Phoenyx is primal v3.0


Step away from the cake..
I'm back!!! I've increased my exercise of late so have been playing around with some additional carbs (a few legumes, porridge for breakfast, that sort of thing) but I really miss my old primal ways and I know I could be getting any carbs I need from fruit, sweet potatoes, veg and other paleo friendly stuff.

So, before anyone comments, I just want to say I'm not all that strict! I allow a little full fat dairy (in the form of Greek yoghurt in) and I do like dark chocolate! Also, I know I do more exercise than is recommended, but I'm just playing at the moment, trying out p90x (and so far loving it!). I am trying to lose another 2 stone ish (have lost about two and a half so far) so have some rules:

1. Stick to a primal diet with no more than three "cheats" per week
2. Move! I'm doing p90x at the moment but any daily movement is a must!

In addition, if I'm struggling with cravings, calorie count to ensure I'm getting at least 2000 cals (I tend to find I cut back without noticing, then binge)

I'm not deliberately fasting whilst I'm exercising a lot, but I'll eat when hungry so if I'm not hungry I'll skip a meal.

I'm currently using protein shakes for breakfast. I'll stop this when I've used it up.

That's about all for now, it's nice to be back (feels like coming home)!
AM p90x chest & shoulders DVD (60 mins), ab shredder DVD (16 mins)
PM 35 min run with 5 x 30s sprints, 3 x 50s hill

B: protein shake made with an apple, banana, water and 2 scoops protein powder
L: spicy tomato & chicken soup
T: 1.5 pork loin steaks cooked in coconut oil, brussel sprouts, broccoli
2 small handfuls of cashews
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Welcome to 3.0 lol:). Too true - got to have the odd naughty or 20% especially if it's chocolate:D
A poor day, food wise. I didnt have any lunch with me and planned to go into town to get something in my free but was taken for cover (I blagged 2 eggs off someone and boiled them in the kettle!). Then in the eve I had to drop my car off then get a train home, but found I'd left my house keys in the car, so had to get a train back to the car, and am now waiting for the train back again! What a wally! My DDs are with me and are being ever so patient, but it'll be nearly ten by the time they get to bed, which doesn't bode well for school tomorrow...

Exercise AM 60 min p90x plyometrics (my heart wasn't in it this am, but got through it)

B - banana, small glass (150ml) choc milk, 2 boiled eggs
L - 2 boiled eggs, handful of almonds
S - small latte
T - small hot chocolate!!! To be followed by a tuna salad when I get home if I'm hungry.

Not a great day in the world of primal, but the other food choices in the train station involved bread, pastry and more wheat! The one grain I truly want to avoid!
Another bizarre day as I was on a training course in London. Managed to avoid all the unhealthy snacks available at the tea breaks, though.

Exercise: AM 60 min legs & back DVD (got up at 5am to do that, how's that for commitment!)

B: small glass chocolate milk (post workout recovery drink!), banana, 2 boiled eggs
L: beef stew, 2 mushrooms topped with tomato & goats cheese, avocado salad
S: tapas salad from pret (salami, cheese, lettuce, mini gerkins), small latte, 2 plums
T: garlic prawns followed by steak salad (wagamamas)
Took a rest day today (was exhausted!). It's normally my running day today, but I was on a course this afternoon.

B - small handful of cashews, banana
L - small handful of olives, cubes of cheese & sliced chorizo, mixed salad leaves
T - veg stirfry & 2 large pork chops

V hungry tonight so had two large pork chops, fat and all - yum!!!

Just started listening to a new podcast, relentless roger and the caveman doctor. It's v good. Enjoying it (although it isnt as good as my favourite, fat burning man)
Hiya... I'm new around here and was just saing hello to other fellow paleo/primals!!

Hope you dont mind!!!

I am the same.... I find the Paleo very easy to stick to.... But i guess i'm more primal as I do have cheese... but not milk... I have almond milk.... The 80/20 is working for me!!!

hi there , welcome back , hope alls going well xx