One line TOP TIPS

plan plan plan and be organised with meals.......... saves the wandering round from fridge to freezer to cupboard and back round again, when your starving going 'what can i have for dinner!?'

That would be the one for me too. When I don't plan I don't stay on track, when I do plan I see the results on the scales.
It's not all about one week, it's about the bigger picture!!

So don't get too disheartened if one particular week doesn't go to plan, it's what we do the majority of the time that counts and it's sometimes best to look at losses over the course of a month rather than getting hung up on individual weeks! This has helped me an awful lot in the (nearly) 1 year since I started!
You either do it (follow the plan) , or you dont. Its thats simple. There is no try. Yoda wise master ;)
Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right