Paul McKenna - i can make you thin

Just don't think of it as a diet, I've eaten less this last week than I have in years, mainly because on WW you think 'oh well I've counted it so I'm going to eat it' on SW 'it's free so I can eat as much as I like of this'.... but, you still can't have chocolate cake for breakfast (if you so wished)!

On Paul McKenna it's about listening to what you want and eating slowly and consciously, so, you may only have half a slice of something but you won't feel deprived and you'll realise you can have some more later if you wish, so it's a win win!!!
So my success journal came today, do I carry on from day 5 or start again?also does anyone else find the mirror exercises really scary?x
I think the fact they are scared helps us to accept ourselves :) I've had a tummy bug but been 110% focused has actually helped me to think about what I want to eat for a change ! Yesterday I had a cheese biscuit, some rice, half an Eccles cake and some fish pie ! Weird combo but a lot less than I'd usually eat
I just posted a large reply but lost it! d'oh! anyway here goes : I'm doing great, I put my trousers on and had to go up a belt notch, not sure if this is going to be reflected in the scales but I'm pleased anyway. Made a spaghetti carbonara last night for dinner, hubby ate double the amount I ate, which was fab as before I'd have ploughed through. I put my reasonable portion out and still left some :) so really feeling in control. Funny now I have lots of half things left, half an eccles cake is on my desk from Wednesday; our canteen only does toast in 2's and I've eaten 1 but left the crusts!!!!! I'm going to end up with loads of bits of food everywhere at this rate. I'm trying to gauge fullness, and then add a couple of bites extra, I guess I have to try and find my full button which I've never done before. I'd really like to start a Paul McK success journal thread here, but wondering if I'd be allowed to mark positives and negatives each day and things I need to focus on ... what does everyone think??
I have started the journal and it really does help, im sure if it helps others then it should be fine, maybe not all his rules just the exercises each day he asks you to do, today I have to visualise that its a year from now and see how im actin etc, its a useful exercise which really does help, I have a bit of fudge cake on my desk that I just don't want, whoop. Well done on the inch loss that the most important part x
woohoo, good luck with your exercise :) sounds very positive. Yummm for fudge cake too!! Have a great day! x
A mixed day for me yesterday daytime was fine, went out to the new Italian had a starter which I ate half of and ate as I should, main I ate a lot more than I should so need to practice stopping and I didnt chew enough times !!!!! Too much alcohol too, back to it today the great thing about this method is you haven't gone over on anything you just start right back again your next meal!!!!! So I'm planning to be 100% today :) have lost another 1lb so chuffed about that too.
That's what I love bout this, I had argument with other half went for the biscuits, but I didn't finish the packet, (normally would have done) I didn't feel guilty or like id let my self down. Also never listen to Paul last night but gonna listen to him today and tonight, I lost a total of 3lbs and this is my first week, have never done that before, x
My weekend was mixed too much alcohol makes me go off plan so hoping for a good week back to it today :)
Count me in ladies! I did this a few years ago and loved it. Lost over a stone, couldn't shift the last 1/2 stone through laziness and not paying attention to the rules.
decided to try and shift the last half stone by doing Atkins, oops!! Put on about 1.5 stones by bingeing on non Atkins friendly stuff and promising to get back on the plan "tomorrow". Grrrr, idiot! Gave up on even trying to lose for a while.

Eventually settled on SW to lose my 2 stone, worked pretty well, lost nearly a stone and then lost my motivation, I spent the whole day thinking about food. Really want to learn to relax around food like I used to. So me and Mr McKenna are once again going hand in hand down the road to thinness.

I weighed yesterday at 9st 11 (post holiday! I was 9st 8 before my week of cocktails and desserts).
Would like to be 8st 7 or there abouts, here's hoping:)

Hope you don't mind me jumping in here?
More the merrier. I had a relaxed weekend, had icecream at the beach!!!and I enjoyed it and dint over eat, love it. Got through a Monday in the office without snacking, never crossed my mind till a girl asked if I wanted to share some chocolate, answer = no, I love Paul he has made me love food on a proper level, hope you get to your aim and stop thinkin bout food x
Thanks slimmingmarie, it's so good saying no to food when you're not hungry. Takes some getting used to!

I bought a gorgeous looking white chocolate and raspberry cupcake on Saturday, it has sat in my handbag ever since as I've never wanted/ been hungry to eat it. I gave it to my daughter this morning!

Before I'd have eaten it whether I was hungry or not.