PogMoma's Diary

Interesting reading Pog... and I'm liking that you're posting your menus too (as I'm nosey). Cutting down on dairy isn't an option for me now with my calcium issues, and in fact I'm trying to increase it(!), but I'm with you with the other additions (although haven't yet bothered with bread as I'm over 100 without it).

My fitbit has arrived but it's not to be opened until my birthday (and then the time I manage to get it set up!!).

Have a lovely break in Spain...

Hehe I'm nosey too :p

Oohh brand new FitBit! When is your birthday? I know it's soon but not sure exactly.

Thanks, I'll try post while I'm there but no idea if we'll have internet connection when we're out and about x

B: sandwich - homemade egg mayo
L: sushi, prawn head crispies, natto handroll
S: cake :eek:
D: leftover egg mayo filling, tomatoes
Tea with milk and sugar, jasmine tea, semi skimmed milk

The office usually has some sort of reason for cakes and treats but this week has been crazy. 5-6 birthdays (lost track), 4 of which were on the same day?!

I haven't had rice in a long time but I think it triggered sugar cravings. Or maybe it was the sweet vinegar in the sushi that triggered it. Whatever the case, not such a good diet day. Only positive is that I haven't felt stuffed at any point in the day. I have no idea what calories it will add up to.

I'm going to stay after work to study again and I know I won't be hungry enough for a proper dinner so I'll just have the leftover egg mayo I packed for my sandwich and have a couple of tomatoes I've been carrying around and forgetting to have.

Gym buddy just told me he's going to have to cancel tomorrow cos he's got work drinks. Might see if OH is feeling well enough to come with me. I'm a wuss. I can't go to the gym alone lol If I do go, hopefully I won't bump into my work mate again!
Found sounds nice! Don't worry about the birthdays and cake etc, at least every week isn't like that hey! Good luck with your studying Pog :)
Managed to stay for a couple of hours and got some studying done. Finishing the day off with a glass of Koko coconut milk. Yum.
What are the prawn crispies and handroll

Here to subscribe :)
P.s.love it near Estepona ! Mum has a place near there you will love it x
prawn head crispies.jpgnatto handroll.png

Prawn heads usually get thrown away but this place I go quite often have them on the menu as starters. They fry the prawn heads and they're super crunchy and tasty. Sounds gross but the head is where all the flavour is!

Natto is fermented soybeans and they're really good for you. It's a bit like marmite - you either love it or hate it. It's an aquired taste but I love it! The roll is basically rice and natto in a seaweed wrap with spring onions sprinkled on top, yum! :)
I've forgotten how to subscribe to threads... must see if I can find it before switching off in a mo...

50th birthday next Saturday!! Will probably take me hours and hours to plug everything planned into MFP so being VERY conscientious (hate the "good" word) between now and then. (Two creme eggs planned for Sunday - 300 calories for the 2 says MFP... sounds good to me!!)
managed to subscribe... ;)
Those prawn heads look amazing! How cool to fry them as a starter. Hope you got lots of studying done last night & have a good last day in work before your holiday :)
Here to subcribe Your food sound yummy. I have a fear of gyms in general so bought an amazing dvd. Have a lovely time in Spain. I'm jealous :)
Ooh those prawn heads do look amazing !!!!
Prawn heads are getting a positive response :) When people at the office first saw them they were like "Ew... Heads..." lol

Last time up those stairs today! I hate it so much now, I bought my lunch on the way in so I don't have to go out at lunch time hahahaha. Team mate threatened to pull the fire alarm just to get me downstairs :D

Will post food later. Last day of work! Have a good day all x
Last day of stairs yay!! And good thinking buying lunch earlier lol. I can see why the prawn heads would scare people but I love stuff like that, would be a shame to waste them as well I hate waste!

Enjoy your break. Xx

B: grande triple caramel macchiato, laughing cow
L: M&S chicken something flatbread (tried to find the turkey one but they didn't have it), apple/beetroot/blackcurrant juice
S: fruit salad, Actimel
D: thinking duck - I have some duck fillets at home I need to eat before we go away

Thanks guys, we fly early Saturday morning so I'll have my last WI and measure tomorrow. Carb cycling reading whilst away and then start when we get back!
Dinner was duck mini fillets and a few dough balls with garlic butter and Koko coconut milk.
Food sounds good Pog - Hope you have a lovely, relaxing holiday and get some gorgeous weather! X
WI - week 8

68.1kg (-0.5)

Body fat: 44.5% (-0.1%)
Muscle mass: 21.8% (-%)
Chest: 99cm (-)
Left arm: 28cm (-)
Right arm: 28cm (-)
Waist: 82cm (-)
Belly: 103cm (-)
Hips: 104cm (-)
Left thigh: 58cm (-)
Right thigh: 59cm (-)
Left calf: 38cm (-)
Right calf: 38cm (-)

Total 0cm loss (total 21cm so far)

Weight has gone down and measurement have stayed exactly the same which is surprising, I would have thought adding in carbs would have made me bloated etc. I suppose it's ok if everything in moderation. Whatever the case it's been a good week of having what I wanted and losing a bit of weight at the same time.

Happy Easter break all x