Positive Changes Thread


Full Member
I thought we should list all the positives that are happening to us, I will start with a few -

1 - Compliments
2 - Renewed confidence
3 - Smaller clothes
4 - Being able to cross my legs lol
Compliments, smaller clothes, new belt for my jeans :D
1. Being able to climb the stairs to my flat without puffing or breaking a sweat.

2. Ditto above for changing the bed and cleaning the flat.

3. Finally having enough confidence to learn to drive.

4. To look at my face in the mirror and actually like myself.

5. That feeling of being as slim as you were in your teens!
I am losing weight and getting fit ready to run Cancer research's race for life to raise money for my friends mother who just got lost to cancer, I have already raised £220 for the charity, this is the biggest positive I could ask for :)
My old clothes fitting again
Feeling healthy and having renewed energy
Actually wanting to have sex again:D I had a huge problem with this when I was 3 1/2 stone heavier.....not anymore!
I can get up the 5 flights of stairs to my flat without ending up gasping for breath.
Skirts that used to be too tight to wear are almost wearable now.
Compliments from both my kids (11yrs & 5yrs).
Not wanting to sleep every afternoon and being able to walk again instead of hobbling like an old woman(bad knees) :)
Jumping out of bed in the morning.
Feeling more confident and happier in my own skin.
Fitting into clothes that were really tight when I bought them and have been sitting in my wardrobe ever since.
My thighs no longer rubbing together lol.
And shutting up all the people who thought I couldn't do it or didn't want me to succeed.
I need to buy new clothes coz they're too big!! Whoop!!
This post has cheered me up! We're all winners! Hooray for us all! xxx
Feeling happy about myself
Hopefully loosing the weight will help my pain even just a little
Smaller clothes
And I know this shouldn’t be affected by my weight loss but hopefully to find someone and have a relationship

good thread I like it...

the compliments I keep getting

the shock on someones face that didnt even recognise me the other week:eek:

Buying new clothes and more clothes and smaller clothes:D

Changing my hammocks for nice smallish bras:D

Buying new shoes as I seem to have gone down a shoe size as well

Being able to look in a mirror when I walk past instead of looking the other way:cool:

Actually trying clothes on is a shop, I used to find something in my size and try it on at home, it was easier to cry at home rather than in a shop....

My knees no longer feeling the strain of my weight

Being able to say I go to the gym, was too embarrassed before

one of 8 year old daughters football team mates shouting to me on the sideline, so everyone else who was there could hear.....have you lost weight or something you look so different, how I blushed!

most of all now having the confidence to have my piccie taken with my kids, I have always took them before.:cool:

and to all the people that thought I couldn't do this diet :kissass:

I enjoyed this post.....I am really struggling at the mo, this is just what I needed to get me back on track, thank you