Pointing other peoples food....

I am guilty of adding up other peoples food points!! Yesterday I was at the hospital -now when I am nervous, I cant eat AT ALL so I was up to 2.5 points but the boyf is total opposite. We worked out that by the time we got to the appointment (2.20pm) he had already eaten 45 points!!! Then he had fish and chips for his tea plus chocolates etc he ended up on over 70 for the day!! O.M.G!! I am a bit of a points facist these days. ooopps.
To be honest tho it would annoy me if people were pointing my food if I wasn't on ww myself!!! I remember my sister saying years ago a few of her chums did ww, and became diet 'bores' lol. It did her head in. For example when they were out for lunch, she once got a baked spud with tuna and sweetcorn. Her chums were all - get onion instead of sweetcorn, theres no point eating sweetcorn since it has points. My sis was like but sweetcorns good for you and I love it, so I am having it!! And she wasn't on ww so why would she cut out sweetcorn lol. I can see her point so I am very careful not to ever mention points to non-ww peops lol.