Playing with my...

rainbow brite

...routine ;)

On Sunday I had to work and the overtime hours were different to my normal hours. Whereas normally I have a strict routine of shake 1 at 12:20pm, shake 2 at 5:20pm and shake 3 at 10:20pm, on Sunday I had the first at 9:30, second at 1:15 and then went until 10:20 for my last one as I didn't want to feel hungry in the evening. Turns out (as I'm still doing sneaky WIs at home) that I lost a lb that day.

Now obviously it's most likely to be down to coincidence, but just in the very unlikely case that it's not I'm going to mess around with the times I have my shakes for a couple of days and see if it makes any difference.

Anyone else done this or noticed a difference if they change routine?
i know that when you are a "normal" diet and you plateau they recommend that you change your meal know eat at different times, eat more when you would normally have less etc.......

not sure if that applies as you are far from plateauing with your current losses but it might just trick the system in a similar way xx
I dont really have an LT routine as mine seems to be different everyday! I dont think it will make much of a difference though - you should still loose an average of 3.5+ pounds per week i think!

I reckon water and exercise are the 2 key factors to influence the weight loss... 2 things i have been slacking in but determined to up the ante for the last month!! xx
I don't really have a routine, it depends if I work or what time I can be bothered to have the first one, today it was around noon. I try to have about 4 hours between each but often find myself having to have my last one quite late coz I forget and am not hungry!

I was wondering if my slow loss this week may be like the plateauxing I have had on other diets? I know in the past it has happened (can't remember if it was at any particular weight) but it was enough to make me stop the diet. I refuse to do that this time so will just have to work my way through it.
