PogMoma's Diary

Aww I love the PogBaby update! She sounds so funny I love that she's got such a cheeky little personality! I think I understand all of the moving in/out plans now! I bet you'll miss OH cleaning up I know I would lol. Are you from London then Pog? Or have you lived there a while anyway?

Juicing sounds good, especially if it has the health benefits. As you say weight loss would be a nice side effect but health comes first.
Will be interested to see how you get on :)
Love your pogbaby updates! She sounds so cute.

I hope all the apartment stuff gets sorted out soon!

That documentary you mentioned is really something, isn't it? I've never done juicing but I did get interested in green smoothies (and just regular fruit smoothies!) before I started Atkins. It's delicious and a great way to pack in lots of nutritious foods.

The other day I saw a cute insta gram account I thought you might enjoy. It won't let me post the link here, but search for "biddythehedgehog" if you have a moment. :)
Good to hear positive things about juicing/smoothies. I'm quite looking forward to it. I'll try start with the 7 day programme although I'm not sure I can make 3-4 juices in the morning to take into work. We'll see. Worst case scenario, I think Planet Organic near work has freshly made juices so I can go get some there. I've noticed M&S and even Tesco have loads of weird combination juices and smoothies nowaways, I think I saw one that has asparagus in it in M&S?? Weird as in veggies mixed with fruit in bottles.

I'm currently reading Jason Vale's book 'Freedom from the diet trap'. Basically it's a book that tells you why food is like a drug and big commercial food companies do it on purpose so you're hooked and you keep coming back for more - the drug-like food gives you little nutrition and makes you fat. It tells you how you need to snap out of the brainwashing type food ads to be free from wanting and resisting food that's not good for you blah blah blah. I'm not explaining it well but so far I've found it very interesting. I'm only on Chapter 13 which is apparently 32% of the book according to my Kindle and I'm only reading it in what little spare time I have at the moment. Can't wait to read it all quickly. It's already making me think about why I want certain food even though I'm not hungry.

Oh yes I'll miss OH's cleaning, especially since my flatmate is not the cleanest person I've lived with! Her cleanliness threshold is so high I want to cry sometimes lol

I was born in South Korea and was part raised in Seoul and South West London but I moved back to the UK permantently 10 years ago. My family are back in Seoul and I've been living in this part of East London for the past 6 years now. While I'm on the subject, how often do you see an overweight oriental person? I've always had a bum and boobs but people in Korea would think I was overweight and I had to lose weight. All my life I've been told so. Then when I moved to the UK 10 years ago as an adult I saw things were very different. I was a constant size 8-10 my whole adult life until a few years ago when the weight started to creep up. It's western food that did it I tells ya. My mum is probably a size 10-12 but she's middle aged and my sister is probably between 4-6 (naturally, she actually wants to gain a bit but no matter how hard she tries, she can't get over 44kg, that's her record highest when she was really, really trying. I think she hovers around the 40kg mark and she's about an inch shorter than me). In 2005 I had to shop for a dress and I don't do dresses so I didn't know where to start but found out John Lewis had a free personal shopper service available. Whatever the personal shopper brought to me in size 10, fitted me so perfectly she actually asked me if I wanted to be their fitting model. Ahhhhhh *sigh*... and to think I was trying to lose weight back then too. If only I could get back to that size...

PogBaby is so adorable. I want to show people her pictures and videos but am self conscious about overdoing it and everyone will get bored. Some of the guys I'm close to at work are already bored of it although the girls always coo over her lol

I didn't have an Insta gram account until today, I signed up just to look for biddythehedgehog and he's cute! I think I'm going to get hooked on that too lol

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend x
I for one won't get bored of PogBaby pictures and videos! I happen to think you should do your own version of Biddy the Hedgehog (when you have time) because she's even cuter than Biddy. :D

I've always heard the thing about the Western diet, but the other day I actually caught something on the news about how obesity is turning into quite the epidemic in China. Then again, I think it had something to do with a Western way of eating becoming more prevalent over there.

An asparagus smoothie sounds like...something I wouldn't be able to get down, LOL. I tried really hard to do green smoothies but I couldn't stand it if they had a chunky texture. I had the best luck with things like leafy greens. They'd turn the smoothie green but the taste blended in really well. I also had a weird thing where I didn't like drinking green coloured smoothies unless they tasted like they should be green...so I was doing lots of kiwi and pineapple blends.

I still drink a smoothie nearly every day, except I have to make them inducton-friendly so fruit and most veggies are out. But once I start incorporating more foods back in during the later stages of the diet, I'm really looking forward to getting back at it. I hope you enjoy your plan! I found a lot of great recipes through Google that I wouldn't have thought to try on my own.
Oh wow Pog you've seen a bit of the world then! I know what you mean about seeing an overweight oriental person - my friend was born in the UK but her parents are Chinese, she recently visited her grandparents and aunties in China for the first time and ALL they talked about was how overweight she is! I literally couldn't believe it as she's a size 10 (after having 3 children!) and I think she has an amazing figure. It's fascinating what is considered to be 'normal' in different cultures.

I for one will definitely never get bored of Pog baby! More photo's and stories please she is so gorgeous :)

I used to make a green juice of my own recipe with broccoli, avocado and apple - was delicious! X
Aw thanks guys re PogBaby :) We gave her a bath today. While she likes running around in the bathtub in a shallow bubblebath, she hates what comes next - nail clipping. Usually OH holds her and I clip them quickly but it's really difficult as she wriggles around a lot. Today I held her in her towel and when my OH grabbed a foot she bit me! Okok I get it, you don't like it! Not all hedgehogs bite but this one is fiesty like her mummy :D If she doesn't like something she's sure to let us know. Then when we brought her into the living room to dry her properly, give her some treats and let her run around on the sofa a bit, she crawled behind my OH and bit his back. He squealed like a girl lol I pulled her away gently and she was still clinging onto his T-shirt! She a very grumpy little PogBaby tonight. Poor little thing.


Update on gym buddy situation.
Today I went into work to study as I get distracted a lot when I try study at home. OH was in Suffolk this weekend but I knew he was going to the flat at some point to clean. He texted me mid afternoon saying the door is chained and nobody is answering the door. I texted and called gym buddy but no reply. I got so annoyed I packed everything up and came home, walked over to the flat with OH and started fiddling with the chain. Gym buddy texts me telling us to go away cos they're busy. Then I noticed the small top kitchen window open so I got OH to climb up and reach over inside the window to open the big window below. He succeeded and just as we were clearing the window shelf to climb in, gym buddy came out of the living room into the kitchen. His face... He looked like he was going to hit me. He told us to come back three hours later when his girlfriend had gone home. Oh yea, before this, when I was texting him while at work I told him his girlfriend will probably prefer to have my OH living with him than the alternative ie the girl who moved out. I think something bad happened between them. I haven't heard gym buddy's side of the story yet so I didn't want to judge just yet but his reaction said it all really.

We said we'd leave as long as he opened the door for my OH later. He said fine. But then he texted me calling me names and stuff about threatening and blackmailing him. If I ever upset his girlfriend I'll pay for it or something. Hmm something dodgy did happen between him and the girl then. Anyway OH went back three hours later and got in ok. He did his cleaning but didn't bump into gym buddy at all. When OH back home he texted gym buddy saying thank you for opening the door, he'll be back tomorrow evening again to sort things out. Gym buddy replied saying no worries, he didn't know OH was going to move in today and didn't want people barging in so they'd left the chain on. Overeacting much?? Anyway it looks like I've fallen out with gym buddy but he seems fine with OH. He doesn't really have much choice does he?

Well annoyed and it took me four episodes of Family Guy and a Dominos pizza to calm me down. I was absolutely furious!

Anyway that's that. OH seems to be dealing with it fine so I'll leave it with him for now. I'll try catch up with gym buddy after the exam on Friday. I don't want to fall out with him but he can be such a twat sometimes...
WHAT A PRICK! Can you not make gym buddy to move out? Something definitely happened with that other girl. You and your O/H must have the patience of a saint, I'd have lost it with him a long time ago! and if you do fall out with him it's his loss not yours. Hahahah it made me laugh that it took you a domino's pizza to calm down! Hahaha. Love PogBaby. :heartpump:
Pogbaby is so adorable and feisty. I agree think gym buddy has to move if he continues to do this. He has it too good. Wow a 4 episode calm down that is serious lol. x
Omg gym buddy what a knob! I agree defo sounds like something went on between gym buddy and the girl, whether it was reciprocated or not I don't know. At least your OH got in and managed to do the cleaning he wanted, hopefully there's no more trouble out of him and he can manage to behave himself!

Defo don't stress about it until after the exam that is your priority, gym buddy is just being childish!

LOVE the pog baby in the bath SO cute hehe! She's hilarious can't believe she bit you, couldn't get mad at that little face though could you?!

WHAT A PRICK! Can you not make gym buddy to move out? Something definitely happened with that other girl. You and your O/H must have the patience of a saint, I'd have lost it with him a long time ago! and if you do fall out with him it's his loss not yours. Hahahah it made me laugh that it took you a domino's pizza to calm down! Hahaha. Love PogBaby. :heartpump:

I agree with all of this!

I happen to think gym(notso)buddy needs a bite or two from PogBaby to help him smarten up. :D
Hehe no we can't stay mad at her little face, she's too cute :) OH has had lots of different pets in his lifetime but he says nothing has ever touched his heart like PogBaby. Her face, reactions, personality etc is all so unique and interesting! Whereas me, I love all animals. I'd rather be working with animals than sitting at a computer all day long.

Yea... Ideally I'd like gym (not so) buddy (at the moment) to move out of the flat but he knows he's got it good and he's too lazy to start finding somewhere and actually move, I've tried it before. I don't think he ever will unless his girlfriend makes him. He did bluff in the beginning saying he'll move out if my OH moves in and said he'll start looking but I don't think he ever had the intention to. He can be such a prick sometimes. Haha maybe I should let PogBaby on him, he'll probably squeal like a girl too, his 6'4" frame and all. She has a mean bite and doesn't let go when she's really mad :D He's seen PogBaby and when he told his girlfriend about her, she wanted one too but he said it's too early for them to start getting pets together. I think he feels a bit insecure in his relationship even though it's been over a year with her, they have so many falling outs and it sounds like quite a delicate relationship. Maybe that's why he doesn't want me around her cos he thinks I might spill on him, all his flaws that she may not know about and now especially the incident with the other girl. I know too much :D

My juicer arrived today. It's so shiny and new :D I love gadgets. It came with one of Jason Vale's recipe books and it looks good. I've downloaded an app for the 7lbs in 7 days so I'll start that probably next Monday. OH wants to take me out for dinner on Friday to celebrate the end of (me being a complete stresshead cos of) exams and I think we're going to Suffolk for the weekend. Hopefully OH's housemate will have moved everything out of the house by then so it will be a nice, clean and empty. So far he's being a prick too and when OH texted him to ask if he's moved his stuff, no reply. I was going to start juicing on Saturday just in case it made me feel weird or in case I needed to go to the loo a lot but hey ho, it won't hurt. I'll just suffer at work if that happens lol

Back to studying for me!
Weekend sounds nice, at least you will be able to relax properly after all of this stress! Flatmate problems what is wrong with people!! Don't let it get to you Pog!

I bet Friday can't come quick enough in a way but that you also wish you had a bit longer!? Will all be over soon anyway :)

Juicer sounds fab. A weekend away will be good for both of you. Who watches PogBaby? I often prefer animals to people lol. x
Haha maybe I should let PogBaby on him, he'll probably squeal like a girl too, his 6'4" frame and all. She has a mean bite and doesn't let go when she's really mad :D

LOL, the mental image made me giggle!

Good luck with your studying and enjoy your celebration dinner and weekend away - you deserve it! :)
I'd love to see a picture of Pogbaby in her bath... awh. My cats hate having their nails trimmed too (they're indoor cats) but they get a treat once they're done...

I can't say that I've ever considered juicing as I need to chew... I'm not keen on soups, purees, etc either for the same reason.

Good luck with it though
Val - sometimes animals are much better than humans beings :D We're only away from Saturday till Sunday and usually when we go away for the weekend we get PogBaby out and make sure she's ok then my flatmate checks on her the following day, changes water and food etc. It's only one night she won't get cuddles so it's fine. Last time we went away for a week we found a sitter. Mummy to two boys :) They loved having Spuddy around.

Jo - I posted a pic of PogBaby in her bath, can you not see it? Odd. Must get more cute pictures with more bubbles :D I'm a bit worried about the lack of chewing and lack of savoury stuff but I'll see how it goes.

Night night all x
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Hi Pog :wavey:

Been quite tied up with work and life so not been posting but have read the gym (not anymore) buddy stories like a nosey neighbor :D. Hope it all gets sorted out soon.

Enjoy your juicing. Agree with Jo. I have to chew - that's why Cambridge didn't work for me :rolleyes:.

I hate going away and leaving my babies at the cattery. I am lucky I found a great place (the lady who runs it is the best) but lugging 3 cats across town and then leaving them there while they scared and yelling at me (and me bawling through it all) is no fun. Now I have mum living with me, so its easier to go away as she is happy to look after them (and she will never admit it, but she loves them to bits).

All the best for your exams this week. Don't stress out, get a good night's sleep and it will all come to you when you are sat in front of that paper - what type of test? Multiple choice?

I know what you mean Bonkers, when I had my dog I used to dread leaving her at the "dog hotel". She was abandoned when she was little and I rescued her but I don't think she ever got over the fact she was abandoned so she'd cry and cry even when we left her with the dog groomer or the vet. Poor baby.

I'd love to be able to leave PogBaby at home with my flatmate for longer periods but pogs need daily attention to keep them tame and I don't trust my flatmate enough to handle her properly. Next time we go away is in July but the girl with the two boy pogs can't look after PogBaby then so we're going to leave her with OH's sister who lives in Cambridge. Long trek from London!

Exam is 15mins reading time and 3hours written. This syllabus is about 50/50 computation and discussion and it's one of my least favourites :( I have to go into work afterwards so Friday will be a busy day for me!