please someone help me!

Yes i agree, my pharmacist told me that being on lipotrim cause knock your periods out of sync! So dont worry, give it a week minimum- this is what i was told! though i understand it would be very worrying. Does anyone know if lipotrim has any affect on contraceptive pills? x
No effects on the pill hungryhippo. Take that as normal no bother. Says me free as a bird! Oh Stop! We'll be all second guessing ourselves now!! :)
Last time i did LT i got periods every two weeks.

I doubt it would effect TOTM when i am only in Day 5 right now and i'm late.

Wrecking my head now. Don't want to be on this diet if i am. But i want to lose weight.
You are not meant to get pregnant while on it or for three months after it. i got pregnant on it previously but miscarried.
Don't worry unduly anyway u will only upset yourself. Take a test in the morning as ur 2-3 days late. If negative see ur gp or pharmacist for advice and reassurance. I pregnant first time I was on this. Just stopped when I found out which was 6 weeks. I also had 2 miscarriages unrelated to lipotrim. Don't stress yourself til u know for sure love, u will only worry yourself sick. X
I am an old pro at miscarriages, i have lost 7. It took 6 years to have my first child who is 2. I have premature babies and am not strong enough to do this again, i would have to go on 8 month bed rest. I am losing this weight to try to conceive but to give myself and the pregnancy the best chance. I have been pregnant every year since 2004 except 05 and 12.
Anyway hopefully it is nothing. Hopefully i'll wake up in agony later and it will be on it's way.

Cannot afford a test until Wednesday.
U can get a pregnancy test in the 2euro shop for 1.50. Excellent value and they actually work a charm :)
Well, hopefully you'll be alright regardless. Best wishes.
17lb loss in 5 days TFR and 4 days messing about breaking it.
Now i have to bow out. I'm fecking pregnant. Very upset as i wanted to lose the weight first

Oh my goodness luv. Hope you're ok, quite a lot to let sink in x x x
If u ever find that answer cherry please let me know! Dying here! X x