One week in...and getting there


Full Member
It's a week since I started S & S, and I think I'm getting there. In the first few days I did have rather a lot of extra packs, which I know isn't ideal (especially since I will need to reorder sooner now too!) but figured it was better than eating other stuff. So, I'm really counting my proper start from today.

I've found not having a pack immediately when I get up, and waiting for a couple of hours helps me, as when I first have a pack I seem to want another one straight away. And, having an omelette for my protein meal is great (never really used to like them).

One of my motivations (and it is a bit of a weird one, I know) is I am that embarrassed/humiliated about the state I've gotten my body into that I'd avoid going to the doctors, or anything like that, partially because of it. I do have a bit of a phobia about all things doctors anyway, and one of my biggest fears is having any health issues that would require treatment/a hospital stay, seriously, going to the doctor's to me is as stressful as....a bungee jump or something! I have someone close right now who is very ill, so I suppose this kind of thing is more on my mind. But, I guess, doctors or no, looking in the mirror and seeing extra stones of flesh is never a good thing, eh!

I'm trying to take some earlier good advice, and take it one day at a time. When I seem to get too far ahead, I start to think things like, ah, what's the point, I'll still be covered in stretch marks and will probably have loose skin or whatever to boot. Just trying to keep the focus that it will at least be an improvement.

All this weight stuff really does have so many levels/layers to it, doesn't it? For me, the battle is definitely in my head, and not on the dinner plate (even if my weight might indicate the contrary!)
I absolutely agree!! It's mind over matter, and sometimes when we're eating as we normally do, we fill out heads with 'why am I eating next' and 'what's for tea' and 'a chocolate bar will make it all better'. When we come to VLCD we strip back our eating/food related activities to almost zero meaning that we have more time to think, and suddenly our obsession with food becomes obvious. The plus side is that when stuff is obvious, it's easier to tackle it!! :)
well done hun its so hard first few days / weeks cos we do have to battle our own inner demons so much dont we and I dont know about you but I am so my worst enemy where food/drink is concerned.
This weekend Iv had a few more packs than I should too but Im still claiming it as a victory cos at least it wasnt a few packs of biscuits or crisps lol
dont worry about lil things like spare skin or stretch marks ..theyv gotta be easier to hide than spare tyres of fat right?
best of luck for this week
Jo x
That's it, RhiBro, hopefully I'll get better on the old willpower as time goes on. Couldn't get too much worse right enough, so onwards and upwards! We'll get there, eh? By Christmas we could be 2/3 stone down, gotta be good.
Cheers Jo. I'm exactly the same, food has just become the thing to do, but those bad habits of mine are pretty engrained.
Defo, it is a victory isn't it, yep, I could probably eat a multi pack of crisps and still want more!

I like your thinking, you're right, gotta be better than trying to hide the fat, will try and keep that in mind. Cheers again. x

well done hun its so hard first few days / weeks cos we do have to battle our own inner demons so much dont we and I dont know about you but I am so my worst enemy where food/drink is concerned.
This weekend Iv had a few more packs than I should too but Im still claiming it as a victory cos at least it wasnt a few packs of biscuits or crisps lol
dont worry about lil things like spare skin or stretch marks ..theyv gotta be easier to hide than spare tyres of fat right?
best of luck for this week
Jo x