Oooooops !!!!


Well im 2stone lighter in 5 wks and feel fab - but had a little lapse today - i had a small piece of flapjac ! I just had to sample a bit !!!!!! I feel very upset wirh myself ! Will that mess up my ketones and Weight !

It depends how little it was. :) If it was only a nibble, I'm sure you'll be fine. The worst that it'll probably do is make you want more. Don't worry about it. :)
You MIGHT put on, or you might get away with it, everyone is different. When I cheated one time I ended up still losing 2lb - another time, I put 3lb on. I think it depends on the calorie and carb content of what you ate. Fingers crossed that you get away with it! If you do, whatever happens DO NOT take it as a green light to have a little sneak of food now and then and think it won't matter. Count yourself lucky if you still get a decent loss, or take the lesson if you don't. Don't worry about it or beat yourself up hun, we're all human. xx