Ooof, have had a day of it!


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Back story: My sister-in-law kicked of big time just before my wedding, to the point of saying she didn't want to come and acting like a child, so we said she didn't have to come if she didn't want to. She doesn't like my husband - no idea what that's about, but she's hated him for longer than I've known him.

Anyway, she's going into hospital tomorrow for a fairly routine operation, so I sent a 'good luck, hope it all goes well' card, you know, cos we hope it goes well, and to maybe break down some barriers there.

She gets it this morning and absolutely LAYS INTO my husband and me, about how DH is a pompus ass who doesn't care about anyone, and how I'm tacky and trashy and have no class because I did this photoshoot when I worked as a plus-sized model for a while, and the accompanying article (It's not particularly safe for work...)

Four curvy girls reveal all as a pic of size 12 model Lizzie Miller in Glamour mag causes uproar | The Sun |Woman

I am absolutely spitting feathers right now. I have been called trashy by someone who dresses like a hooker (and wonders why she can't get a job as a teacher), posts pictures of her really trashy tattoos all over facebook and takes holidays to the Jersey Shore.
On the other hand, that's me in my little avatar, and I'm training to be a Dr so don't think it's that bad.

I don't get the trashiness of the article I did. Someone, please explain? DH's cousin thinks it's jealousy. I'm just mad, that I did something that I thought was nice for someone else (I sent a card. Just a card...) and DH gets THREE(!) hate-filled emails over facebook for it. Am I missing something here?

Anyway, I want wine, and can't have it... Sob!
Am very determined to lose more weight now so I can positively rub her nose in it, if I ever see her again. Thank heavens they all live in the USA!!!
I think you look gorgeous and can think of no other reason than jealousy too. What a loser she is. Take no notice, it's not like you are gonna bump into her in the street is it? I wouldn't be offering any more olive branches though, nobody would treat my husband like that.

Stick in and show the b***h hahahaha
Thanks! I think I'm annoyed most about the fact that she bashed me to my husband - generally if I have a problem with someone, I tell it to them, not their friends or family. That's just poor form!
Yes, but surely you are not suprised by her actions? She have hurt and upset you before, and your husband, so what did you expect? Try to forget it and just learn from it. Let her do the running but at the end of the day you and your husband are a package and I would not allow her to behave like that again.

Don't worry about the photoshoot, thats in the past and certainly not something to be ashamed about. But whatever you do ..... don't reach for that wine (or crisps, or chocolate, or pizza lol). You are the stronger one!
Bloody hell, your SIL sounds like a lovely person....NOT! What a B***H! I'd be fuming too. Well done on not caving in, she is not worth you caving in and making yourself feel poop. Keep ya chin up, she clearly isn't worth time of day!
Don't let it get you down! Obviously your DH is way more important in your life than her. She is probably just jealous as you look beautiful in that article! If she doesn't see you sending a card as a nice gesture then she doesn't deserve your time. :)
What goes around comes around is what I believe
You will rise above horrid people like this whoever it is
So much envy out in this world