it as per the recipe with onion, sauce and olives..........was not too bad I thought and quite satisfying, hey ho onto Day 4 tomorrow.

Next time I will add some garlic, herbs and tinned tomatoes (will check for carbs) and make it a bit more "lasagnerish."

Or maybe chilli or paprika

Or maybe even a humble OXO!!
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Day 4 menu

2 cuppa's with Splenda and soya milk (put 2 teaspoons of Benefiber in one as I don't want to get constipated with the lack of fruit and veggies as is my normal MO)

Breakfast - 5 slices thin salami, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 Babybel ff cheese (I see a pattern here LOL!

1 cup coffee with ff cream and Splenda

(weird as I don't normally drink instant coffee, just a latte from Costa or somewhere like that if I am out, but I am finding this is tiding me over until lunchtime)

Lunch - the cheeseburger mince thingie, I put a teaspoon of Branston brown sauce as it lacks bite and the mince meaty taste is overpowering. Had a pickled onion (allowed??) and a few spoons of those pickled mixed veggie, gherkin and cauliflower for some crunch factor.

Dinner - I think I will make the seafood chowder from the Atkins recipe book later today and maybe a savoury MiM's as I will have no bread to dip in my soup. :cry:

Today I feel a little lighter in myself AND weirdly my watch keeps slipping down my wrist!!

I haven't had a craving as such but those Atkins bars are calling to me from the cupboard. :p
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Sounds grand moony! I've not missed any bread in my soup. Just have it in a cup.
Last night oh came home with a French stick! He left e end sitting on the counter..... The dog got it! Woo hoo! :)
Sounds grand moony! I've not missed any bread in my soup. Just have it in a cup.
Last night oh came home with a French stick! He left e end sitting on the counter..... The dog got it! Woo hoo! :)

Wow well done Honds!!! Bread is going to be my biggest loss, I LOVE it with lashings of butter, well now I can have the butter but not the bread!!

I can't remember now, have you made the MiM's? I bought a packet of flaxseed from Holland and Barrett, I might have a go after work when I make my soup, just took the fish out of the freezer.......

Have you had any Atkins bars on your Induction or have you been clean and green??
Oh I love bred too, any sort but I don't miss it....I miss a crack with my cheese and may have to find some sort of flaxseed alternative, but not in a rush.

I've not wanted to get into the bars....did far too many bars on SW and to be honest they never really satisfied just became a habit.

I do plan to try the cream cheese muffins but haven't gotten round to it.

Suppose I have been clean and green, just not with the sweetener, I have it in my tea and coffee and until it poses a problem I don't want to let it go! :cry:

I do feel I'm maybe overdoing the cream.....not too sure though :confused:
I love the slipping watch thing! Well done - sounds like things are working around here! X
Thanks for the feedback people, cos you know I am worried I am not doing it right!! Well I don't want to be regimented so much I fall off the wagon but I don't want to be doing it WAY WRONG!!

Pickled onions and pickled veg anybody? Are they wrong? I do love the crunchy bite in them.

Well after lunch I got hungry this afternoon :( I had about 2 inches of chorizo sausage chopped up and a piece of celery with Philly.

Didn't make the New England Fish Chowder, will be doing that tomorrow night.

Instead I boiled up the carcass from the large chicken (4 days and I am over it!!:D) strained it then put the following into the water and made some soup with a head of celery, half an onion and some chicken stock. Picked all the chicken off the carcass after the straining, chucked it back in the pan and now it is simmering, I will mush it all up with the stick blender and add some cream and that's it folks.

Tomorrow I am going on a course, tea and biscuits provided :cry: bring your own lunch, I COULD take a bit of the mincey cheese thingy but if they don't have a microwave no way could I eat it cold, so am thinking of having a decent brekkie before I go and take some of the soup stuff in a flask.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Onwards and upwards folks. :D
You are so on track Silver - and you've got it right - preparation is the key!

I am very impressed with the soup - and re your meeting tomorrow, what about some cheese and meat roll ups, or a home made quiche - nice cold, in case there's no microwave :)
You are so on track Silver - and you've got it right - preparation is the key!

I am very impressed with the soup - and re your meeting tomorrow, what about some cheese and meat roll ups, or a home made quiche - nice cold, in case there's no microwave :)

If you don't mind Lady can you please elaborate on these 2 as they are not in my vocabulary....yet. :D