Pregnancy and Slimming World

I never got to hear my daughter until I was getting induced, with my son it was late on in pregnancy when the midwife actually did a home visit cause I had a toddler & pelvis problems. This time my kids came with me to the 12 week scan & they actually played the heartbeat. Every hospital, doctor, midwife etc is different. I bought a home doppler this time but have heard mixed things about using them xo

Oh I was thinkin of buyin 1 of those doppler things, do u think is it much use?
I wud never advise any1 on wat 2 do or not do exercise-wise whilst pregnant but at virtually 25wks I must confess I'm still horse riding. I kno most people will recoil in horror at that n think I'm the worst woman in the world but I'v been ridin horses almost since I cud walk n obviously don't ride the same as b4 I was pregnant, so no jumpin or gallopin up the fields! I kno I'l ave 2 stop eventually but I intend 2 continue 4 as long as I feel comfortable n safe doin it. I don't kno if u wud consider horse riding much of a comparison 2 skatin but ultimately it's yer decision based on how safe n secure u feel at the time hun x

My doctor said to me that she'd be happy for me to go skydiving at the moment lol! I think (hope!) she was joking with that one but she said that baby is a lot better protected than people think and that if you've been doing something for years and are confident and skilled then they see no reason for you not to carry on. It doesn't make you awful at all, you know your limits and it's not like you're doing what you did before either. If I do have a skate it'll just be a little potter about, I used to train with a roller derby league so I'm used to rougher stuff on skates but there'll be none of that and no speeding about either ;)

And as soon as I've got a handle on how to keep nausea free in the day (today went well and it's only just hit me in the last hour or so) I'll pop to the gym and get them to check my routine and make sure it's safe/suitable before I go back. xxx
Ave u tried ginger nut biccies? They'r sposed 2 b good 4 nasuea but then not so good 4 weight control! lol! Mayb try incorporatin ginger in2 sum meals that u cook wud do the same job! Oats r also sposed 2 b good, sumthin 2 do wif levelin out blood sugars n all that jazz, n u cud count porridge as a HXB.... x

My GP said much the same bout continuin pre-pregnancy activities. I'm very lucky cos I actually went 2 school wif my GP so I can talk 2 him like an normal human being rather than just a doc which can b very handy as often they try 2 blind u wif medical mumbo-jumbo instead of givin u straight 4ward answers 2 yer questions! lol!
Ave u tried ginger nut biccies? They'r sposed 2 b good 4 nasuea but then not so good 4 weight control! lol! Mayb try incorporatin ginger in2 sum meals that u cook wud do the same job! Oats r also sposed 2 b good, sumthin 2 do wif levelin out blood sugars n all that jazz, n u cud count porridge as a HXB.... x

My GP said much the same bout continuin pre-pregnancy activities. I'm very lucky cos I actually went 2 school wif my GP so I can talk 2 him like an normal human being rather than just a doc which can b very handy as often they try 2 blind u wif medical mumbo-jumbo instead of givin u straight 4ward answers 2 yer questions! lol!

Porridge is a great idea and I love it too! Gonna try that for tomorrow brekkie I think. I love ginger too - thinking ginger tea might be worth a go as it'll be free and hopefully nausea busting! Thanks for the ideas :) x

My problem is that the only thing that seems to get rid at the moment is just literally stuffing myself with carbs. I had a total bread fest today and I feel rubbish for it but I had no nausea all afternoon and most of the evening was fine too! I'm fine with putting on some weight but would rather not put my whole 5.5 stone loss back on lol ;)

That's very lucky with the GP! Mine is Polish and a bit crazy but very straight talking, she's fab :) x
Drat have a gtt test today but forgot to stop eating at 8:30 last night, didnt stop until around 11 oops x
Its gonna be a long morning not even had my first blood test yet, late as usual x

Good luck with your test that was most boring 2 hours of my life!! X
Good luck with your test that was most boring 2 hours of my life!! X

Cant believe i'm drinking 13.5syns of something that i dont like! Oh well the 2 hour wait wil start when i manage to finish it x
Think I've scared myself a wee bit. Went buzzing round like a mad thing doing housework, vacuuming etc then walked briskly on the treadmill for 15 mins. Tried to eat a salad there & just threw up half way through. Really don't feel too good even though I had been OK the last few weeks. Not sure if I've overdone it a bit with all the walking & yoga this week.
Really feel like I need to lie down but I have the wee ones running round, fighting, playing, generally being kids.

Hope the test goes well for you today hun xo

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Lol, I was told today that I should be eating cake & enjoying pregnancy not exercising! That was by a mum at the school gates so not someone I know well.
If you compare this stage of my pregnancy to this stage in my other two I am enjoying this one much better. I'm usually still being very very ill at this point & having major issues with my pelvis but not this time. Maybe its down to a better diet & regular exercise.
Why is it a bad thing that I want to be healthy & not end up majorly overweight with gestational diabetes. Besides the hospital told me off enough for being fat so surely what I'm doing is a good thing.
Believe me I could happily eat a wheat free cake right now but I'm trying to think of the long term rather than blowing a week's syns on a piddly wee bit of wheat free cake.

How's everyone else doing?

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Lol, I was told today that I should be eating cake & enjoying pregnancy not exercising! That was by a mum at the school gates so not someone I know well.
If you compare this stage of my pregnancy to this stage in my other two I am enjoying this one much better. I'm usually still being very very ill at this point & having major issues with my pelvis but not this time. Maybe its down to a better diet & regular exercise.
Why is it a bad thing that I want to be healthy & not end up majorly overweight with gestational diabetes. Besides the hospital told me off enough for being fat so surely what I'm doing is a good thing.
Believe me I could happily eat a wheat free cake right now but I'm trying to think of the long term rather than blowing a week's syns on a piddly wee bit of wheat free cake.

How's everyone else doing?

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Just ignore them hun, you do what you feel best for you and baby. Loads of people think they know it all but its us who suffer afterwards with losing all the weight we have gained and looking after a newborn. Just losing a bit weight has meant that i dont have any pelvic probs either and this pregnancy has been really easy for me but i have started putting on weight at a alarming weight because i just dont have the self control so will have to hang my head in shame and go back to my old group next week. Would have joined today but hubby has a evening shift so no one to look after the kiddies. Maybe getting out of the house will change my low mood too as im like a recluse now always shut up at home unless its to go to nursery to drop and pick up my daughter. Also have a heat rash all over my chest which is so itchy but hurts soooo much! x
Just ignore them hun, you do what you feel best for you and baby. Loads of people think they know it all but its us who suffer afterwards with losing all the weight we have gained and looking after a newborn. Just losing a bit weight has meant that i dont have any pelvic probs either and this pregnancy has been really easy for me but i have started putting on weight at a alarming weight because i just dont have the self control so will have to hang my head in shame and go back to my old group next week. Would have joined today but hubby has a evening shift so no one to look after the kiddies. Maybe getting out of the house will change my low mood too as im like a recluse now always shut up at home unless its to go to nursery to drop and pick up my daughter. Also have a heat rash all over my chest which is so itchy but hurts soooo much! x

Aww hun, I have had really bad anxiety issues for over a year due to IBS but since I've fallen pregnant I've actually been able to leave the house a bit. I hope the rash clears soon!
There's no shame just go back & try to stick to plan from now (if that's what you want) xo

I'm 15 weeks now & have suddenly started getting really really tired mid day to the point I'm dozing on & off with the kids here. Is baby maybe growing & zapping energy from me or could I just be doing a bit more now I'm not so sick? I'm eating loads of fruit & veg so I don't think it's my iron levels. I've still to be seen by my doctors surgery (16 weeks) cause this is my 3rd pregnancy I've had my booking in with the hospital & that's it. By chance I was at hospital for booking in at 8 weeks then I had to go back at 12 weeks for my scan. They did my blood pressure & urine at both. I should only have been there once though. It seems very little to me. After I see my doctor's midwife clinic at 16 weeks I go to the hospital at 20 weeks for my scan then 32 weeks for my injection then 36 weeks to get my section date which will be 39 weeks if they aren't busy. I'm hoping the doctors will check me between 20 weeks & 32 cause that again seems like an awful long time without a check up. If I had the money I'd go private as the level of care is so much better.

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Scrap that, due to the bank holiday I'm not getting seen until I'm 18 weeks pregnant! I think that's ridiculous. That will be the first time my doctor's have seen me. I'll be nearly half way by then.

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Aww hun, I have had really bad anxiety issues for over a year due to IBS but since I've fallen pregnant I've actually been able to leave the house a bit. I hope the rash clears soon!
There's no shame just go back & try to stick to plan from now (if that's what you want) xo

I'm 15 weeks now & have suddenly started getting really really tired mid day to the point I'm dozing on & off with the kids here. Is baby maybe growing & zapping energy from me or could I just be doing a bit more now I'm not so sick? I'm eating loads of fruit & veg so I don't think it's my iron levels. I've still to be seen by my doctors surgery (16 weeks) cause this is my 3rd pregnancy I've had my booking in with the hospital & that's it. By chance I was at hospital for booking in at 8 weeks then I had to go back at 12 weeks for my scan. They did my blood pressure & urine at both. I should only have been there once though. It seems very little to me. After I see my doctor's midwife clinic at 16 weeks I go to the hospital at 20 weeks for my scan then 32 weeks for my injection then 36 weeks to get my section date which will be 39 weeks if they aren't busy. I'm hoping the doctors will check me between 20 weeks & 32 cause that again seems like an awful long time without a check up. If I had the money I'd go private as the level of care is so much better.

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I think the tiredness could be to do with the heat because i just cant keep awake and feel exhausted all the time, today i fell asleep on the floor after getting my son to sleep on his bouncer, lol i just wanted to stretch my back on the floor, if my husband wasnt on his evening shift today my daughter would have missed her nursery! I'm sure there should also be a checkup around 28 weeks with midwife for bloods. I've not seen a doc for this pregnancy just midwife and a consultant and thankfully signed off by consultant so dont need to see her again. As my pregnancies are normal i dont like seeing the midwife a lot because they just panic me for no reason but by the sounds of your pregnancy they should give you more appointments but the care isnt there anymore unfortunately. I do have somewhere how often we should have appointments with doc/midwife so will find that later on if you havent been given that x
I think the tiredness could be to do with the heat because i just cant keep awake and feel exhausted all the time, today i fell asleep on the floor after getting my son to sleep on his bouncer, lol i just wanted to stretch my back on the floor, if my husband wasnt on his evening shift today my daughter would have missed her nursery! I'm sure there should also be a checkup around 28 weeks with midwife for bloods. I've not seen a doc for this pregnancy just midwife and a consultant and thankfully signed off by consultant so dont need to see her again. As my pregnancies are normal i dont like seeing the midwife a lot because they just panic me for no reason but by the sounds of your pregnancy they should give you more appointments but the care isnt there anymore unfortunately. I do have somewhere how often we should have appointments with doc/midwife so will find that later on if you havent been given that x

It take it you live in England...I'm in Northern Ireland so it's freezing! I got a sheet in my file but the hospital crossed most of the dates out & said I don't get seen. I'm not a fan of doctors but it's just a little worrying not to get seen much. I think if I have any worries I'll just go bug the doctor or go straight to the EPU. So far I'mok but they are meant to be monitoring my spd etc x
It take it you live in England...I'm in Northern Ireland so it's freezing! I got a sheet in my file but the hospital crossed most of the dates out & said I don't get seen. I'm not a fan of doctors but it's just a little worrying not to get seen much. I think if I have any worries I'll just go bug the doctor or go straight to the EPU. So far I'mok but they are meant to be monitoring my spd etc x

Doh! it says N.I.on your stats. Keep an eye on your tiredness it could be nothing just baby taking energy or even your other children taking it but if it carries on for more than a couple of days just go and bug that doc like you said x