Pregnancy and Slimming World

My consultant has a target member who is pregnant so she had the info. She wouldn't tell me what it was but told me to read it. I asked about the midwife form but she said they don't really bother with it. I wish it would say somewhere on my details or online thing that I'm pregnant as I don't think I will lose every week but she expects me to. My losses before were none existant even when 100% but then on a vlcd I struggled to lose more than 2/3lbs. I think its just me.

This forum & especially this thread are very helpful. Its nice to hear how others cope & that we aren't alone.

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i've had 3 consultants the first being the best and the rest crap. With the first I had to move because I moved town so who knows how good she would have been during pregnancy as I fell pregnant after I left her group. I think it's wrong that they don't bother with midwife forms because its a safety issue too, who knows if your a high risk pregnancy and not suitable to do sw during pregnancy so that's very negligible. All women are different in pregnancy and some can lose weight during pregnancy but that's usually the very heavy ones, most maintain or put on some weight. When I was on a vlcd my regular losses were 2lb a week sometimes more or less which is pretty normal unless you have a lot to lose and than initial losses are very high but I hated the vlcd because I felt so socially deprived not being able to join in with normal eating and going out. I have done sw 4 times an now have recognised what works for me and what slows my loss down so was getting regular losses but because of he rubbish groups I have been on and off plan and really need a group to go to but refuse to go to one that's not supportive so will have to try and do sw from home as much as I can and accept my weight gain and sort out a decent group after I have baby x
i've had 3 consultants the first being the best and the rest crap. With the first I had to move because I moved town so who knows how good she would have been during pregnancy as I fell pregnant after I left her group. I think it's wrong that they don't bother with midwife forms because its a safety issue too, who knows if your a high risk pregnancy and not suitable to do sw during pregnancy so that's very negligible. All women are different in pregnancy and some can lose weight during pregnancy but that's usually the very heavy ones, most maintain or put on some weight. When I was on a vlcd my regular losses were 2lb a week sometimes more or less which is pretty normal unless you have a lot to lose and than initial losses are very high but I hated the vlcd because I felt so socially deprived not being able to join in with normal eating and going out. I have done sw 4 times an now have recognised what works for me and what slows my loss down so was getting regular losses but because of he rubbish groups I have been on and off plan and really need a group to go to but refuse to go to one that's not supportive so will have to try and do sw from home as much as I can and accept my weight gain and sort out a decent group after I have baby x

The hospital will be more than happy about me losing weight or at least following sw as they made such a fuss of my 30.1 bmi at my booking appointment. I was heavier in my last pregnancy & about the same in the first but nothing was said yet this time I'm fat apparently. I know I'm obese but its just the way they went about it that annoyed me. Anyways before I go off on a major rant,lol.
My consultant is quite good except she does tend to have her favourites. Sometimes she can be a bit too busy but compared to others we've had standing on holidays etc she's good. I don't like the whole PDA thing asking every single person what they lost/gained, what they plan to lose etc. My consultant asks in general who'd like to speak & her talks are usually quite good.
I'm just aiming for a healthy diet & damage limitation - anything else will be a bonus :)

I hope you feel you can get support from here & not worry about doing it from home. I have to say the ladies on this thread (including yourself) have been very welcoming & don't seem bit*hy at all. Its lovely to have a group that support each other :)

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The booklet I got says its 2 of each when pregnant then it gives you the different stages of breastfeeding xo

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Mine must be a. Old booklet because it looks very used!! And just gives the calcium info for breast feeding! Perhaps there's a page missing! Thanks though I didn't want to be over doing it lol x
Mine must be a. Old booklet because it looks very used!! And just gives the calcium info for breast feeding! Perhaps there's a page missing! Thanks though I didn't want to be over doing it lol x

My consultant had only just requested them for another member so as far as I know its the latest booklet. She's very much of the thinking that hex's are optional whereas others say you need to have them. I've found I don't have them all each day but I only started back this week so still getting back into the swing of it. I add the measure of mixed nuts to my cereal to make up the two hexb's sometimes plus the milk for one of the a's. Good luck xo

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Sadly I was not destined to stay. I lost my baby last week and have had scans / bloods etc but it's all happened naturally as so early.

I wish you all great luck and health in your pregnancies ladies. x
Oh I am sorry to hear that. Hugs to you. It is a horrible feeling I lost my baby in Feb. Hugs to you and family x
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Sadly I was not destined to stay. I lost my baby last week and have had scans / bloods etc but it's all happened naturally as so early.

I wish you all great luck and health in your pregnancies ladies. x

I am so sorry for your loss x
Sadly I was not destined to stay. I lost my baby last week and have had scans / bloods etc but it's all happened naturally as so early.

I wish you all great luck and health in your pregnancies ladies. x

I'm so very sorry for your loss hun. My thoughts r wif u n yer family xoxoxo
So sorry to hear that purple hugs. Thinking of you Xx
My consultant had only just requested them for another member so as far as I know its the latest booklet. She's very much of the thinking that hex's are optional whereas others say you need to have them. I've found I don't have them all each day but I only started back this week so still getting back into the swing of it. I add the measure of mixed nuts to my cereal to make up the two hexb's sometimes plus the milk for one of the a's. Good luck xo

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Yeah my C is the same, considering she has been a C for over 12 years I would have thought that she would more abit more clued up on pregnancy! I always make sure I drink plenty of milk anyway as I'm frightened to death of all my teeth falling out with a calcium deficiency ha! But it's the fibre bit I struggle with! Anyway thanks for that! Good luck to you too, here's to a good week for us both hopefully :) x
Hey guys - I never thought I would get to post in here but I'm a lucky lady apparently! Found out two days ago that I'm pregnant for the first time which was a massive shock to me and my husband as we'd been told back in January that our only hope was IVF due to his very low sperm count (4 million - the low end of normal is 15 million!). I was losing weight to meet NHS criteria for a referral, husband was taking vitamins to improve his count and suddenly here we are! Still in shock but we couldn't be happier. <3

I'm only 5+5 weeks so very very early days and the only people IRL who know are my mum and the in laws, we're not telling anyone else until we know that everything is ok. I'm so nervous that something will go wrong, we've worked so hard for this baby and I'm mega stressed about everything but trying to keep calm and positive!

I've been doing SW for a year now and have lost 5st 10lbs so far - I'm not gonna stress about putting some weight back on as a bit of a gain is inevitable but obviously I don't want to go mental and undo all my hard work and I know it'll be healthier in the long run to keep my weight under control.

I've not told my C yet of course so assuming that everything is just as you were SW-wise? I only do green days as I'm a veggie so I already have 2 x HEXA and HEXB and I guess this just stays the same? I know they recommend EE but there's no point me doing it really as I don't eat meat or fish.

Any advice for a slightly lost and confused newbie would be welcome! Hope everyone is well, healthy and happy xxx
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Hey guys - I never thought I would get to post in here but I'm a lucky lady apparently! Found out two days ago that I'm pregnant for the first time which was a massive shock to me and my husband as we'd been told back in January that our only hope was IVF due to his very low sperm count (4 million - the low end of normal is 15 million!). I was losing weight to meet NHS criteria for a referral, husband was taking vitamins to improve his count and suddenly here we are! Still in shock but we couldn't be happier. <3

I'm only 5+5 weeks so very very early days and the only people IRL who know are my mum and the in laws, we're not telling anyone else until we know that everything is ok. I'm so nervous that something will go wrong, we've worked so hard for this baby and I'm mega stressed about everything but trying to keep calm and positive!

I've been doing SW for a year now and have lost 5st 10lbs so far - I'm not gonna stress about putting some weight back on as a bit of a gain is inevitable but obviously I don't want to go mental and undo all my hard work and I know it'll be healthier in the long run to keep my weight under control.

I've not told my C yet of course so assuming that everything is just as you were SW-wise? I only do green days as I'm a veggie so I already have 2 x HEXA and HEXB and I guess this just stays the same? I know they recommend EE but there's no point me doing it really as I don't eat meat or fish.

Any advice for a slight lost and confused newbie would be welcome! Hope everyone is well, healthy and happy xxx

Awwwww biggest congrats missy.
I think you stay at 2 of each for green though I'm not too sure as I only do EE, I guess somebody will come along give you the right info.
Hey guys - I never thought I would get to post in here but I'm a lucky lady apparently! Found out two days ago that I'm pregnant for the first time which was a massive shock to me and my husband as we'd been told back in January that our only hope was IVF due to his very low sperm count (4 million - the low end of normal is 15 million!). I was losing weight to meet NHS criteria for a referral, husband was taking vitamins to improve his count and suddenly here we are! Still in shock but we couldn't be happier. <3

I'm only 5+5 weeks so very very early days and the only people IRL who know are my mum and the in laws, we're not telling anyone else until we know that everything is ok. I'm so nervous that something will go wrong, we've worked so hard for this baby and I'm mega stressed about everything but trying to keep calm and positive!

I've been doing SW for a year now and have lost 5st 10lbs so far - I'm not gonna stress about putting some weight back on as a bit of a gain is inevitable but obviously I don't want to go mental and undo all my hard work and I know it'll be healthier in the long run to keep my weight under control.

I've not told my C yet of course so assuming that everything is just as you were SW-wise? I only do green days as I'm a veggie so I already have 2 x HEXA and HEXB and I guess this just stays the same? I know they recommend EE but there's no point me doing it really as I don't eat meat or fish.

Any advice for a slightly lost and confused newbie would be welcome! Hope everyone is well, healthy and happy xxx

hey congratulations I knew I would see you here soon so happy for you. There must be something in vitamins as that's what me and my husband were taking to just make sure we were healthy and I fell pregnant. Not sure what the info is for green days as I follow ee but take those pregnancy vitamins to make sure you get everything that you need x
Yeah my C is the same, considering she has been a C for over 12 years I would have thought that she would more abit more clued up on pregnancy! I always make sure I drink plenty of milk anyway as I'm frightened to death of all my teeth falling out with a calcium deficiency ha! But it's the fibre bit I struggle with! Anyway thanks for that! Good luck to you too, here's to a good week for us both hopefully :) x

I'm a little bit bu**ered in that I'm wheat & lactose intolerant but I try to adjust the best possible. SW seem to be getting better at including intolerance friendly foods in the plan. I've already lost a tooth which needs the last bit & root removed but I'm trying to wait until after the birth. Thanks, good luck to you too xo

Hey guys - I never thought I would get to post in here but I'm a lucky lady apparently! Found out two days ago that I'm pregnant for the first time which was a massive shock to me and my husband as we'd been told back in January that our only hope was IVF due to his very low sperm count (4 million - the low end of normal is 15 million!). I was losing weight to meet NHS criteria for a referral, husband was taking vitamins to improve his count and suddenly here we are! Still in shock but we couldn't be happier. <3

I'm only 5+5 weeks so very very early days and the only people IRL who know are my mum and the in laws, we're not telling anyone else until we know that everything is ok. I'm so nervous that something will go wrong, we've worked so hard for this baby and I'm mega stressed about everything but trying to keep calm and positive!

I've been doing SW for a year now and have lost 5st 10lbs so far - I'm not gonna stress about putting some weight back on as a bit of a gain is inevitable but obviously I don't want to go mental and undo all my hard work and I know it'll be healthier in the long run to keep my weight under control.

I've not told my C yet of course so assuming that everything is just as you were SW-wise? I only do green days as I'm a veggie so I already have 2 x HEXA and HEXB and I guess this just stays the same? I know they recommend EE but there's no point me doing it really as I don't eat meat or fish.

Any advice for a slightly lost and confused newbie would be welcome! Hope everyone is well, healthy and happy xxx

Congratulations! I was also going to suggest pregnancy vitamins to ensure your getting all you need. I know we're meant to do EE but I might throw a few red/green days in cause our food bill is shocking with fruit.

All the best with your pregnancy xo
Thanks everyone! <3 Definitely keeping on with the vits, I think they must have helped us conceive, along with the weight loss. Along with a good dose of luck! I'm gonna carry on taking my pre-conception vits until they run out (about a weeks time) which according to the packet is fine to do and then I'll get some pregnancy vits.

I'm gonna assume that green just stays as it is - I already love my extra HEX's, they're just part of my day. Couldn't cope with EE! xxx
Thanks everyone! <3 Definitely keeping on with the vits, I think they must have helped us conceive, along with the weight loss. Along with a good dose of luck! I'm gonna carry on taking my pre-conception vits until they run out (about a weeks time) which according to the packet is fine to do and then I'll get some pregnancy vits.

I'm gonna assume that green just stays as it is - I already love my extra HEX's, they're just part of my day. Couldn't cope with EE! xxx

My midwife swears by preggo multivita x
My midwife swears by preggo multivita x

They do look good and hoping that if I go straight from the ones I'm taking I won't get any side effects like I did when I started taking them! ;)