Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

Yeh spicy food was a big no no for me, it used to make my morning sickness worse too!
Coffee was out and eggs... Tea was my lifesaver :)

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Query for those of you who had anterior placentas.

I am now 32 weeks, with an anterior placenta. I have felt baby since about 20 weeks, but since about 26 weeks, baby has turned and I have not felt her kicks from the outside (hubby has never felt her either:(). The midwives haven't been concerned with this, I can still feel her, but really low down, almost into my bum and it's like rumbling rather than anything definitive. Anyway, my mw said to me yesterday that within the next week or so I should be able to feel much more defined movements and as baby runs out of space I should feel elbows/heels everything.

Did this happen for anyone else? I always assumed with my anterior placenta the movements would always be quite muted. I'm worried now I'm going to panic if that doesn't happen soon. TBH I feel like she is making me a bit paranoid when I'm already analysing every element of my pregnancy!!

Once Cole turned and went head down I got a lot of kicks in my ribs and just under my boobs. To be able to feel kicks from the outside we had to press on a fair bit. Every now and then I could see a little movement as if he was flicking me but nothing major. X
My placenta was right in the middle at the front so I felt things around the sides and bottom but only after about 28 weeks and even then it was sporadic. I found if I lay on my left side I could feel more, it was obviously just how it was positioned in relation to her! As she got bigger and bigger it got better and I could feel a lot more though. As penny said though if you're ever worried go and get checked out. Better to be safe xx

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Thanks Ladies, tbh I'm not really worried, I just feel like mw may have planted a seed of doubt. I can still feel her and don't feel like anything is abnormal. My mw listens to her heartbeat every time too and has never had any issues finding it.

On a side note, we just went to have a look at the maternity ward where I'm due to give birth... I just stood in the room where my daughter will be born, all being well in a couple of months... OMG **** just got real!!!

So, after all that I ended up back at the maternity unit this morning... MWs words really got me paranoid and yesterday I begun to get really worried about baby. Apart from a bout of hiccups, and a couple of thuds, she was very quiet. In the evening, I was laying watching a film and she didn't move the whole time. I eventually got her moving after some chocolate and Fanta and went to bed feeling a bit better. This morning tho, she was very quiet again so I called the mw just for reassurance. She did a full exam, and couldn't find any issues, but I think she could see I was a bit wound up so she sent me to maternity. They were putting me on CTG monitoring and obv baby started moving about immediately, so much so that it took about 20 minutes for the midwife to get a steady heartbeat for the monitor! I felt a bit silly tbh but they kept me on the monitor for about 1.5 hours before telling me everything was fine and I could go home.

Not gonna lie, the sooner this baby arrives the better now. I think part of me still doesn't believe it's real so these doubts nag back to the disbelief that the big belly I've got is actually going to present me with a baby soon! xxx
Girls I need some urgent car seat advice-

As some of you will have seen on my diary, we've brought Oliver a new car seat as he was getting too big for his current one.
We got a forward facing stage 1 Maxi Cosi Priorifix and now we are really reconsidering it...
We want a stage 1 rear facing seat or one that goes both ways.
Cost isn't important, we just want a good quality one that does the job and is safe.
Can I ask what you all have, if you've brought a stage 1 seat that is?
Thanks in advance x
Should also add that we'd prefer an Isofix one as both our cars have it and so does both of our mothers' cars, which is vital as they'll be babysitting when I'm back at work x

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Girls I need some urgent car seat advice-

As some of you will have seen on my diary, we've brought Oliver a new car seat as he was getting too big for his current one.
We got a forward facing stage 1 Maxi Cosi Priorifix and now we are really reconsidering it...
We want a stage 1 rear facing seat or one that goes both ways.
Cost isn't important, we just want a good quality one that does the job and is safe.
Can I ask what you all have, if you've brought a stage 1 seat that is?
Thanks in advance x

I've a fisher price, stage 0-1 which is rear facing til 18kg then forward facing... It's not isofix but it's great. Has a great 4 point recline too so she can lay a good bit back when she's sleepy r on long journey n can sit upright when she's awake. Really easy to fit in too. But as I say it's 5 point seat belt fixed as I don't have isofix
After asking the same q on FB and researching further, we've ordered a Joie i-anchor

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The vapour plug ins are great or some Olbas oil on a cloth near the bed. Hope she gets better soon xx
Hey ladies, can I just ask when you started giving babies milk after food then weaning? Mia is 24 weeks today and currently on around 25-30 oz milk a day plus porridge for breakfast and veggies/fruit around 4.30. At 26 weeks I'm going to introduce different foods as she has been on solids since 18-19 weeks. When did u give toast ect? I spoke to health visitor who said I can give pretty much anything at 26 weeks. Just bit scared of toast n things that aren't mushed up lol xx
Hey ladies, can I just ask when you started giving babies milk after food then weaning? Mia is 24 weeks today and currently on around 25-30 oz milk a day plus porridge for breakfast and veggies/fruit around 4.30. At 26 weeks I'm going to introduce different foods as she has been on solids since 18-19 weeks. When did u give toast ect? I spoke to health visitor who said I can give pretty much anything at 26 weeks. Just bit scared of toast n things that aren't mushed up lol xx

I gave Oliver pretty much anything from 26 weeks, he's now 29 weeks and he has toast most days- I cut into fingers and he feeds himself, it goes soggy cos he's gumming it, and he likes off the topping (peanut butter is his fave!).
He's having pizza and wedges tonight :) x
Should also add he has no teeth yet, but he's teething badly and he uses his gums to bite things. Breadsticks are a popular choice and so are apple biscuits (he's a bit obsessed with apples!) x
I gave Oliver pretty much anything from 26 weeks, he's now 29 weeks and he has toast most days- I cut into fingers and he feeds himself, it goes soggy cos he's gumming it, and he likes off the topping (peanut butter is his fave!).
He's having pizza and wedges tonight :) x

Should also add he has no teeth yet, but he's teething badly and he uses his gums to bite things. Breadsticks are a popular choice and so are apple biscuits (he's a bit obsessed with apples!) x

Brill thanks. Mia had two teeth at the bottom and I think More are on the way. Sophie the teething giraffe is getting it big style! What do u do regards protein? Blend it up? Xx
Brill thanks. Mia had two teeth at the bottom and I think More are on the way. Sophie the teething giraffe is getting it big style! What do u do regards protein? Blend it up? Xx
Regarding meat, I've given him pork, mince, sausages, ham and chicken but have blended it up... The pork was slow cooked so it was in that fallen apart state anyway, the sausages I take the skin off and mash it, usually with mashed potato and peas!
Ham- he's had as it is, loved playing with it!! Did eat some but preferred throwing it on the floor for my 2 very happy dogs!
Fish I've mashed it up too... Mince is pretty much mashed up anyway but he wasn't overly keen on it...
As she has teeth, worth trying her with meats and fish whole so to speak, as she can chew them up...
I'd try mashed up first, if she likes, try in whole form.
I think with most things, you just have to do what you're comfortable with and what she likes...
It's fun watching Oliver with food :) x
The vapour plug ins are great or some Olbas oil on a cloth near the bed. Hope she gets better soon xx

Thanks will look out for one. She started feeling sorry for herself i think! Missed baby massage and a first aid course this week which i hate doing i like to get out. Joined the library this week for her so at least got some books to read to her!