Plumfoodie's diary and ramblings

Thank you Cali. :)

The problems in my office are always due to the same manager, it's difficult because if you kick up too much of a fuss you have to deal with the negative fallout from that, but this time they have really gone too far. :( To the point where a lot of people in my office have been offering words of support and asking me when (not if) I am going to resign. :( It's not a good situation really!
Oh my, your boss sounds like a really mean person. Maybe you do need to make a big fuss, it sounds like he's bullying you to leave or something.
The thought has crossed my mind from time to time that that may be what he's up to! I've certainly got a lot of thinking to do this weekend!
Oh Plum, you really have a dilemma over work. It can be so difficult when you know there are consequences no matter which way you jump.
It's best to weigh up carefully before you make your move.
Good luck with thinking it out over the weekend.
Well done on the loss too!! It's all in the right direction.
Oh! If only thinking burned cals!!! I'd be like a matchstick!!!
Plum, I hope your ponderings on the work situation are going ok.
I hope the week goes well both foodwise and work wise.
Plum? Where are you hiding? Is everything ok?
Hi Molly, thanks for the nudge and the support. I've had kind of a difficult week but at least food has stayed on track. All my thinking about my work situation has stopped me quitting, so I'm staying for now but in an unpleasant environment. It's my choice though so I'm just going to get on with it now!
Pretty pleased with this week's result: -1.3 lb

This puts me at a new low weight, 0.8 lb less than my pre-holiday weight and just a squeak less than a pound away from my first goal.

Now all I have to do is keep on plan this week! With all that's going on at work I've stuck pretty much to plan but some days it's been harder than others. One day I had some peanut m&ms within my calories, and the next day, boy did my body think it was owed another bag. It's such a slippery slope! But somehow I am continuing to resist eating any more of them. So far, anyway. ;) And hopefully the craving will disappear soon!
COngatulations Plum! YOu're really near! You can do it!
Ah well done on the loss. That's s fab result. I'm also glad you are coping with the work stress.
Well done on keeping on track with the food! Great news that your showing a loss at a new level!!! :)
Well done Plum. Sorry to hear about your work situation.
really impressed that you've not let horrid work stress mess up your healthy eating !
that bodes well.
Thanks kat - I can't claim superhuman powers or anything! I think it's probably just that I'm clinging onto the one aspect of my life that it feels like I can control right now! Which probably isn't entirely healthy or sane, but I think that ship has sailed. ;)
Plum, I hope you've been enjoying the holiday weekend. I hope this week is a good one for you.
Thanks Molly. :) Mr plum and I have this week off work so it's nice to know I've got that time away from the office! Although we are currently in the 9th circle of DIY hell, plenty of projects to get on with! :D