Pictures to motivate!!


Back to basics!
Can we share some pictures to help motivate us!! b4 and afters and pics for inspiration I have attached 5 pics to get the ball rolling!! :D:D:D:D:D


  • 1lb_fat.jpg
    96.6 KB · Views: 348
  • 10lb.jpg
    65.5 KB · Views: 351
  • 6a00d8341bf67c53ef01157212af0a970b.jpg
    304.6 KB · Views: 635
  • 5lb.jpg
    13.5 KB · Views: 363
  • 1 lb.jpg
    1 lb.jpg
    12.7 KB · Views: 525
The x-ray one is scary to look at, it's like the skeleton's drowning in fat or something, freaky to think that most of us would look the same if we had x-ray's done too
The x-ray one is scary to look at, it's like the skeleton's drowning in fat or something, freaky to think that most of us would look the same if we had x-ray's done too

I know the pressure we put on our bone while we are overweight is terrible!! wake up call or what!!:asskick:
Is that a real xray???
I mean, here are the internal organs, ? Sill in that tiny skeleton? And all that fat!
No wonder I get back ache!

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Is that a real xray???
I mean, here are the internal organs, ? Sill in that tiny skeleton? And all that fat!
No wonder I get back ache!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

not sure if it is real, but it gets you thinking about the strain we put on our bones and internal organs being overweight!! think im gonna print it off and put it on my fridge!! lol
Scarey stuff!! I think seeing the morbidly obese did it for me. I could have cried for them. Prisoners in their own homes, and waiting to die. So sad.
Very tempted to put a copy of the x-ray picture on the fridge, you just don't realise :eek:
Crazy to think that thats what were doing to ourselves.
It's also odd that people get to different weights before they realise how far they have gone and need to change. I am thankful I reached 13 stone and realised what I was doing. I understand why people get bigger. It's such a challenge! xx
motivation.jpgweight loss motivation.jpgcloser than yesterday.jpg
I've an album I started on my profile of motivational pics!
The xray is a real eye opener! omg