

Full Member
This diet is really making me realise why ive become so fat!

Ive just made my daughters dinner and without even thinking, i keep going to put bits of food in my mouth! I think picking has become so natural to me that it just happens!

I think im going to find picking a hard habit to break lol
Oh I completely agree!

I made my children macaroni cheese for their tea, and have just scraped their leftovers into the bin - and I realised that, ordinarily, I'd just eat the leftovers (in addition to a huge portion for myself).

As you say, really makes you think!
Hi, it really doe's opens your eyes too how often you pick at stuff !
I also am a terrible picker and from only a week on s&s has made me realise I'm like a robot, it just normally happens without me even realising. I've actually spat things out this week! Have got to say though that because I'm more aware of it the last couple of days I have managed not to do it,been close though! You will get it sorted! Good Luck!x