Plumfoodie's diary and ramblings

All sounds good, Plum. Great to have so much of the Chrimbo shop done. It's great to be on top of things. I hate last minute panics.
We're usually very last minute about Christmas shopping but hosting this year is going to give us enough to do when it's closer! I'm feeling very Christmassy today, most of the pressies are wrapped and we've been digging out Christmas decorations for a week or two's time. Its all got me humming Christmas songs - I love getting ready for the holidays. :D

(still being strict on the no mince pies rule though... for now! :D )
Your food looks great!

I tend to be a last minute Xmas shopper too.
Ah, Plum, well done for being so organised. Wrapping the presents too. Great that you are starting to feel in a festive mood. :)
Plum, hope you're ok and just indulging in prechristmas spirit!
Thanks ladies, you are sweet.

I've been having such a hectic time, I don't really know now where one week finished and the next began. Really busy at work and a lot of bad feeling at the moment due to management shenanigans. I find it really awful to be unhappy myself but 20 times worse to see my beloved coworkers miserable too. :( I've mostly been just eating/sleeping when not at work. But it's Friday! Yay!

This week's WI in was awful. In fact I'm not even officially recording it. Overnight I put on 1.5lb and then the next night another 1lb. I'm feeling really bloated and whatnot so I know it's not 'real' weight - food has been disorganised but not really awful for gluttonous - but I didn't like seeing those numbers come up on the scale when I thought I'd left them far behind me.

At this stage I am seriously thinking about changing my Christmas goal in my signature to 'stay the same before Christmas'. I'm still managing to resist mince pies (it was close, we stopped at the store on the way home and there were many calling to me...), but the Christmas lights are going up tomorrow! :D
p.s. I haven't had time to post but have been reading when I get a chance and you all seem to be doing really well! Go girls! :D
Sorry to hear that things are so stressful. Work has been stressful for a while, hasn't it? Are things getting worse? What job do you do BTW (being nosey again!)?

I don't blame you for not having an official weigh-in as it seems a bit bizarre that you have put on so much weight overnight. Sounds like water retention to me. Great that you are doing your best re: food when things are so stressful and tiring.

Yay at ignoring the "callings of the mince pies". Reminds me of the sirens who lured the sailors to dangerous waters. :D You did well to resist, you know what happened to those guys who were tempted. ;)

And yay at lights going up tomorrow. :)
Aw hugs to you pet. Work stresses, life stresses are all hard to manage. Do your best on the food front. I hope the weekend relaxes you a little.
Ohhh the mean scale, I hate when it puts on a lb or two overnight. To me that isn't real weight, but it still isn't fun to see. Sounds like it's water weight, and it will go out your system in a few days.

Sorry that work has been stressful lately. It's not fun to deal with stress from work and to feel the stress to resist food temptations too. I think you're doing really well to resist minced pie.

I want to change my Xmas goal too. But I say if we get at least close enough to that goal weight or STS and not gain 5-10 lbs during the holidays, I think we still succeeded :)
Aw you are all very sweet. :) Still stressful this week to be honest. Every so often our management seems to get it into their heads to be as awkward and stressful as possible, it usually passes in time. In the meantime I seem to alternate between getting outraged or just trying to keep my head down, and trying not to eat everything in sight. Find it harder in the winter when my energy levels, immune system and mood all seem to take a bit of a dive but never mind!

Ashie, I work in IT in the civil service (sadly not the mythical one with the gold plated pensions, ha).

Food has been ok when I've eaten, but I've been so naughty about missing breakfast and sometimes lunch/snacks. I'm determined to try harder this week though!

I've managed to resist the sweet siren song of the mince pies so far but I did miss them a bit tonight. We got the tree decorated and usually I would have one then with some mulled wine. Instead I had a small gingerbread man which was quite nice. I've a love-hate relationship with the tree this year - usually we have a real tree, but needed to get it up early this year because of all the things still to do to get ready for the in-law Christmas (Christmageddon). So we got an artificial tree. It's a nice one but I keep looking at it and thinking 'you're not a REAL tree' which is silly because I don't really have anything against them, LOL. The gingerbread man helped. ;)

Very pleased tonight also as we are starting to get our food organised for Christmas finally and even got a nice veggie curry for Christmas eve into the freezer tonight. I am trying to keep things low GI where I can and where it doesn't spoil the dish but won't sacrifice yumminess at Christmas!
The holidays are really just nasty during dieting. Sorry to hear that your work is being a headache. I hope that things will get calm soon again.

I think you're doing really well resisting mince pie so far. It takes a lot of will power to resist them. I love your term Christmageddon. I'm sure it will turn out to be a lovely Christmas.
Christmageddon!!! I love it!!
Good to see you are coping. I hope work settles back to a more manageable level soon. Good luck with the Christmas prep.
Thanks Cali and Molly. I can cope with things being busy at work but I found out today that my boss is trying to 'manage me out' of the organisation which is a bit of a pickle. I admit that tonight we've got a few 'treat' foods in but I've bought sensible amounts and don't plan to stuff my sorrows away! Still no mince pies yet though - I'm finding it's easier to resist starting to eat them than it would be to resist eating them if I'd already started (if that makes sense).

I went ahead and changed my flexible goal to a STS over the holiday period, I figured I had enough going on! Ha! :)
Aw, Plum that is awful. So sorry to hear this. Are we talking about redundancy here or being pushed out? Not that it makes much difference really in the end. :bighug: Hope someone manages your boss out instead. (Shame they don't a do smiley for a rude gesture.)

Well done on limiting your treats but in the circumstances I am completely impressed by your will power. And yay@ changing your flexible goals - I think you have enough to manage and it will make you feel happier knowing that you have not put that extra pressure on yourself.
Awww Plum, and bad manager for giving you a hard time and trying to manage you out. It sounds really mean, hopefully the manager is replaced instead of you, or better yet you replace the manager :) HUGS!

It's good that you changed your goal for the holidays. You have a lot going on and the holidays don't make it easier. I think STS during the holidays is an amazing feat. I'm thinking of changing my goal too, I'll be happy to make it out the holiday without gaining a pound.