Perhaps this is a great idea. =)

Aww thanks Rela!! Shell (and becky, and anyone else for that matter) send me an email if you want those dessert recipes. They're from a diabetic dessert cookbook, so they're low fat, sugar free, not sure on the calories though. Each recipe lists them, so I'll look for some low calorie ones and send them along to you all. I can't vouch for their tastiness, as I'm still on SS so haven't cooked them of yet, but my family ate them up with their meals so...
Week 4 official weigh in: Lost 8 lbs!!!

> Lost 8 lbs.
> Skirt fell right off my body! And another, formerly very tight, canbe taken off without unzipping it.
> Jeans I bought before now slide off without being unbuttoned or unzipped.
> Did not cheat even one single time!
> Even resisted eating food in my dreams.
> Can feel my pelvic bone and my ribs on the sides and back.
Last week of SS. Possibly 1 more after this, if I like how fast I'm losing, but I promised my friends no more than 6 wks. After which, I'll replace a shake with a ~200 calorie meal.
I went shopping yesterday. Bought a really cute brown suedish skirt with a nice pattern. And it was a size smaller than the jeans!!! :-o It's a bit snug, but that makes 3 sizes down in about a month's time!!!
I'll be visiting my godmother in the mountains this weekend - so out of touch until Monday. Bringing my soups, and she's quite supportive. Even called and asked if there was anything I need her to pick up for me.

On a lark this morning, just to see how far I've come, I pulled one of my really cute old skirts from high school out form the back of my closet. Haven't fit into it since I was about 17. I figured, hey, if I can get it up past my thighs I've lost a LOT fo weight compared to last time I tried to put it on and couldn't even get it to my butt. Not only did I get it that far, I got it on and zipped!!! I'm about 5 lbs. from looking good in it too - it was just barely too snug!!!

I wore some khaki pants today that I haven't worn in ages - not in at least 2 yrs. And the time I wore them 2 yrs ago they looked really awful. They were very very tight and clung to my stomach, making it look HUGE. I always wore them with a long, loose top. Today? I am wearing them and they are BAGGY!! Like holy flipping bags, Batman! And I'm wearing them with a very tight fitting sweater I got in Paris when I was 16. It's made of miracle material, I swear, because it fit me when I was a sz. 4 and it fit me when I was a size 16. - albeit the way it hugged my curves at each looked quite different. But it looks really good today - not tugged at or overly stretched - but like it's sitting on my curves without being thin anymore. :D I r0x0rz today!

> Didn't cheat even once!!
> Learned to see tea as a reward instead of cookie as reward.
> Lost 25 lbs!!!!!
> Lost just about 3 sizes!!!!! (the 3rd is still a bit snug)
> Learned to say no to food I don't really want to eat.
> Learned that I don't have to eat something just because it's there.
> Threw away all the junk food in the house and began cooking healthy meals for my family, so there won't be junk for any of us to eat when I'm able to eat again.
> Learned that I have discipline and great friends.
> Made some awesome new MiniMins friends.
> Got my curves back and got some definition to my body.
> People (men) have begun noticing me and referring to me as "cute" or "hot".
> Gained a lot of my self confidence back.
> Balanced a diet with University and work.
I am back - expect an update shortly. =)
So far this week a whopping: FECKING 0 LBS!! WTF!! THIS SUCKS ROYALLY!! And I promised I'd replace 1 shake with a 200 calorie meal starting Thus! I WANT TO FECKING LOSE WEIGHT!

I don't think I'll lose as much with the replacement as I have been otherwise... this sucks. ;.; I might do a week of the meal and go back to this. Why is my body so dumb?!
My mother tells me that someone who's known me since I was a little girl asked her if I was on a diet because she noticed she can see my curves and cheek bones!

Which was a nice compliment pick me up as I've been feeling down over the 1lb. loss on the week (unless I lose a ton before WI tomorrow by some miracle...).

I fit into this skirt that's left over from high school. Not reallllly well, as it's still too tight to wear, but it goes up and zips, and last time I tried it on, it didn't even make it up m thighs to my butt and stomach, so hooray!

Tomorrow, I am taking away 1 shake and replacing it with a 200 cal meal. My 1st meal will be a slice of sun dried tomato pizza on whole wheat crust. =) My second will be half of a chicken waldorf sandwich (which, according to the calorie calculator, the whole sandwich is 400 cals, including the asiago focaccia which I was gong to take off before eating, so wahooo!! I can eat my fav food and still obey the diet!)

After that, I'll be crunching down some yum yum salads - the irght kind, with baby spinach leaves and tomatos and maybe carrots, and no crutons or dressing. I've got 2 VLC dressings which are me specialties. 1 is a lemon pepper dressing (wow, some ground pepper and a squeezed lemon....imagine that...) and an italian vinagrette not made with olive oil. :)

> Went 5 weeks without cheating!!
> Lost 1 lb..... drr....
> Successfully completed Sole Source part of diet and moving on to 200 calorie meal in place of 1 shake. (At least temporarily)
> Lost another freaking size!
> 8's clothings are up and zipped, and dresses are fitting!
> Learned healthy eating and how to balance it.
Today, Heather and I went to LUNCH! Wowza!! I had a small side salad of field greens with a cherry tomato (the small kind) and an onion slice. (The outside rim, not a whole bleeding thing). I sprinkled pepper and lemon juice over the top in place of dressing.

I also had a sun dried tomato piece of pizza on whole wheat crust with no sauce and real buffalo mozzarella - just a bit - rather than the cow's milk cheese fake stuff. And I only finished about 1/3 of it. I'm eating the rest tonight @ CCF hwen everyone else is loading up on high calorie junk. Go me!

Eating differences - lack of dressing, cutting up into small pieces and chewing until disintegration, eating much slower, stopping when I am no longer hungry, being full faster - by which I don't mean I ate until full I meant I stopped before that point and ended up satisfied on far less food.
Missed 2 soups yesterday b/c I got stranded on University campus overnight! Uhoh!!

Had a meal today of about 350 calories - 1/2 a chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread, no dressing, with tomatoes, onions, a teeny bit of mozzarella, and field greens topping, and a small side of field greens with nothing else and some pepper with lemon juice (a tiny bit from a fresh lemon) drizzled over the top of it.

A little over the 20 cals, but I watched the carbs as much as possible and told them to hold the dressing on the greens and hold the pesto mayo on the sandwich. I figured I needed a few extra after missing both soups!!

Tonight, I'm back to soups and I will be tightening the strings on the 200 calorie thing to be what it ought to be. 200 calories, period. No carbs in that 200 calories at all, period. Next "meal" will likely be a salad, hold the dressing. Or a chicken waldorf salad sandwich hold the bread. (It's 400 calorie sandwich including the asiago focaccia, so if I eat half I could have my favorite meal!! I will skip the asiago focaccia though because of the carb amount.)
Also, thank you to all of you who were os helpful in my panicked state early this morning!!! (2 or 3 am here)
Hey Peachy, (thats what ive decided im going to call you :) Lol)
Thanks for the message. Its not long now till i trundle over to your side of the world. Might see you there.

Taz x
Yay! I do hope to see you here! :D Would be quite fun. :)
More than likely, I'll be in Atlanta. :) I've got university, so I'm pinned in for the most of it. Check to make sure I haven't taken a road trip, but I should be.