Pesty's Diary: Losing the baby bulge

What a day!!! Screaming munchkin, she's got wind and no matter how much I wind her or what massage I do she's still windy.

James is putting her down for the night so I can write this with both hands whoop whoop!!!

So far today.

B - banana, 2 x alpen light (B)
L - jacket potato with chilli (mince, onion, tinned tomatoes, paprika, coriander, cumin, garlic, oxo, chilli powder, kidney beans) cheese (A)
S - more chilli and Tilda microwave rice (1.5), twix finger (7), muller Greek yog toffee (1/2)

Tea (milk A), SF juice.

That is all. So I'm thinking...

D - chicken stew (chicken, tinned toms, peppers, swede, carrot, garlic, paprika, chilli powder, oxo).

Mini 'magnum' is 6.5 syns which would take me half over for the day, I think I can accept that though!! It's been a tough day haha

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Looking like a good day for you.

I do feel feel for the babies when they have gas it's difficult for them being all brand new.

Do you give Lily baby massage? It really helped and still does with Malita's gas and generally to relax her too.

It's also wonderful for bonding. I always sing songs like...head...shoulders..knees and toes with can be relaxing after a bath soothing for bed or play time. Depends on the atmosphere you set.

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Yeah, I've not been on the course as its so popular here that you can only do it if you're referred by the health visitor and mine missed our appt last week and I haven't heard from her since!!!

I did look up the techniques though and do the massage on her. She's really grump though (due to the wind) so can't do it for long as she cries.

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Afternoon chica - trust you are well in a freezing cold UK. It's pretty blumin' cold here too, although the sun is out but it's not warming things up.

I seem to remember Sarah saying you sgould be having lots of extra Hex's - especially A's.
Errrr just looked back at your food diary and unless you aren't logging them you don't seem to be having them.
Tell me to butt out if I'm interfering.
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Not interfering at all!!

You can have up to 5, 3 A, 2 B preferably.

I'm having two of each at the moment.

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After two nights of skipping the 1am feed here we are feeding at 1am, the extra sleep was fun whilst it lasted! Luckily OH is off work tomorrow so he did the nappy change, unfortunately I'm BF so I have to get up anyway for the actual feed!!

Stayed on track again today but ate the last of the leftovers which is a dangerous place to be at the weekend with nothing to grab instantly.

A mini shop must be done tomorrow for some fresh bits!

B - banana, 2 x alpen light (b)
L - ham sandwich, wholemeal bread (b), SW chips, lettuce, tomato. Tbsp Mayo (2), tbsp ketchup (1)
D - chilli and rice, cheese (a)
Drinks - tea (a), SF juice, diet coke
Snack - mini 'magnum' (6.5), toffee Greek Muller (0.5), FF activia yog

Syns - 10

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Let's add exhaustion to the list of potential sabotages for the day. My beautiful baby decided it was necessary to cry every half an hour just because she can.

She's next to my side of the bed so I have been awake every half hour to stop the crying. We're now doing another feed.

Hopefully there'll be some form of lay in in the morning. we have a party to go to tonight so I don't really want to be doing that on no sleep!!!

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Let's add exhaustion to the list of potential sabotages for the day. My beautiful baby decided it was necessary to cry every half an hour just because she can.

She's next to my side of the bed so I have been awake every half hour to stop the crying. We're now doing another feed.

Hopefully there'll be some form of lay in in the morning. we have a party to go to tonight so I don't really want to be doing that on no sleep!!!

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Oh bless you....hope you guys manage a lay in...

I used to be up every 1/2 hours for feeding but now that she goes 5/6 hours i find it difficult to sleep...I think i functioned better with less sleep.... hehehe...
I can relate to exhaustion this morning... My little one decided she was hungry at 1am and 3 am but wouldn't for the life of her latch on, resulting in screaming baby and knackered mummy. Needless to say as soon as it's daylight she latched no problems and is now asleep in my arms. We haven't managed to get her sleeping in her crib yet either so she's always with me which isn't helping. Need to get her in there soon so we can all get a better rest.

Good luck for the weekend food, hope u manage to get some shopping done before hunger gets u!! Food diary looks good so far this week xx

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Maverick try a white noise app. It really helps to settle babies. Also put a top you've been wearing on top of the crib sheet and lay her on top, also may help settle her.
I can relate to exhaustion this morning... My little one decided she was hungry at 1am and 3 am but wouldn't for the life of her latch on, resulting in screaming baby and knackered mummy. Needless to say as soon as it's daylight she latched no problems and is now asleep in my arms. We haven't managed to get her sleeping in her crib yet either so she's always with me which isn't helping. Need to get her in there soon so we can all get a better rest.

Good luck for the weekend food, hope u manage to get some shopping done before hunger gets u!! Food diary looks good so far this week xx

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Congratulations, when did you have your little one?

My children are 22 & 24 so my way of bringing up baby will be different than yours, I was quite firm and put Nathan & Lydia in their own room early on, I think after a couple of weeks and would never let them sleep with us, I BF both of them & would sit in the rocking chair feeding which I enjoyed.

It's so hard, they don't come with a manual and you never know what is right!!! What I do remember is reading early on is the 3 F's, Fair, Firm & Fun which I tried to apply to parenting, I don't think I did too bad, both my children work, never taken drugs, not been in trouble, Lydia at 22 is buying her first house so all is good.

Have fun x
Hi Laura!! *waves*

Glad to hear from you and your little one!!! How you finding it? Apart from the obvious exhaustion!!!

Lily was the same. Swaddling was my saviour!!! She's the same in the night too. Terrible at latching!! I introduced a bottle in the end so I combination feed. I would love exclusively BF but when I've argued with her to get her to latch on for 20 minutes without success and then she won't settle because she's hungry it's just not worth it!! Lol

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We did manage a lay in - a very broken one with lots of grizzling, but a lay in none the less.

James made breakfast, no super free as the mushrooms had gone off but 3 WW sausages (1.5), scrambled eggs, 2 wm bread (b), bacon, beans.

Hopefully that'll keep me full for a while!!

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Maverick try a white noise app. It really helps to settle babies. Also put a top you've been wearing on top of the crib sheet and lay her on top, also may help settle her.

We have a white noise app which we have been using to get her to nap in her Moses basket downstairs. It also has one of hubby's tops on the mattress and one of us tend to lie on the mattress to warm it up a bit before putting her down on it. Works some of the time, but we haven't yet attempted it in her crib upstairs.

Congratulations, when did you have your little one?

My children are 22 & 24 so my way of bringing up baby will be different than yours, I was quite firm and put Nathan & Lydia in their own room early on, I think after a couple of weeks and would never let them sleep with us, I BF both of them & would sit in the rocking chair feeding which I enjoyed.

It's so hard, they don't come with a manual and you never know what is right!!! What I do remember is reading early on is the 3 F's, Fair, Firm & Fun which I tried to apply to parenting, I don't think I did too bad, both my children work, never taken drugs, not been in trouble, Lydia at 22 is buying her first house so all is good.

Have fun x

Thank you, she is only 8 days old so I can't be too harsh with her!! We intend to have her in her crib in our room for the first 6 months - that's the recommendation these days. I had a c section though and am breastfeeding so tbh in the beginning it was just easier to have her in the bed with me. Now that I'm recovering, we are starting to think about making the changes. Break my heart when she cries a lot though, plus our neighbours are not very understanding that we have a newborn so that's playing on my mind too!

Hi Laura!! *waves*

Glad to hear from you and your little one!!! How you finding it? Apart from the obvious exhaustion!!!

Lily was the same. Swaddling was my saviour!!! She's the same in the night too. Terrible at latching!! I introduced a bottle in the end so I combination feed. I would love exclusively BF but when I've argued with her to get her to latch on for 20 minutes without success and then she won't settle because she's hungry it's just not worth it!! Lol

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I haven't tried swaddling, because she was breech, her legs were still froggy style and she likes to have her arms free so I'm not sure it would work for her - we are taking lots of advice tho so hopefully will get it sorted sooner rather than later and hopefully get a bit of a routine for her. I'm not keen on introducing bottles, so I'm going to persevere with bf for a while - my oh is usually quite good at helping her latch but he had been drinking last night so I made him stay on the couch which meant I was trying to do it all myself and cursing him at the same time!!
Pesty and Maverick
If you are having troubles trying to get little 'un to latch, and don't want to use bottle formula, have you thought of expressing milk that you can use overnight in a bottle?
I've not had kids, but many of my friends said this worked like a dream for them.

PS Maverick - congrats chica on the birth of Jessica
Expressing is definately an option. Also pop along to local bf support groups, they are wonderful and may give you hints and tips you've not had before. Also if she's not settling or not latching try skin to skin or a co-bath (with hubby in the room at all times) when you're able and comfy to.

You can swaddle breech babies, current advice is light breathable material, tight across the top and loose around the hips. It's also safer in terms of sids to start sooner rather than later. And never bed share and swaddle at the same time. 1 or the other at any one time.
Also look up biological a relaxed way for babies to self latch and may work for you.
They should send all pregnant woman on a course on how to everything with one hand. Make a million with that idea :) xx

It does get easier hun.

I didnt sleep properly for 8 months until i stopped breastfeeding.
LOL Elle!!! Also a lesson in picking up stuff with your feet!!

I go to BF class and love it. Just for the chat more than anything!! Lots of good advice there though.

Had my great uncles 70th tonight. Only had 1 glass of wine. Two wholemeal squares of sandwich. Chicken in various flavours and a small bite of OHs cake.

Very impressed with myself!!!

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Just avoided the goody box full of sweeties that OH is eating and had air fried roast potatoes instead!!!

Not sure what's happening to me but long may it continue!!

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Well. What started as good ended badly!!! I'm really disappointed with not only myself for not saying no but with people that have the 'oh go on, treat yourself' approach, who top your plate off with the things you asked not to have so not only were you strong enough to say no, you now have to be strong enough to ignore what's in front of you, which I failed to do.

If I have a gain after being good ALL WEEK I'll be miffed!!!!

So dinner was a roast, stuffing, homemade yorkshires, gravy, a glass of prosecco, a galaxy 'gift for you' and a Mars ice cream. Which brought syns for the day to 36.

At least I did manage to say no to pudding of pecan pie and apple crumble with custard. Still not to please with myself for my other failings

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I'm just so impressed that you're even attempting sw so soon after having a baby. Don't stress yourself too much, you are doing amazingly and it really is hard to avoid all temptation xx

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