Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

We are the same Frances he holds it and swings it round but that's about it xx

Yea she does the same.. Its like a weapon for her lol
She makes the funniest face when we get her to drink from it.. Its like "eh.. what's going on?!"
Thomas doesn't like water :-/ been trying for ages and he'll tolerate a little from his normal bottle but none from his sippy cup! Bought a new one yesterday which he'll take a little from that but he just makes faces after a sip or two!
He thought the TT one was a chew toy lol
Thomas doesn't like water :-/ been trying for ages and he'll tolerate a little from his normal bottle but none from his sippy cup! Bought a new one yesterday which he'll take a little from that but he just makes faces after a sip or two!
He thought the TT one was a chew toy lol

Éabha will drink water from a bottle, but not really from a sippy cup.. And it really depends on her mood whether she likes it or not.. One day she'll drink loads (3-4oz throughout the day) and another day she won't take any.. I just keep trying her...
With the sippy cup I think she just doesn't get it.. not that she doesn't actually want water if you know what I mean?!
I've got her a few kinds.. She has TT sippy cup.. A nuby.. Another TT one that's a next stage... She's just not getting it... She'll get there though :)
Cole's had one since we started weaning and drank out of it pretty much straight away. He started holding it himself at about 5 and half months and now just crawls over and grabs it when he wants a drink. I have to take it off him sometimes though because he knows water comes out if he shakes it....
Cole's had one since we started weaning and drank out of it pretty much straight away. He started holding it himself at about 5 and half months and now just crawls over and grabs it when he wants a drink. I have to take it off him sometimes though because he knows water comes out if he shakes it....

Clever little man...
yea Éabha likes to turn it upside down to watch the drips... little sh!t
Clever little man... yea Éabha likes to turn it upside down to watch the drips... little sh!t

They're sods when they learn something, aren't they. Yesterday Cole discovered if he crawls over to the tv and slightly pulls himself up he can press the buttons on top of the bloody sky box!! Tv was going mental. Haha.

They're sods when they learn something, aren't they. Yesterday Cole discovered if he crawls over to the tv and slightly pulls himself up he can press the buttons on top of the bloody sky box!! Tv was going mental. Haha.

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OMG Sarah.. Look at him!!! How is he old/big enough to do/know that??!!! Seriously... Somebody press pause.. our babies are growing up WAY too fast!!!!!
OMG Sarah.. Look at him!!! How is he old/big enough to do/know that??!!! Seriously... Somebody press pause.. our babies are growing up WAY too fast!!!!!

I know!! We went to Tom's mums on 11th August and he could sit unaided then but I always put cushions round him just in case. In less than a month he's learnt to get himself down from the settee, crawl, sit himself up and now he's starting pulling himself up too. It's crazy how quick they learn things. As proud as I am that he can do all those things I wish he was still too young to!!
I know!! We went to Tom's mums on 11th August and he could sit unaided then but I always put cushions round him just in case. In less than a month he's learnt to get himself down from the settee, crawl, sit himself up and now he's starting pulling himself up too. It's crazy how quick they learn things. As proud as I am that he can do all those things I wish he was still too young to!!

I know I'm the same.. Éabha is such fun now but at the same time I want my baby to stay a baby for a bit longer.. Just to let me catch up with how quick she's growing...
She can sit up unaided.. Has done for a good while now.. but has now started hurling herself forward to get to things...
Or she like hooshes herself along with 1 leg to get to where she wants to be... That or she'll roll across the room... not great when she's just after dinner!! LOL
I know I'm the same.. Éabha is such fun now but at the same time I want my baby to stay a baby for a bit longer.. Just to let me catch up with how quick she's growing... She can sit up unaided.. Has done for a good while now.. but has now started hurling herself forward to get to things... Or she like hooshes herself along with 1 leg to get to where she wants to be... That or she'll roll across the room... not great when she's just after dinner!! LOL

Haha, I've had sicky carpets numerous times!! Think Cole starts sitting unaided just before Tom's dad came to visit in the first week of July but he would forget and throw himself backwards then panic if he clonked his head so I always put a few cushions behind him. He's too quick for that now. I just took him upstairs with me and he was playing on the landing while I sorted out his bedroom (stair gate is up). He was literally across the landing and pulling towels off the bathroom radiator in seconds.
Haha, I've had sicky carpets numerous times!! Think Cole starts sitting unaided just before Tom's dad came to visit in the first week of July but he would forget and throw himself backwards then panic if he clonked his head so I always put a few cushions behind him. He's too quick for that now. I just took him upstairs with me and he was playing on the landing while I sorted out his bedroom (stair gate is up). He was literally across the landing and pulling towels off the bathroom radiator in seconds.
Yea I still pack cushions around É coz she does have the odd wobble every now n then...
She's so funny... She's sitting happy playing away, take ur eyes off her for a second and she's across the room getting into something she shouldn't!!!
Thankfully we've the living room pretty much baby safe (without a need for baby proofing) There's nothing on the floor (apart from sofas! lol) and only 1 double plug sock that's used... We just need to put corner bumpers on the electric fire but I want black ones so they blend in and are almost unnoticeable...
Ladies- at what age did you start to give your little ones drink in a cup rather than a bottle? Cos I've seen in Tesco, that TT do a sippy cup and it says from 4 months but I would have thought that was too young?? Although thinking about it, Oliver can grip his bottle very well and he's not quite 4 months...

Not til 6 months but only juice or water. He still pours it over him though!!
They're sods when they learn something, aren't they. Yesterday Cole discovered if he crawls over to the tv and slightly pulls himself up he can press the buttons on top of the bloody sky box!! Tv was going mental. Haha. <img src=""/>

What a clever boy but yes can imagine the novelty of that will wear off very quickly! X
They're sods when they learn something, aren't they. Yesterday Cole discovered if he crawls over to the tv and slightly pulls himself up he can press the buttons on top of the bloody sky box!! Tv was going mental. Haha.

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This made me laugh!

I've got all this to look forward to :) x
The other day, I put Oliver on the sofa whilst I literally was one second grabbing his milk and look what happened!!


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Toppled over trying to sit up bless him. Have to leave him on the floor now x
We always could leave him on the sofa with cushions and he was fine, now he's learnt a new skill he's always trying to sit up!
The other day, I put Oliver on the sofa whilst I literally was one second grabbing his milk and look what happened!!
I know its not why you put up the pic... But I just love the colours in his sleepsuit... xx
I know its not why you put up the pic... But I just love the colours in his sleepsuit... xx

Lol thanks, it's says 'Little Monster' on the front which is a very accurate description :) :)
I've just made a sweet potato purée for Oliver- does this look the right consistency?


And once made, how long can you keep in the fridge for? (My freezer is full, otherwise I'd freeze it)
And would you mix it with baby rice or let him try it on it's own?