Pregnancy and Slimming World

Thank you. My weight definitely goes on after. This will be my 3rd section (none by choice). I was supposed to be getting married 3 months after the section so we have postponed for a year as I won't have recovered in time. Congrats on your upcoming wedding & baby xo

I'm in two minds whether to postpone our wedding too! But we are getting wed abroad so I suppose I will just have to her my finger out ha! My section isn't through choice, it's my first baby and I have a low lying placenta which may move but it hasn't since week 12 so have to back in 6 weeks to see if she's moved up or not! I was overweight when I got pregnant so I'm panicking that the baby won't have much room to move about! I would ideally like to maintain or lose a little my midwife said its save to do so through a good healthy eating plan! SW has worked for me so many times in the past so needs must I'm going to do EE too, think I'll struggle with the healthy extras though its two of each which is such a lot! On top of everything else!
Congratulations mama bear ;-)

Well i had my 28 week bloods yesterday at midwife app and discussed restless leg syndrome which i an getting really bad now (had it with my first too its a dam pain) she said u could have some sort of calcium tablet so went to the doctors today to enquire - turns out there is no such thing or any tablet i can have during pregnancy so its just one of those things i will have to suffer at the moment.

Whilst there asked about prescriptions for other things that are an issue at the moment.... Constipation and heart burn so got prescriptions for that and then he told me bloods have come back with anemia so got prescribed iron tablets on top....if i wasn't bunged up before i sure will be now :-(

Bet they loved me in the pharmacy today feel like if its not one thing its another at the moment :-(

On top of all this weighed myself today at 28wks already managed to gain 1stone 10lbs boo! Wasnt overweight before stats below however its disconcerning that i was maintaining and now i got a load to loose now as now in the last trimester where ur meant to gain the most weight i am looking at a possible 2.5-3stone u think?

5ft 9
10st 5 (start weight at 5 wks)
BMI 22
I'm in two minds whether to postpone our wedding too! But we are getting wed abroad so I suppose I will just have to her my finger out ha! My section isn't through choice, it's my first baby and I have a low lying placenta which may move but it hasn't since week 12 so have to back in 6 weeks to see if she's moved up or not! I was overweight when I got pregnant so I'm panicking that the baby won't have much room to move about! I would ideally like to maintain or lose a little my midwife said its save to do so through a good healthy eating plan! SW has worked for me so many times in the past so needs must I'm going to do EE too, think I'll struggle with the healthy extras though its two of each which is such a lot! On top of everything else!

Aww I hope it does move for you. Don't worry the baby will always have room regardless of your weight. It's the third superfree I'm struggling with. I added a spoonful of nuts to my cereal yesterday to make up an extra B. I've food intolerances so my hexs are limited.

Congratulations mama bear ;-)

Well i had my 28 week bloods yesterday at midwife app and discussed restless leg syndrome which i an getting really bad now (had it with my first too its a dam pain) she said u could have some sort of calcium tablet so went to the doctors today to enquire - turns out there is no such thing or any tablet i can have during pregnancy so its just one of those things i will have to suffer at the moment.

Whilst there asked about prescriptions for other things that are an issue at the moment.... Constipation and heart burn so got prescriptions for that and then he told me bloods have come back with anemia so got prescribed iron tablets on top....if i wasn't bunged up before i sure will be now :-(

Bet they loved me in the pharmacy today feel like if its not one thing its another at the moment :-(

On top of all this weighed myself today at 28wks already managed to gain 1stone 10lbs boo! Wasnt overweight before stats below however its disconcerning that i was maintaining and now i got a load to loose now as now in the last trimester where ur meant to gain the most weight i am looking at a possible 2.5-3stone u think?

5ft 9
10st 5 (start weight at 5 wks)
BMI 22

Thank you!

My friend has a prescription for calcium tablets due to her coeliacs so the actual tablets exist but don't know if they sort restless legs or not. Don't worry about your weight. I know it's easy to say but try your best from now & you never know. I didn't think 1st 10 was bad for 28 wks xo
When u due hun?? Sending labour vibes too u! I wish I was 38wks rather than 28.... Already fed up of this pregnancy malarky.... Pregnancy sand I do not mix


29th April, taking raspberry leaf tablets midwife suggested this and I had a massive 6 mile walk today!!
Pregnancy and I just don't mix either x
Well tonight I've rejoined SW (again) this time ive taken out a 5week countdown! I need to commit to this properly! I've been messing around with it for months and eating way too much! I was so upset to see my weight it's the heaviest I have ever been in my life by 2 stone!!! So I'm hoping to perhaps lose some of this that I have put on!

I have about 3months left and have gained much more than I thought! :-( I've gained over 3 stone so gutted! It's not all baby or water it's me being a pig!!! And I don't do much exercise at all so that doesn't help but now I just feel large and abit unsteady on my feet so I don't want to overdo the exercise going to start gentle daily walks from tomorrow!

Anyway rant over, hope everyone is ok! For all of you that have been pregnant before, is it ok to lose weight whilst pregnant? I know alot lose in the first trimester! I never did, I've had a huge appetite throughout!!!!
29th April, taking raspberry leaf tablets midwife suggested this and I had a massive 6 mile walk today!!
Pregnancy and I just don't mix either x

Ahh not long then....i am jealous ;-) i got until 30th June! Boo!!

Hopefully it will work for u and if it does i will try it when i am 38+ haha x
Hi everyone *waves*

I've been reading for a wee while now but couldn't comment cause I hadn't told anyone I was pregnant. I joined SW again this week & haven't been 100% but I have synned etc so it's not too bad.I'm finding following EE all the time hard as I did quite like red days. I'm 13 weeks & had my 12 week scan this week. I took my kids with me & the oldest loved it. She's been so excited about getting a baby.
I was very ill but that has eased a bit now. I had lost over a stone as I couldn't eat then when I did, up it came. From I've managed food again my weight has gone up. So far I don't think I'm past the weight I started at so hoping to keep gain to a minimum. I'm normally not too bad when pregnant but I find the weight piles on afterwards as I have to have sections which take me months to recover from so I'm hoping SW will be second nature & I won't balloon this time.

So I think that's a bit about me. Congratulations to everyone on here & I look forward to interacting with you all now. It'll be good to have others to complain to,lol :)

Congratulations on your pregnancy x I'm 26 weeks pregnant and probably have gained 2 stones by now through mainly stress eating! xx
29th April, taking raspberry leaf tablets midwife suggested this and I had a massive 6 mile walk today!!
Pregnancy and I just don't mix either x
Good luck, walking definitely helped in my last pregnancy and he was born on his due date whereas with his sisters I didn't walk much and they were both overdue babies, also raspberry tea leaf didn't help bring on labour but with my second and third labour they sped my second stage of labour up x
Congratulations on your pregnancy x I'm 26 weeks pregnant and probably have gained 2 stones by now through mainly stress eating! xx

Thanks Safia. I could have had a lot off but have been a pig since I could keep food down again. I'm hoping sw will limit any damage as I've a long time left xo

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Well tonight I've rejoined SW (again) this time ive taken out a 5week countdown! I need to commit to this properly! I've been messing around with it for months and eating way too much! I was so upset to see my weight it's the heaviest I have ever been in my life by 2 stone!!! So I'm hoping to perhaps lose some of this that I have put on!

I have about 3months left and have gained much more than I thought! :-( I've gained over 3 stone so gutted! It's not all baby or water it's me being a pig!!! And I don't do much exercise at all so that doesn't help but now I just feel large and abit unsteady on my feet so I don't want to overdo the exercise going to start gentle daily walks from tomorrow!

Anyway rant over, hope everyone is ok! For all of you that have been pregnant before, is it ok to lose weight whilst pregnant? I know alot lose in the first trimester! I never did, I've had a huge appetite throughout!!!!

well done for rejoining sw, I did rejoin sw but have decided to leave because the c's are crap and I'm wasting my money so gonna do it from home and decide what to do after I have had baby. Not following plan just having a stressful time at the mo but will be back on it when I get back home from mums. In my first pregnancy I lost weight and maintained that loss and in my other 2 I gained but after I had baby I went back to pre pregnancy weight but I put on a lot after I had my children because I just couldn't control my eating I was hungry all the time so really need to try and tackle that this time round. As for losing weight it all depends on the individual and some lose and some don't, as long as your eating healthy it will pay off after you have had baby whether you during pregnancy or not x
Thanks Safia. I could have had a lot off but have been a pig since I could keep food down again. I'm hoping sw will limit any damage as I've a long time left xo

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lol that's normal as soon I could have eat properly I hoovered everything up x
Can I just check is it definitely 2 healthy extra a's and 2 b's a day when pregnant?!? Because it doesn't saying anything in my new book and the separate pregnancy book it just says if your breast feeding you need more calcium and energy nothing for pregnancy!!!!!
Can I just check is it definitely 2 healthy extra a's and 2 b's a day when pregnant?!? Because it doesn't saying anything in my new book and the separate pregnancy book it just says if your breast feeding you need more calcium and energy nothing for pregnancy!!!!!

The booklet I got says its 2 of each when pregnant then it gives you the different stages of breastfeeding xo

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I was never told it or given any sw preg info but everyone on this forum has said 2 a's and b's so that's what I follow x

My consultant has a target member who is pregnant so she had the info. She wouldn't tell me what it was but told me to read it. I asked about the midwife form but she said they don't really bother with it. I wish it would say somewhere on my details or online thing that I'm pregnant as I don't think I will lose every week but she expects me to. My losses before were none existant even when 100% but then on a vlcd I struggled to lose more than 2/3lbs. I think its just me.

This forum & especially this thread are very helpful. Its nice to hear how others cope & that we aren't alone.

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