Pesty's Diary: Losing the baby bulge

Well done Jess - you were obviously good on the other days.
Hope today goes ok in London - meetings are always a reet pain!
Train delayed so meeting pushed to 1-2.

That makes my day a bit better rounded anyway so not such a bad thing!

I had a banana for breakfast - just gloating... I turned down a pastry and breakfast biscuits!!

I definitely think having breakfast is what has made the difference.

Hope you all have a good day! xxx
Well done, Pesty.
Those bottles must just have been a figment of your imagination!
Well just got out of my fourth meeting of the day!!!

Rather stressed. But on the plus side I stuck to my food today which is a struggle when I'm in London

B - banana
L - w/m sandwich (B), tsp butter (3), ham, salad. Satsuma, skips (4.5)

So dinner of pork chips when I get home! Not sure what with yet but plenty of veg in the fridge and potatoes of some description!

Also picked up some nitol today so hoping I can get some sleep tonight.

So two days on plan for me and im feeling good!!!

Weekends plans consist of staying in tonight, friends bday tomorrow (will be on the vodka diet coke if i drink at all) and a lazy one sunday (potentially having some friends over for dinner)

So hopefully i can stay on track and get that loss next week!!!

Yesterday 23/01/2014:
B - Satsuma x2 (not good enough really!)
L - pasta n sauce C,L&H (1) (1/2A)
S - Quavers (4.5)
D - Chicken in BBQ flavouring (3), SW chips, mushroom, egg
Drinks - Tea (1/2A), D. Lemonade, SF Juice

Not enough SF yesterday, the mushrooms didnt take up half my plate thats for sure! No B choice either so must try harder today.

B - banana
L - w/m sandwich (B), tsp butter (3), ham, salad. Satsuma, skips (4.5)
S - 1/2 ham sandwich (3), mustard (1)
D - Stir fry veg, garlic, soy sauce, mustard (1) noodles, pork chop
Drink - D. Lemonade, Tea (A)
Hey Pesty

Just read through your diary and completely empathize with your post about trouser sizes, my work trousers have gone from having a bit of give to almost falling down but the size below are painfully too small so it looks like I am a 17 aswell.

Or maybe still an 18 and I need to buy braces!
Hey Pesty

Just read through your diary and completely empathize with your post about trouser sizes, my work trousers have gone from having a bit of give to almost falling down but the size below are painfully too small so it looks like I am a 17 aswell.

Or maybe still an 18 and I need to buy braces!

Maybe thats the way forward!!! haha everyone on SW should get some braces as part of the welcome pack :D

I still have the baggy ones that im wearing every day, i really must invest in some new ones!! xx
Maybe thats the way forward!!! haha everyone on SW should get some braces as part of the welcome pack :D

I still have the baggy ones that im wearing every day, i really must invest in some new ones!! xx
I went for the very unflattering "builders bum" look! :8855:
So long as they didn't completely fall down I just kept hitching them up.
I finally had to buy an interim pair of jeans from the charity shop when I could get in and out of all my others without undoing them.

Should have though of the braces idea! That would have been fun!
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Haha I've just been moaning on my own diary about being in a similar predicament with trousers... Still not sure what the answer is, tried wearing a belt with one of my pairs, which didn't really go at all and just bunched up the waise, so this week I was just yanking them up every time I got up out my seat!!

Happy weekend :)
Well I have tried a solution, I have now tracked down the exact same pair of trousers and ordered them one size down. If they don't fit I am going to have to give up and start wearing potato sacks until I get down into my small side of the wardrobe!
Ive managed to pop a button on my trousers, not the top button, the one below it (i know, dont ask me how!!) so now theyre falling down as usual but my zip also undoes itself whenever i sit down so when i get up i have to yank my trousers up and do up the zip!!! haha

Quite a good weekend for me. Perfect foodwise except for a oven cooked chicken burger which i had instead of the usual chips from the take away on the way home. Straight back on track sunday and still hoping for that little loss tomorrow to get me into the 12s xxx
I hope the scales are kind tomorrow.
And mine had better be nice to me tonight, or I shall grump.
If theyre mean to either of us i'll grump with you!!!

Mine were very nice to me, so I'm not grumping on my own account - but I'm just waiting to see if you need me to come and grump with you for solidarity!
Glad they were good to you Sarah, hopefully theyll be nice to me too :)

WI this evening and finishing at 5 (yay!!)

I bought some new trousers too - and this time they fit!!! Which makes me feel wonderful.

To counteract that wonder, I swing my arms too much when i walk, managed to thump a lump of metal as it was sticking out of the door when i walked past last night and now have a very painful knuckle - ouchy.

cleaned out the fishes last night so didnt get dinner until 10, hopefully that isnt weighing on my stomach this evening!!!

Have a good day all xxx