Pregnancy and Slimming World

Hi girls, just to let you know that it was good news today! hCG within normal levels, saw beanie on the scan, just a little blob with a hummingbird heartbeat! They said it measured between 6-7 weeks so everything looks about right. Couldn't be more relieved! xxx
Hi girls, just to let you know that it was good news today! hCG within normal levels, saw beanie on the scan, just a little blob with a hummingbird heartbeat! They said it measured between 6-7 weeks so everything looks about right. Couldn't be more relieved! xxx

Great news missy!! X
Hi girls, just to let you know that it was good news today! hCG within normal levels, saw beanie on the scan, just a little blob with a hummingbird heartbeat! They said it measured between 6-7 weeks so everything looks about right. Couldn't be more relieved! xxx

So glad to hear that and it must be such a big reassurance for you and your husband to see that little amazing heartbeat x
I can't seem to manage yoga!! Fall over all the time x

There is quite a bit of floor work. Some of the squat stuff I'm just not flexible enough for!

Hi girls, just to let you know that it was good news today! hCG within normal levels, saw beanie on the scan, just a little blob with a hummingbird heartbeat! They said it measured between 6-7 weeks so everything looks about right. Couldn't be more relieved! xxx

Great news! Glad you got to see baby xo

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So glad to hear that and it must be such a big reassurance for you and your husband to see that little amazing heartbeat x

We were just staring like daft things lol! The funny thing was that the sonographer showed us where everything was and was about to turn the screen away when I asked what the flashing bit was - very nonchalant she said 'oh that? That's the heartbeat'! I was like - I can't believe you weren't going to tell me that! It must be weird for sonographers, they see this stuff all the time and probably forget how exciting it is for people like me and husband ;)

Husband is so happy bless him, he actually believes it now. And hopefully now I'll feel a bit more relaxed, I know nothing is certain at this early stage but I'll drive myself mad if I don't start trying to think positive xxx
I'm so blocked up can barely breathe... Please lord let me give birth soon. I've not ever been so sick and I cannot help myself cause gp keeps saying paracetamol ugh!! X
I'm so blocked up can barely breathe... Please lord let me give birth soon. I've not ever been so sick and I cannot help myself cause gp keeps saying paracetamol ugh!! X

Boo!!!!!!! Try lemons and honey I know everyone probably tells you that but it's the only thing that seemed to unblock me a little! I'm really struggling with my hayfever I have swollen, itchy Pander eyes so can't wear make up at the mo! Roll on 10weeks :)
I'm so blocked up can barely breathe... Please lord let me give birth soon. I've not ever been so sick and I cannot help myself cause gp keeps saying paracetamol ugh!! X

Ooh bless you, not long to go now though! Are there natural remedies you can take, or a good steam might help? Hope you're feeling better soon xxx
Hi girls, just to let you know that it was good news today! hCG within normal levels, saw beanie on the scan, just a little blob with a hummingbird heartbeat! They said it measured between 6-7 weeks so everything looks about right. Couldn't be more relieved! xxx

That fantastic news huni! :) Did u get 2 hear the heartbeat?? I was lucky enuf 2 ave an early scan at 7-8wks n me n hubby both cried when we heard it! lol!
I did yoga (a pregnancy yoga DVD) for the first time today & it left me feeling surprisingly good :) I've never done yoga at all before but this was OK.
Wishing everyone a good day xo

Sent from ARCHOS tablet :)

Good 4 u hun! I love yoga! Ave u tried pilates ever? I'm a bit of a pilates addict actually, even more so now I'm pregnant since I can't do sum of my more hardcore exercise! lol! :)
Good 4 u hun! I love yoga! Ave u tried pilates ever? I'm a bit of a pilates addict actually, even more so now I'm pregnant since I can't do sum of my more hardcore exercise! lol! :)

I've not tried pilates but I did order a dvd for pregnancy when I ordered the yoga one. I'd like to be fitter this time & hopefully my recovery will be quicker :)
I'v got the 10 minute soultions prenatal pilates dvd which I do 20mins of every mornin. I'v also got a prenatal pilates dvd by a woman called Neice Pecenka n I either do it or more 10min solutions pilates or yet another dvd called Pregnancy Lean & Toned by Suzanne Bowen in the evenins then. I'm a bit of an exercise junkie! lol! :D
That fantastic news huni! :) Did u get 2 hear the heartbeat?? I was lucky enuf 2 ave an early scan at 7-8wks n me n hubby both cried when we heard it! lol!

Aww! We didn't get to hear it, don't think it was even an option at this scan but you could see it really clearly on the screen and it was just amazing! I think husband is still getting his head round it bless him xxx
I need to get back to the gym - my membership ain't getting no love at the minute! I'd be ok to do normal gym stuff I guess, all I've read is about not getting your heart rate too high? I did do spinning a couple of times a week and roller skating as well but knocking the spinning on the head for now I think as it's mega intense! Gonna carry on with aquafit for sure as its so much fun and not too crazy intense. I'm actually supposed to be going roller skating in a couple of weeks - having a dilemma about whether to skate or not. My doctor said it should be fine as I'm a decent skater and don't really fall over much but there's also part of me that worries that if something happened I'd just blame myself... If I don't go I need a good excuse, I'm not known for turning down a skate and I agreed to go only two days before I found out I was pregnant! x
Aww! We didn't get to hear it, don't think it was even an option at this scan but you could see it really clearly on the screen and it was just amazing! I think husband is still getting his head round it bless him xxx

I think it's not really real 4 men til they actually c the baby on the screen, I kno my hubby said he felt a bit like that. He was tryin 2 b as understandin etc as poss 4 me but it's so removed from them since it's not their body that it's more difficult 4 them 2 get their heads round! lol! x
I'v got the 10 minute soultions prenatal pilates dvd which I do 20mins of every mornin. I'v also got a prenatal pilates dvd by a woman called Neice Pecenka n I either do it or more 10min solutions pilates or yet another dvd called Pregnancy Lean & Toned by Suzanne Bowen in the evenins then. I'm a bit of an exercise junkie! lol! :D

Wow I'd love to be that motivated. I'm happy when I've done exercise but sometimes struggle to get started. I'd stopped all exercise before I fell pregnant cause I was ill so I'm taking it easy. I just hope my stupid hips/pelvis don't play up cause I really enjoyed the yoga today :)

Aww! We didn't get to hear it, don't think it was even an option at this scan but you could see it really clearly on the screen and it was just amazing! I think husband is still getting his head round it bless him xxx

I never got to hear my daughter until I was getting induced, with my son it was late on in pregnancy when the midwife actually did a home visit cause I had a toddler & pelvis problems. This time my kids came with me to the 12 week scan & they actually played the heartbeat. Every hospital, doctor, midwife etc is different. I bought a home doppler this time but have heard mixed things about using them xo
I think it's not really real 4 men til they actually c the baby on the screen, I kno my hubby said he felt a bit like that. He was tryin 2 b as understandin etc as poss 4 me but it's so removed from them since it's not their body that it's more difficult 4 them 2 get their heads round! lol! x

It is hard for them - they don't feel all the little things that we do! Even at this early stage I know I feel different, for husband life just goes on so I think seeing the scan was a bigger shock for him than me! I think he now realises that we are having a baby lol ;) x
I need to get back to the gym - my membership ain't getting no love at the minute! I'd be ok to do normal gym stuff I guess, all I've read is about not getting your heart rate too high? I did do spinning a couple of times a week and roller skating as well but knocking the spinning on the head for now I think as it's mega intense! Gonna carry on with aquafit for sure as its so much fun and not too crazy intense. I'm actually supposed to be going roller skating in a couple of weeks - having a dilemma about whether to skate or not. My doctor said it should be fine as I'm a decent skater and don't really fall over much but there's also part of me that worries that if something happened I'd just blame myself... If I don't go I need a good excuse, I'm not known for turning down a skate and I agreed to go only two days before I found out I was pregnant! x

I wud never advise any1 on wat 2 do or not do exercise-wise whilst pregnant but at virtually 25wks I must confess I'm still horse riding. I kno most people will recoil in horror at that n think I'm the worst woman in the world but I'v been ridin horses almost since I cud walk n obviously don't ride the same as b4 I was pregnant, so no jumpin or gallopin up the fields! I kno I'l ave 2 stop eventually but I intend 2 continue 4 as long as I feel comfortable n safe doin it. I don't kno if u wud consider horse riding much of a comparison 2 skatin but ultimately it's yer decision based on how safe n secure u feel at the time hun x
It is hard for them - they don't feel all the little things that we do! Even at this early stage I know I feel different, for husband life just goes on so I think seeing the scan was a bigger shock for him than me! I think he now realises that we are having a baby lol ;) x

yeah that's def how my hubby felt 2! lol!